Desktop Production Scanner: ImageTracDS 1155/1210
ibml's Imagetrac DS 1210 & DS 1155 desktop production scanners come with unmatched intelligence, speed & image quality to reduce operational costs
Preview Text :
Gain control over mailroom chaos. See our intelligent desktop production scanners work:
- Sub-Headline : Why continue to operate within the scanning status quo?
- Paragraph Text : Counter-Intelligence that outsmarts your menaces.
- Banner Image : 372
- Sub-Headline Text : Command the Mailroom.
Image w Icon and Text :
sub_product_image: 385
sub_product_text: ImageTracDS 1155
sub_product_sub_text: Faster (155ppm)
sub_product_image: 387
sub_product_text: ImageTracDS 1210
sub_product_sub_text: Fastest (210ppm)
- Main Product Image : 375
- Sub Product Headline : Plan your attack. Choose your weapon:
- Product Icon Block Headline : Threats surround you
Product Icon Block Paragraph :
How can you defeat all of these mailroom adversaries when your only weapon is an outdated, or even medieval legacy scanner? The hard truth is: if you continue to scan with a low-IQ machine, you can expect low end results.
Product Icon :
product_icon_image: 396
product_icon_text: Missed signatures
product_icon_image: 397
product_icon_text: Incomplete fields
product_icon_image: 398
product_icon_text: Undetected barcodes
product_icon_image: 399
product_icon_text: Sluggish sorting
product_icon_image: 400
product_icon_text: Paper jams
product_icon_image: 401
product_icon_text: Blurry scans
product_icon_image: 402
product_icon_text: Breakdowns
product_icon_image: 403
product_icon_text: Meltdowns
product_icon_image: 404
product_icon_text: Slowdowns
- Product Icon Block BG Image : 406
- Product Videos Headline : Watch Scanner Intelligence in Action
Product Videos Paragraph :
Faster check deposits. Fewer manual processes. Even audit trails are done for you.
Learn how to avoid mailroom self-sabotage, achieve accelerated throughput and more. These quick clips from the ibml Institute of Intelligent Scanning reveal how:
Product Videos :
video_headline: Intelligent Sorting
video_sub_text_1: What is handling costing you?
video_sub_text_2: Stop snail sorting. See where you can decrease labor costs
video_headline: Exception Handling
video_sub_text_1: Handle Exceptions, Before They Handle You.
video_sub_text_2: Catch threats in real-time with intelligent inline decision-making.
video_headline: Intelligent Content-Based Printing for Auditing
video_sub_text_1: Compliance: Are Your Tracks Covered?
video_sub_text_2: Watch how intelligent document recognition simplifies your audit process.
video_headline: Left-Justified Feeding
video_sub_text_1: Get Rid of Center-Feeding Gridlocks
video_sub_text_2: See how left-justified feeding cuts out mind-numbing manual labor.
video_headline: Intelligent Document Detection
video_sub_text_1: Multi-Feed Detection Keeps Your Workflow Moving.
video_sub_text_2: Here's how you can put an end to downstream errors.
video_headline: Throughput / Speed
video_sub_text_1: Speed Up Sorting. Slow Down Costs.
video_sub_text_2: Separate checks and invoices rapidly with the push of a button.
- Product HVA + Icons BG Image : 431
- Product HVA + Icons Headline : Gain Control Over Your Mailroom
Product HVA + Icons Paragraph :
How can you avoid being held captive to simple capture?
You’ll find out in this brochure. Get the know-how to: - Product HVA + Icons CTA Label : Get the Brochure
- Product HVA + Icons HVA Image : 425
Product HVA + Icons :
product_hva_icons_icons: 426
product_hva_icons_icons_text: Accelerate your sorting speed
product_hva_icons_icons: 427
product_hva_icons_icons_text: Automatically out-sort non-compliant documents
product_hva_icons_icons: 428
product_hva_icons_icons_text: End the integration nightmare
product_hva_icons_icons: 429
product_hva_icons_icons_text: Reduce customer turnaround time
product_hva_icons_icons: 430
product_hva_icons_icons_text: Multiply your throughput
- Recommended Industries : 322 324 329 333
- Relevant Products : 34 364
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Brochure
relevant_link_label: Datasheet
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
Preview List :
- Accelerates your sorting
- Reduces turnaround times
- Integrates easily
- Detects exceptions
- Product HVA + Icons CTA File :
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: Scan Away Your Mailroom Menaces
callout_cta_label: Learn More
new_window: 1
Impact your business everywhere from your mailroom to your boardroom.
Divide and conquer all mailroom culprits — invisible or not — by intelligently capturing and meticulously sorting your ceaseless onslaught of documents. It’s all possible with the ibml ImageTracDS 1155 and 1210 production scanners. Always the smartest scanners in the room.
Preview Text :
Document Scanning and Digitization
- Anchors : Array
- Downloadable assets :
Hero :
intro 5058 Smart Scanning Solutions Document Scanning and Digitization
IntelliScan Smart Scanning Solutions
Array Array
Versatile High Volume High Speed Scanning Solutions
Fully-featured, modular, integrable design.
End-to-end delivery and service.
Dependable, cost-effective. -
Product Section :
section_anchor_id: overview
reduce_padding: 1
section_imagetext_alignment: center
section_headline: Overview
section_description:Maximize workflows and achieve your digital transformation goals with the industry leader in production document scanning and processing. Redefining “high-speed,” “high-volume,” “high-capacity,” and “high-resolution,” IntelliScan delivers the most dependable document digitization for multiple applications. Custom-configured for the needs of your business, including the following options:
section_anchor_id: raptor
section_imagetext_alignment: left
section_headline: IntelliScan RAPTOR
section_description:The newest and most versatile scanning platform in the IntelliScan suite, the Raptor enables high-speed, high-fidelity scanning, efficient paper handling, out-sorting flexibility, and more, in a compact, table-top sized machine.
section_cta_label: Learn More
use_media_library_file: 1
section_background_image: 5064
section_image: 5410
hide_section: 1
section_anchor_id: xds
section_imagetext_alignment: right
section_headline: IntelliScan XDS5
section_description:High Speed , High Volume Intelligent Document Scanner with in-line Image Quality Assurance (IQA), multiple document sorting and document tracking capabilities, with touch screen control for operator efficiency and more.
section_cta_label: Learn more
use_media_library_file: 1
section_image: 5148
hide_section: 1
section_anchor_id: trp
section_imagetext_alignment: left
section_headline: IntelliScan TRP5
section_description:For both check and full-page processing at unmatched speeds. Ideal for retail and wholesale payment applications, invoice processing, tax processing, and more.
section_cta_label: Learn more
use_media_library_file: 1
section_background_image: 5091
section_image: 5154
section_anchor_id: usc
section_imagetext_alignment: right
section_headline: IntelliScan USC
section_description:Offering the quickest, cost-effective implementation, along with real-time document identification, inline image quality assurance monitoring, and comprehensive recognition technology for automated sorting and data collection.
section_cta_label: Learn more
use_media_library_file: 1
section_image: 5151
Benefits - 2 Columns :
benefits Explore The Benefits
Industry-leading performance
The IntelliScan suite of scanning and processing solutions utilize precision performance tools and innovative technology to deliver superior output, quality assurance monitoring, error recovery, and auto-color save. Our line of scanners boast some of the best numbers in the business, including:
- Up to 240 PPM/480 DPM speeds.
- 1000+ item auto-feed capacity.
- Optical Resolutions up to 600 DPI.
- Multiple inline recognition technologies.
- Up to 4 total pockets.
IntelliScan solutions are custom-configurable for your precise needs. Our team works with yours to construct your IntelliScan system based on your specifications for speed, capacity, application, etc.
Dedicated Support
IntelliScan technology is developed and maintained exclusively by ibml. Technical and other support is available 24/7/365 through our dedicated call centers, with response times to suit your requirements.
An Essential Tool for Digital Transformation
High-speed scanning plays a foundational role in all digital transformation initiatives. Delivering the most accurate and dependable document digitization for incoming and archival information assets, IntelliScan integrates with a vast array of automation solutions to optimize your workflow and master your digital transformation initiatives.
Multi-industry, multi-application
IntelliScan solutions can be configured to scan and process a full array of business forms and documents, including checks, loan documents, healthcare forms, order fulfillment, and more.
- Sub-Headline :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- CTA Callout Centered Products :
Preview Text :
IntelliScan Smart Scanning Solutions
Versatile High Volume High Speed Scanning Solutions
Fully-featured, modular, integrable design. - Preview List :
- Products - General Page : Array Array Array Array Array Array
High Speed Document Scanner: ImageTrac 6400 (Manufacturing Discont.)
The ImageTrac 6400 is regarded as ibml’s most versatile high speed document scanner for industrial and vertical markets. Learn more with ibml
- Sub-Headline : What makes ibml high volume document scanners different?
Preview Text :
Ultra high speed scanner, with superior document handling, and 4-frames for added intelligence and increased decision time.
- Sub-Headline Text :
- Paragraph Text : Unique capabilities for ultra high volume scanning.
- Banner Image : 468
- Recommended Industries : 322 326 331 333
- Relevant Products : 38 34
- Main Product Image : 1385
- Sub Product Headline :
Main Product Benefits :
- Increased productivity across the entire document capture process
- Business rule job development
- High speed document imaging
- Exceptional image quality
- Reduced document preparation requirements
- Streamlined operations for advanced processing requirements
- Ergonomically enhanced
Main Product Paragraph Text :
Regarded as ibml’s most versatile high volume document scanner, the powerful ImageTrac 6400 provides unique document management solutions and transaction processing benefits for users in a wide range of industrial and vertical markets.
- Product HVA + Icons BG Image : 486
- Product HVA + Icons Headline : Notable features of ImageTrac 6400 include
Product HVA + Icons Paragraph :
The ImageTracDS 6400: Throughput speeds of 286 pages per minute and 429 ppm with the high speed option
- Product HVA + Icons CTA Label : Get the Brochure
- Product HVA + Icons HVA Image :
Product HVA + Icons Features Text :
- Duplex camera imaging
- Mixed document scanning
- Color, greyscale JPEG, Bitonal TIFF
- DynamicTIFF
- Ultrasonic doubles detection
- Multi-feed detection
- Mechanical document skew and detection
- Complex decision and sort capabilities
- User-friendly touch screen control
- Voice Synthesizer Option
- Video Title :
- Video Description :
- Video Share URL :
- Vimeo Share URL :
- Vimeo Title : IBML ImageTrac Series 6000
- Vimeo Description :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Product HVA + Icons CTA File :
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Spec Sheet
- Preview List :
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: Document Retention Services Case Study
callout_cta_label: Learn More
- Vimeo Thumbnail :
ibml’s ImageTrac 6400 Class of document scanners was built from the ground up for users who require sophisticated transaction processing and robust in-line tools for business rules processing and document sorting. Available with up to 21 sort pockets, the ImageTrac 6400 document imaging machines provide unmatched in-line intelligence for rules-based processing, auto batching, pocket water falling, numerous audit trail options and embedded processes that ensure adherence to business rules during scanning. This makes ibml’s ImageTrac 6400 Class high speed scanner perfect for service bureaus or shared services environments with a wide range of workload types and large volumes.
Our superior technology automatically separates documents after scanning and reduces upfront document preparation. Our patented camera technology, and document imaging enhancement capabilities provide the best images possible, improving ICR read rates.
The ImageTrac 6400 Class high volume scanner is enabled with the suite of DocNetics recognition products that provide the flexibility to index documents by reading barcodes, OCR reads, document types and logos from in-line images. The ImageTrac 6400 scanner accompanied with DocNetics can drive significant operational benefits to document capture operations.
High Speed Document Scanner: ImageTrac Lite (Manufacturing Discont.)
The ImageTrac Lite is the most robust high speed document scanner in its class & provides better document feeding & fast turnaround times. Learn more.
- Sub-Headline : This easy-to-use scanner is ideal for archive and other applications.
Preview Text :
Robust, best-in-class document feeding and superior image quality for lower volumes and remote scanning
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Spec Sheet
- Relevant Products :
- Video Title :
- Video Description :
- Video Share URL :
- Vimeo Share URL :
- Vimeo Title : IBML ImageTrac Series 6000
- Vimeo Description :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Sub-Headline Text :
- Paragraph Text : ImageTrac: the category leader in high speed scanning.
- Banner Image : 468
- Preview List :
- Product HVA + Icons BG Image : 486
- Product HVA + Icons Headline : Notable features of ImageTrac-Lite include
Product HVA + Icons Paragraph :
The ImageTrac-Lite: Throughput speeds of 286 pages per minute and 429 ppm with the high speed option
- Product HVA + Icons CTA Label : Get the Brochure
- Product HVA + Icons HVA Image :
Product HVA + Icons Features Text :
- Duplex camera imaging
- Color and grayscale, JPEG, Bitonal TIFF
- DocNetics 1D Barcode
- Ultrasonic doubles detection
- DynamicTIFF
- Mechanical skew detection and correction
- Single High Capacity Full Page Pocket
- User-friendly color touch screen
- Voice Synthesizer Option
- Main Product Image : 967
- Sub Product Headline :
Main Product Paragraph Text :
Compared to other devices in its class, the ImageTrac-Lite is more robust and provides better document feeding, superior image quality and faster turnaround times — all requiring fewer devices and reduced document preparation.
Main Product Benefits :
- Unmatched durability and reliability for its class
- Better ROI/performance than conventional scanners
- Fewer jams/fast jam recovery
- Supports remote scanning initiatives
- Scan intermixed documents
- Improve scanning accuracy
- Use bar code to out-sort separator sheets
- DynamicTIFF™ optimizes image quality for improved recognition rates
- Detect and eliminate double-feeds
- Streamline document audit controls
- Voice Synthesizer Option
- Recommended Industries :
- Product HVA + Icons CTA File :
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: Lending Services Provider Case Study
callout_cta_label: Learn More
- Vimeo Thumbnail :
The ImageTrac-Lite is a proven and reliable document scanner with an unlimited duty cycle and superior document handling. It is especially designed for users interested in reducing their document prep costs, reducing scanning operations, reusing header documents, and having the flexibility to scan all of their documents on a single device. The device is frequently used in environments where the user leverages back-end solutions for content management (ECM), document management, image processing, or intelligent character recognition.
ibml FUSiON – Ultra High Speed Mailroom Scanners
ibml's Fusion Document Scanners provide FADGI-3-Star image quality with in-line intelligence to extract data and sort documents to minimize costs.
- Sub-Headline :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- CTA Callout Centered Products :
- Introduction : ibml Fusion - The Fastest Intelligent High Volume Document Scanner
Feature 1 :
Speed Up to Transform
Harness the game-changing intelligence and unprecedented ultra high speed of the ibml Fusion scanner to transform your organization into a powerhouse of decision-making efficiency.
Feature 2 :
Overcome All Obstacles
Between a rising tide of information, excessive labor costs, and mounting security risks — you’ve got a lot stacked against you.
There’s only one way to get ahead, and that’s with the ibml Fusion.
Feature 3 :
Explore the World's Fastest Scanner
See what makes the ibml Fusion an game-changing innovation for your mailroom.
Click below to watch. -
Small Callout :
Do you own an ibml ImageTrac?
See how it compares to the Fusion
Array -
Section 6 :
Reaching full-scale digital transformation requires a smart strategy to get there. Making the switch to an intelligent, modernized scanner is the ideal first step. Download our free whitepaper, “Uncover Your Mailroom’s True Potential” to discover:
- Where exactly your mailroom is leaking profits
- Ways to consolidate processes and save big
- How to protect against cyberattacks
Section 7 :
Mailroom Scanner Intelligence.
Astonishing Results.Organizations have an unprecedented wave of information coming at them – most of it in paper format. How can you rise above? Accelerated capture intelligence. See how The Fusion Process modernizes mailroom scanning and propels productivity in our free infographic.
Array -
Section 8 :
One Infrastructure.
Endless Benefits.If you’re currently using multiple scanners and laborers to process documents large and small, you’re throwing away revenue. It’s time to speed up, scale down and save big with the ibml Fusion.
Array -
Section 9 :
Don’t Get Stuck in
the Status QuoLegacy systems will be on life support soon, leaving you at risk for cyberattacks, high maintenance costs, and business continuity threats. See how you can prevent EOL support with our free short guide.
Array -
Section 10 :
Reach an Expert
Interested in discovering how the ibml Fusion will radically transform your mailroom?
Schedule a free consultation today! -
Section 11 :
See it in Action
Blazing fast speeds. Astonishing intelligence. Never-before-seen throughput. Watch our demo now to get a sense of what ibml Fusion will bring to your mailroom.
FADGI Callout :
1757 Meet the first FADGI 3-Star compliant
Ultra High Speed ScannerDigitize your content with confidence, uncompromising speed and quality only with ibml FUSiON. Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) has set specific guidelines on image quality. ibml Fusion is the only FADGI 3-Star compliant high-speed scanner on the market. This means that no matter how high the speed is, you’re always guaranteed high-quality images compliant with FADGI 3-star standards.
ibml proudly designs, develops and manufactures our hardware and software in the United States of America. Array -
New Product :
Introducing the New ibml FUSiON 7200!
The perfect scanner for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO’s), Shared Service Centers and Mailrooms needing to digitize large volumes of documents over multiple shifts.
1758 Beat deadlines with processing speeds of 292 pages a minute Intelligence boosting accessories to extract information while scanning Minimize document preparation time with left justified feeding Handle wider variety of documents and easily retrieve them with open track design Highly reliable industrial design -
Downloadable assets :
downloadable_asset_label: Brochure
downloadable_asset_file: Array
downloadable_asset_label: Datasheet
downloadable_asset_file: Array
- Headline : ibml-as-a-service (iaaS)
- Subheadline : Want the latest, but struggling to find the cash?
Description :
Free up your cash flow with ibml-as-a-service – a first-of-its-kind managed services subscription. Now you can harness all of the latest document capture technology without needing to pay for the entire platform upfront.
Icons & Text :
icon: 1836
text: Customize, scale and bundle at no extra cost
icon: 1840
text: Pay-as-you-go quarterly or annual bill
icon: 1839
text: 100% Tax Deductible Investment
icon: 1838
text: 36-72 Month Negotiable Terms with renewal options
icon: 1837
text: $0 extra costs versus buying upfront
- CTA : Learn More
- Use Black Background? : 1
- Icons & Text Rows :
Preview Text :
Faster than anything on the market in its class
- Preview List :
Anchor Links :
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ibml FUSiON (Legacy)
With the new ibml Fusion, every part of the capture process is done smarter from feeding to exception handling to automated sorting. With all of this added intellect, employees are now free to focus on other important tasks.
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Brochure
relevant_link_label: Datasheet
- Sub-Headline :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
Preview Text :
Faster than anything on the market in its class
- Preview List :
Fusion Content Blocks :
fusion_logo: 987
fusion_block_headline: Harness the Power of
fusion_block_description: Ignite the fusion of intelligence and speed with a modern ultra-high-volume scanner that sets the standard when it comes to mailroom acceleration.
fusion_block_description_2: Incoming information continues to explode – and 60% is in an unstructured format – like paper. How will you manage all of it?
True digital transformation.
fusion_block_bg: 988
fusion_block_img: 1149
fusion_block_mobile_img: 997
fusion_logo: 987
fusion_block_headline: Intelligence Unleashed
fusion_block_description: Infuse every process with intelligence. With the ibml Fusion, every part of the capture process is done smarter — from feeding to exception handling to automated sorting. With all of this added intellect, employees are now free to focus on other important tasks.
fusion_block_bg: 991
fusion_block_img: 1151
fusion_block_mobile_img: 998
fusion_logo: 987
fusion_block_headline: Unprecedented Speed
fusion_block_description: Open up the throttle on your mailroom. Experience unmatched speeds and astonishing intermixed document handling capabilities with the only ultra-high-volume scanner designed to handle all your document intensive applications like customer onboarding, loan processing, accounts payable, accounts receivables, lockbox operations, contract management, exam processing, tax processing, balloting and more.
fusion_block_bg: 993
fusion_block_img: 1150
fusion_block_mobile_img: 999
- Fusion 2 Columns BG : 1009
Fusion 2 Columns Headline 1 :
Outperform. -
Fusion 2 Columns Description 1 :
Eliminate the fragments and streamline all of your document processes into one simplified infrastructure to jet actionable data across your business. When you consolidate, you save big on operational costs such as maintenance, labor, and real estate.
- Fusion 2 Columns IMG 1 : 1014
Fusion 2 Columns Headline 2 :
Unstoppable. -
Fusion 2 Columns Description 2 :
Transform and adapt your scanner to match your evolving business needs. With the ability to tailor everything – software, sorting, speed, and more – to your specific needs, there will be nothing left standing between you and groundbreaking success.
- Fusion 2 Columns IMG 2 : 1014
- Design Points Headline : Propel Productivity with Smarter Design
Design Points Description :
Experience optimized usability and improved service accessibility with a sleek, ergonomic body design that’s designed to last decades. Intuitive controls deliver a better operator experience—reducing training and increasing overall productivity.
- Design Points Link :
- Design Points Scanner IMG :
- Design Points IMG 1 :
- Design Points IMG 2 :
- Design Points IMG 3 :
- Design Points Icon :
- Design Points Text 1 : Green LED Status indicators highlight errors for immediate attention
- Design Points Text 2 : Isolated airflow sections keep paper dust from electronics
- Design Points Text 3 : Integrated footrest for operator comfort
- Design Points Line 1 :
- Design Points Line 2 :
- Design Points Line 3 :
- Design Points Link Label : Talk to an expert
Equipped for the Speed of Business :
equipped_for_title: Banking & Financial Services
equipped_for_description: Run checks and invoices together at accelerated speeds. See how ibml Fusion transforms banking.
equipped_for_title: BPOs
equipped_for_description: Consolidate efforts and lower costs by simplifying processes into one omni-powerful infrastructure. See how ibml Fusion future proofs BPOs.
equipped_for_title: Mortgage & Lending
equipped_for_description: Deliver faster mortgage decisions with accelerated speed. See how ibml Fusion advances Mortgage & Lending.
equipped_for_title: Insurance
equipped_for_description: Expedite claims and optimize your efficiency by accelerating your capture strategy. See how ibml Fusion boosts processing for insurance.
equipped_for_title: Federal Government
equipped_for_description: Improve service to constituents by speeding up process cycles. See how ibml Fusion enhances Federal Government.
equipped_for_title: State & Local Government
equipped_for_description: Handle large volumes of documents and data with increased security. See how ibml Fusion meets the challenges of State & Local Government.
equipped_for_title: Healthcare Providers
equipped_for_description: Enhance patient care while streamlining security and compliance. See how ibml Fusion improves decision-making for Healthcare Providers.
equipped_for_title: Healthcare Payers
equipped_for_description: Accelerate and improve payment cycle times with speedier throughput. See how ibml Fusion streamlines Healthcare Payers.
- Equipped for Headline : Equipped for the Speed of Business
- Download Brochure Headline : Master the science of scanning
Download Brochure Description :
What are the obstacles preventing you from reaching true digital transformation?
Learn how intelligent ultra-high-volume scanning helps you onboard paper documents to digital processes and overcome common mailroom challenges in our brochure, “Harness the Power of Fusion”.
- Download Brochure BG IMG : 1131
- Download Brochure CTA Label : Download Brochure
- Do you want to upload a file? : 1
- Download Brochure Link :
- Download Brochure File :
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: Uncover Your Mailroom's True Potential
callout_cta_label: Learn More
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Brochure
ibml FUSiON HD – Ultra High Speed Scanner, Now with Enhance Resolution
Get the industry's fastest High-Speed Scanners with ibml's Fusion HD. Digitize documents quickly and cost-effectively, meeting FADGI 3-star standards.
- Sub-Headline :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- CTA Callout Centered Products :
- Introduction :
- Feature 1 :
- Feature 2 :
- Feature 3 :
Comparison :
Do you own an ibml ImageTrac?
See how it compares to the Fusion HD
Array - Section 6 : Array
Infographic :
Accelerated Intelligence.
Astonishing Results.Organizations have an unprecedented wave of information coming at them – most of it in paper format. How can you rise above? Accelerated capture intelligence. See how The Fusion Process modernizes mailrooms and propels productivity in our free infographic.
Array -
Infographic (2) :
One Infrastructure.
Endless Benefits.If you’re currently using multiple scanners and laborers to process documents large and small, you’re throwing away revenue. It’s time to speed up, scale down and save big with the ibml Fusion HD.
Array -
Guide :
Don’t Get Stuck in
the Status QuoLegacy systems will be on life support soon, leaving you at risk for cyberattacks, high maintenance costs, and business continuity threats. See how you can prevent EOL support with our free short guide.
Array -
Reach an Expert :
Reach an Expert
Interested in discovering how the ibml Fusion HD will radically transform your mailroom?
Schedule a free consultation today! -
Section 11 :
See it in Action
Blazing fast speeds. Astonishing intelligence. Never-before-seen throughput. Watch our demo now to get a sense of what ibml Fusion HD will bring to your mailroom.
FADGI Callout :
1500 Meet the First FADGI 3-Star Compliant
Ultra High Speed ScannerDigitize your content with confidence, uncompromising speed and image quality only with the ibml FUSiON HD. Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) has set specific guidelines on image quality. ibml Fusion is the only FADGI 3-star compliant high-speed scanner on the market, designed with patented hardware and software-based technology. This means no matter how high the speed is, you’re always guaranteed high-quality images compliant with FADGI 3-star standards. Enable operators work more efficiently with an integrated single user experience from ibml Capture Suite. Using the software’s Image Verification module, operators can easily perform periodic quality verification and create audit trails of image quality consistency.
ibml proudly designs, develops and manufactures our hardware and software in the United States of America. Array Array -
Benefits :
FADGI-Compliant Scanners
Incredible Intelligence. Unrivaled Quality. Unbeatable Speeds.
Digitize your high document volumes quickly and cost-effectively while meeting FADGI 3-star image quality standards.
4699 Beat deadlines with processing speeds up to 730 Pages per minute Get the highest image quality at the industry’s fastest speed - 600 DPI at 122ppm Enhance productivity with an intuitive user interface and LED status strip for easy operation and error retrieval Handle a wider variety of documents and easily retrieve them with an open track design Minimize document preparation time with left justified feeding Print audit trails fast with 300 DPI print spray Enjoy greater uptime through an improved industrial design featuring a separated airflow system to protect electronics chambers from dust Sort a variety of document types and sizes instantly post-capture by adding multiple sorting pockets New 600DPI Optical Resolution Camera and FADGI-Compliant Image Verification Module -
Downloadable assets :
downloadable_asset_label: Brochure
downloadable_asset_file: Array
downloadable_asset_label: Datasheet
downloadable_asset_file: Array
- Headline : ibml-as-a-service (iaaS)
- Subheadline : Want the latest, but struggling to find the cash?
Description :
Free up your cash flow with ibml-as-a-service – a first-of-its-kind managed services subscription. Now you can harness all of the latest document capture technology without needing to pay for the entire platform upfront.
Icons & Text :
icon: 1836
text: Customize, scale and bundle at no extra cost
icon: 1840
text: Pay-as-you-go quarterly or annual bill
icon: 1839
text: 100% Tax Deductible Investment
icon: 1838
text: 36-72 Month Negotiable Terms with renewal options
icon: 1837
text: $0 extra costs versus buying upfront
- CTA : Learn More
- Use Black Background? : 1
- Icons & Text Rows :
Preview Text :
Faster than anything on the market in its class
- Preview List :
Anchor Links :
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Fusion HD Hero :
Perfect high-volume document scanning with the ibml FUSiONTM HD
Handle more volume at the industry’s fastest speeds using unparalleled intelligence to both reduce your operational costs and boost capture accuracy.
Array Array -
ROI Calculator Section :
How can a high-volume document scanner save you money?
Try our free ROI calculator now to find out.
Array -
White Paper :
Why Does a High-Speed Scanner Matter?
Reaching full-scale digital transformation requires a smart strategy to get there. Making the switch to an intelligent, modernized scanner is the ideal first step. Download our free whitepaper, “Uncover Your Mailroom’s True Potential” to discover:
- Where exactly your mailroom is leaking profits
- Ways to consolidate processes and save big
- How to protect against cyberattacks
- FAQ's : Frequently Asked Questions Array
Webinar Video Content :
Explore the World's Fastest Scanner
See what makes the ibml Fusion HD a game-changing innovation for your mailroom.
Watch Webinar
Click below to watch. - Testimonial : The ibml FUSiON is significantly better technology than our old iTran scanners. Our lockbox leadership team is confident that the ibml scanners can support the bank’s lockbox business into the future and provide a secure operating environment. Leading Large Regional US Bank Array
Capture Suite :
ibml Capture Suite Robust Data Capture Software for Mission-Critical Applications
Optimize the full strength and intelligence of your scanners with ibml Capture Suite. Robust enough to handle ultra-high-volumes at ultra-high-speeds, while intelligently detecting every detail with astonishing precision.
Array - Form Modal : Unleash the Power of FUSiON HD See the trail-blazing speeds in action. Fill out the form below to unlock and access all of the great resources featured on this page. 8303e1ef-dfb1-4f05-9801-9e90cae4c4cf
Mid-Volume Desktop Scanner: ImageTracDS 1085
ImageTracDS 1085 is an innovative mid-volume desktop scanner offering throughput speeds of up to 85 pages-per-minute. Learn more
Preview Text :
Streamline your capture operations with this powerful mid-volume scanner:
- Flexible Product Content :
- Sub-Headline : Say hello to the ImageTracDS 1085.
- Recommended Industries : 324 333 329 322 526 326 331
- Relevant Products : 38 364 35
- Main Product Image : 447
- Sub Product Headline :
- Product HVA + Icons BG Image : 458
- Product HVA + Icons Headline : ImageTracDS 1085: Enhanced processing from end-to-end
Product HVA + Icons Paragraph :
The ImageTracDS 1085 can operate as a standalone solution, and is compatible with ibml’s full suite of Capture software, including DocNetics, Quality Control, PostScan, Synergetics and Analytics.
- Product HVA + Icons CTA Label : Get the Brochure
- Product HVA + Icons HVA Image : 461
Product HVA + Icons :
product_hva_icons_icons: 726
product_hva_icons_icons_text: Ultrasonic multi-feed detection
product_hva_icons_icons: 727
product_hva_icons_icons_text: Bi-tonal, grayscale or color scanning
product_hva_icons_icons: 728
product_hva_icons_icons_text: JPEG and TIFF file format output
product_hva_icons_icons: 729
product_hva_icons_icons_text: LED light source
- Video Title :
- Video Description :
- Video Share URL :
- Sub-Headline Text :
- Paragraph Text : A first-of-its-kind mid-volume production scanner
- Banner Image : 466
- Vimeo Title : ibml ImageTracDS 1085-HD 1080
- Vimeo Description :
- Vimeo Share URL :
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Brochure
relevant_link_label: Datasheet
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
Preview List :
- Handles mixed sizes
- Offers dual output trays
- Utilizes ultrasonic multi-feed detection
- Product HVA + Icons CTA File :
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: Scan Away Your Mailroom Menaces
callout_cta_label: Learn More
new_window: 1
callout_headline: UAI Case Study
callout_cta_label: Learn More
new_window: 1
- Vimeo Thumbnail :
An innovative mid-volume production desktop scanner, ImageTracDS 1085 offers throughput speeds of up to 85 pages-per-minute, mixed-size document scanning, dual output trays and more. Offering a different approach to tackle your most challenging requirements, ImageTracDS 1085 provides better end-to-end results than any other scanning solution in its class.
Preview Text :
Ultra High Speed Scanner: ImageTrac 6300 (Manufacturing Discont.)
The ImageTrac 6300 class scanner are designed for applications with basic in-line processing needs with 1 or 2 out-sort pockets. Learn more.
- Sub-Headline : The ImageTrac 6300 class scanners provide an efficient document scanning solution
Preview Text :
In-line intelligence, superior document handling, and more speed for optimum batch processing
Relevant Link :
relevant_link_label: Spec Sheet
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Preview List :
- Relevant Products :
- Video Title : IBML ImageTrac Series 6000
- Video Description :
- Video Share URL :
- Vimeo Share URL :
- Vimeo Title : IBML ImageTrac Series 6000
- Vimeo Description :
- Sub-Headline Text :
- Paragraph Text :
- Banner Image : 468
- Product HVA + Icons BG Image : 486
- Product HVA + Icons Headline : Notable features of ImageTrac 6300 include
Product HVA + Icons Paragraph :
The ImageTracDS 6300: Throughput speeds of 286 pages per minute and 429 ppm with the high speed option
- Product HVA + Icons CTA Label : Get the Brochure
- Product HVA + Icons HVA Image :
Product HVA + Icons Features Text :
- Duplex camera imaging
- Mixed document scanning
- Bitonal, grayscale and color scanning
- DynamicTIFF
- Ultrasonic doubles detection
- Multi-feed detection
- Mechanical document detection and de-skew
- Single High Capacity Full Page Pocket
- User-friendly touch screen control
- Main Product Image : 972
- Sub Product Headline :
Main Product Paragraph Text :
The expandable ImageTrac 6300 Class scanners are designed for applications with basic in-line processing needs and are available with either one or two out-sort pockets.
Main Product Benefits :
- Reduced document preparation
- Fewer jams/fast jam recovery
- Increased operator productivity
- Reduced operations expense
- Less downtime/easy maintenance
- Fewer downstream exceptions
- Potential to finish scan work earlier in the day
- Ergonomically enhanced
- Recommended Industries :
- Product HVA + Icons CTA File :
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: DATAMARK Case Study
callout_cta_label: Learn more
callout_cta_file: Array
- Vimeo Thumbnail :
The ImageTrac 6300 Class scanner is ideal for users who want more speed and flexibility than ibml’s ImageTrac-Lite solution provides, as well as in-line intelligence. Like the ImageTrac-Lite, the 6300 Class scanner delivers an unlimited duty cycle, robust design and superior document handling. But ImageTrac 6300 Class users also receive upgrade options, added flexibility and enhanced in-line, rules-based processing. The ImageTrac 6300 Class scanner stands apart in environments requiring reliable, intelligent batch processing.
ibml Capture Suite: ibml’s Document Data Capture Software
Get superior inline intelligence at never-before-seen speeds with the market's fastest, most robust capture software – ibml Capture Suite. Request a demo!- Sub-Headline :
- Recommended Industries :
- Relevant Products :
Preview Text :
Extract mission-critical data for your downstream applications.
Preview List :
- Ingest
- Recognize
- Purify
- Connect
- Manage
- Relevant Link :
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Capture Suite Banner Headline : ibml Capture Suite
- Capture Suite Banner Sub Headline : Overhaul Your Mission-Critical Capture Performance
- Capture Suite Banner IMG : 3779
- Capture Suite Banner BG IMG : 3776
- Software Main Sidebar Headline : Optimize ibml Intelligent Scanners with Capture Suite
Software Main Sidebar Text :
Get the most out of our document recognition software maximizing intelligent automation to:
- Accelerate job setup
- Standardize scanning operations
- Improve operational visibility
- Reduce programming requirements
- Achieve faster ROI
- Software Main Sidebar IMG :
- Software Product Features Headline : Data Capture Software
Software Product Features Description :
Streamline and enhance a smart scanning software that ingests, analyzes, and delivers mission-critical information to your business.
- Software Product Features BG Image :
Software Product Features Item :
synergetics_features_item_title: Handle High Volume with Ease
synergetics_features_description: Standardize your document operations with Capture Suite’s robust software solutions to accelerate the scanning process.
synergetics_features_item_title: Supercharge Efficiency
synergetics_features_description: Reduce document prep and eliminate manual entry with automated intelligence that classifies and sorts.
synergetics_features_item_title: Unbeatable Accuracy
synergetics_features_description: Handle inline exceptions during the scanning process, before they enter downstream systems.
synergetics_features_item_title: Top-Tier Security
synergetics_features_description: Easy compliance and security management with one administrative system.
synergetics_features_item_title: Streamline Costs
synergetics_features_description: Reduce licensing costs and eliminate click charges to lower your total cost of ownership and speed up time to revenue.
- Challenges Column Layout : 2
- Challenges Vertical or Horizontal : hori
Challenges :
challenges_icon: 730
challenges_title: Trouble Handling High Volumes
challenges_description:Valuable information is being delivered to your business, but you can’t extract and analyze the high volume of information fast enough.
challenges_icon: 750
challenges_title: Slow Processes
challenges_description:Incompatible software slows down the information flow and unique document types often require a different process.
challenges_icon: 515
challenges_title: Time-Consuming Exceptions
challenges_description:Other software solutions often don’t enable real-time, inline intelligence, making you wait until the end of the process to handle errors and exceptions.
challenges_icon: 1220
challenges_title: Data Silos
challenges_description:The lack of intelligent document recognition creates information silos, sending you hunting through various systems and applications for critical information.
challenges_icon: 523
challenges_title: High Labor Costs
challenges_description:Between pre- and post-scan document handling, expensive operator labor sends costs soaring.
challenges_icon: 1221
challenges_title: Pay-Per-Click Licensing
challenges_description:Pay-per-click payment models are too costly for high volume document capture and strain corporate budgets.
- How It Works Title : What Powers Capture Suite?
- How It Works Description :
How It Works Item :
how_it_works_item_title: Input
how_it_works_item_description:SoftTrac Scan
Centralize information management and standardize your capture processes.
how_it_works_item_img: 1225
how_it_works_item_title: Recognize
how_it_works_item_description:SoftTrac DocNetics
Recognize content during the scanning process through image analysis and customized business rules.PostScan
Format information and data from any source and deliver it to downstream systems.PostScan DocNetics
Accelerate the transformation of digital images to data with scalable image analysis.Synergetics
Speed turnaround times with automatic document classification and extraction for unstructured documents
how_it_works_item_img: 1224
how_it_works_item_title: Process
how_it_works_item_description:Quality Control
Reduce downstream exceptions by enabling operators to easily review and correct documents and batches.Validation
Protect data quality by validating and repairing information with database lookup and exception routing.
how_it_works_item_img: 1223
how_it_works_item_title: Evaluate
Holistically view your document sorting processing operations to manage efficiency, security, and regulatory compliance
how_it_works_item_img: 1222
- CTA Headline : Download the brochure to learn how Capture Suite…
- CTA Block BG IMG : 1182
- CTA Label : Get the Brochure
- Do you want to upload a file? : 1
- CTA File :
- Open link in new window? : 1
- CTA Headline : Are you ready to integrate Capture Suite into your business?
- CTA Label : Talk to an expert
- Do you want to upload a file? :
- Open link in new window? :
CTA Block Description :
- Centralizes management and control of all your scanners
- Captures any type of paper or digital document
- Reduces document preparation and manual paper handling
- Accelerates information to downstream systems and processes
- Ensures regulatory compliance and optimum data security
CTA Callout Centered Products :
callout_headline: Healthcare Partners Case Study
callout_cta_label: Learn More
callout_headline: DATAMARK Case Study
callout_cta_label: Learn More
- Capture Suite Banner Sub Sub Headline : Capture every type of document with astonishing intelligence and speed
Capture Suite Banner Content :
Sluggish throughput? Pesky errors? Put all that processing chaos in the past. Get superior inline intelligence at never-before-seen speeds with the market’s fastest, most robust capture software – ibml Capture Suite.
Capture Suite Tabs :
Meet the Most Powerful Capture Platform on the Market
Intelligently process at the fastest speeds, while enjoying affordable, unlimited document volumes – with no surprise fees.
Array -
Section Security :
3750 Gain Confidence with Iron‑clad Security
Obtain the highest possible security for your data and documents. Not only is ibml Capture Suite independently tested and verified by Veracode, it’s also certified to help you meet compliance standards of a wide range of regulations – from HIPAA to PCI-DSS to FISMA and more. There’s a reason 80% of the world’s largest mailrooms in Government, Banking, Insurance trust ibml for their mission critical applications.
Array -
FA DGI callout :
1500 Easily Integrate FADGI 3 Star Compliance
Now you can achieve compliance while saving valuable time and money. ibml Capture Suite offers the ability to verify and validate images against standards such as FADGI 3 Star from within the application itself.
Array -
Cloud Capture Section :
Seamlessly Process Unstructured Documents with Cloud Capture
Minimize your cost of capture by easily integrating an advanced capture platform to process only unstructured documents quickly and affordably – right from within the Capture Suite application itself! With ibml Cloud Capture, you get to be in control. You choose the volume, you select the features, and you set the pace.
3765 Array -
Ebook Section :
Discover how the market’s fastest capture software solves mailroom’s biggest challenges
Download the E-book now to see how ibml can help you:
Speed Section :
Robust Intelligence.
Unprecedented Speed.Explore how ibml paves the way for accelerated capture and decision-making, leading you to more agile operations and greater profitability.
3771 Array Array - Modal Asset : Advance Mission Critical Capture with One Powerful Platform
- Capture Suite Banner CTA : Request a demo
- Capture Suite Vimeo ID : 665209849
Your business relies on actionable information. But managing high volume inputs from various sources can be exceptionally difficult.
How can you optimize your processes to tackle an influx of high volume scanning?
By using a comprehensive intelligent solution that optimizes and standardizes your scanning processes.
ibml Data Capture Software provides a robust platform to manage high volume information capture. As a powerful solution it brings not only the best out of ibml scanners, but also other scanners and sources of input.
With Capture Suite, you can automate data extraction using real-time intelligence, capture documents from other sources, and analyze performance to continually improve efficiency and accuracy.
ibml Cloud Capture: ibml’s Document Management & Processing Software – Archive
ibml brings Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Content Services in one scalable SAAS cloud native platform.- Sub-Headline : Powered for the Unpredictable
- Sub-Sub-Headline : Overcome Document Content Management Chaos with Agile Automation
Hero content :
In our fast-paced world, everything’s coming at you a million miles an hour. Data. Sudden peaks. Industry shifts. To overcome market volatility and truly get ahead, you need a way to gain control. Steer your way to higher profitability with ibml Cloud Capture (ICC) – the only agile document management software with automated document processing that powers you to defeat unpredictability.
- Free assets :
Features :
Scalability that Defeats Uncertainty Capture
Consolidate your document capture software and process into one, pre‑integrated platform. Use ICC’s smart AI to automatically classify and extract data from any source.
Array ProcessEliminate the need to perform repetitive tasks and integrate between systems without code. With Smart Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Technology users are freed up to focus on your customer.
Array ManageConnect to your existing content services solution or Capture, Process, Manage within a single unified cloud native document management system when you manage your content on Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Azure.
ArrayCover your entire document lifecycle with an all-in-one, cloud native solution. From document capture to content management, gain full control over your data to speed ahead.
One Unified
Cloud Native Platform Array -
eBook section :
Ignite Your Digital Transformation
Market volatility. Inaccuracies. Tedious manual work. These obstacles don’t stand a chance against unmatched intelligence and speed. Explore how ibml Cloud Capture modernizes your document process in our ebook, “Modernize Your Content Lifecycle: 3 Places to Start”.
Infographic section :
Gain Flexible Control
Are you being misled? Some cloud document management systems hide the truth. Find out for yourself in our infographic, “Are you in control of your content…or is it controlling you?”
Brochure section :
Accelerate Your Content Automation
Capture. Process. Manage. Automate your content processing with one all-encompassing document processing software. Uncover how ibml Cloud Capture unifies your entire document lifecycle in our brochure, “Gain Control to Speed Ahead”.
Final Section :
Finally, You’re in command and ready for anything
ibml Cloud Capture Array - CTA Callout Centered Products :
Navigation Links :
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Video Section :
Regain Control Over
Your Document Lifecycle - eBook section (copy) :
Industries & Solutions
Healthcare Document Management Solutions
IBML healthcare document management software helps capture patient records, automates payment processing, and enhances patient care.- Sub-Headline : Increase profits and enhance patient care through accelerated cycle times
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
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- File Download :
- Industry Title : Healthcare Providers
- Industry Description : Enhance patient care and streamline compliance. Ensure data security and privacy with trusted ibml solutions.
- Preview Text : Increase profits and enhance patient care through accelerated cycle times
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 1446
ibml intelligent capture solutions enable healthcare providers to automate the processing of information to enhance patient care and administrative outcomes. With ibml solutions, usable information is available faster than ever to clinicians and finance staff.
Our solutions support a wide range of applications for healthcare organizations and the business process outsourcers (BPO) who serve them, including medical records management, coding, payer adjudication, remittance processing, explanation of benefits (EOB) processing and Check 21.
ibml solutions capture any paper or electronic health, finance or patient document, including admission forms, insurance cards, health records, clinical notes, lab reports, checks, EOB documents, insurance claims, denial/appeal letters, advanced directives, and reports.
Intelligent Document Processing Solutions for Banking and Financial Services Industries
ibml automates multiple business processes like remittance processing, loan processing & customer onboarding for banks and financial services.- Sub-Headline : Deliver the Speed Your Customers Demand
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
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- File Download :
- Industry Title : Banking and Financial Services
- Industry Description : Elevate customer service and catch exceptions earlier. Transform your business with ibml solutions.
- Preview Text : Enhance service offerings and boost customer service
- Sub-Sub-Headline : With ibml Solutions
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 1461
Banking and financial services are high stakes industries. You generate hundreds of documents per customer, from checks and transaction data to loan applications. You need to process that information to deliver services quickly – while also protecting customer information and complying with ever-changing government regulations. How do you expedite service while safeguarding sensitive data?
Outdated document processing methods won’t cut it. They’re time consuming and error prone, which can have severe financial or compliance consequences. You require a document capture solution that can keep up with customer demands AND meet compliance and security regulations.
Enter ibml’s intelligent capture solutions. When you automate document digitization by extracting all structured and unstructured data, you gain an unbeatable edge.
Not only does ibml provides the world’s most demanding banking and financial services operations – we’re the #1 premier capture solution for bank wholesale lockbox operations.
Intelligent Document Processing Solutions for BPO
ibml's Document Scanning systems & Intelligent Document Processing software for BPO's dramatically reduce operational costs on a pay as you go basis.- Sub-Headline : Increase Margins – Expand Opportunities
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
File Download :
- Industry Title : BPO & Service Providers
- Industry Description : Speed up information availability and increase operating margins. Learn why so many BPO’s trust ibml hardware to help them get ahead.
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
- Open in new window? : 1
- Preview Text : Expand your client base and applications
- Sub-Sub-Headline : With the Most Efficient Capture in the Market
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 3816
As a BPO provider, your clients’ needs are variable – and yours are too. How can you manage all different types of documents, from checks to invoices, and from structured to unstructured forms, without losing speed? And how do you manage it all while scaling quickly to meet unexpected demands?
Your job is to extract data and get it into your clients’ hands quickly – but slow processes interfere with your clients’ businesses. You’re already under constant pressure to reduce spending and legacy image capture solutions cost you big. They are both time and labor intensive, often requiring manual entry, constant operator oversight, and are prone to human error.
Can you really afford errors when providing information to clients’ downstream systems? Of course not. Your customers expect high-quality, error-free information every time. How can you meet those expectations?
Serve your clients at unrivaled speed with the flexible, high-volume information capture capabilities of ibml. Handle everything you receive and more to drive higher profits and widen your potential market – all while saving time and money.
Intelligent Document Processing Solutions for Federal Government
ibml offers FADGI compliant Document Scanning for massive digitization & secure software solutions for tax processing and other processing needs.- Sub-Headline : Drive Digital Transformation with Streamlined Document Capture
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
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- File Download :
- Industry Title : Federal Government
- Industry Description : Consolidate efforts and lower costs. See how ibml helps governments worldwide run more efficiently.
- Preview Text : Enable secure access to critical content
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 1101
Federal government agencies have a unique challenge: they’ve been left behind in the digital era and are struggling to catch up. Meanwhile, workloads increase every year – and so do budget cuts.
You serve a multigenerational public that expects the same speed and service delivered in the private sector, but you have much fewer resources to meet those expectations. Agencies need to undergo a digital transformation, but where do you start?
Further complicating digitization, you’re also tasked to meet higher standards for data security and compliance. This limits your digital options, and often requires rigorous digital and paper trails – slowing down your workflows and frustrating your base.
Besides slow workflows, federal agencies also struggle with high employee turnover – even beyond the mailroom. Outdated technology, limited resources, and low-value work erode employee motivation. And the pressure to meet increasing demands with decreasing budgets overloads federal workers, who often end up leaving for the private sector.
These challenges hold you back from your mission to serve. It seems insurmountable. How can you overcome all of these hurdles?
The first FADGI 3-Star Certified high speed scanner! The Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) sets guidelines to ensure high quality images across Federal agencies.
Intelligent Document Processing Solutions for Healthcare Payers
With ibml's Document Processing automation services, healthcare industry companies enjoy shorter revenue cycles and faster migration to EHR.- Sub-Headline : Gain a competitive advantage through streamlined processes and enhanced controls
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
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- File Download :
- Industry Title : Healthcare Payers
- Industry Description : Accelerate cycle times and lower costs. See how ibml solutions boost service for healthcare payers.
- Preview Text : Accelerate payments and improve records access
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 1066
ibml intelligent capture solutions enable healthcare payers to automate the capture of unstructured data to reduce administrative expenses, accelerate cycle times, enhance customer service, speed audits through improved reporting, and strengthen internal controls and regulatory compliance.
Our solutions support a wide range of applications for healthcare payers, including credentialing, claims processing, appeals and grievances, open enrollment, and provider sales campaigns.
ibml solutions automatically classify, capture and validate any unstructured paper or electronic health, finance or patient document, including paper, faxes, e-mails, web forms, mobile images, application files, credentialing packages, and files in 835, 837, CMS1500, and UB04 format.
Intelligent Document Processing Solutions for Insurance
ibml's Intelligent Document Processing Software and High Volume Document Scanning Systems helps automate document intensive business processes.- Sub-Headline : Deliver outstanding customer service in a highly competitive environment
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
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- File Download :
- Industry Title : Insurance
- Industry Description : Expedite claims and mitigate risks. ibml can help lower the costs of insurance documentation processing, increasing your ROI.
- Preview Text : Speed up claims processing
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 1574
ibml intelligent capture solutions enable insurance carriers and the business process outsourcing providers that serve them to increase profitability, enhance responsiveness to customers, agents and call-center staff, safeguard sensitive information, and better comply with regulatory mandates.
ibml solutions automate the capture, classification, validation, and export of information from any paper or electronic document that arrives via the mail, e-mail, fax, the Internet, or agent location. Insurance carriers and BPOs can process enrollment forms, applications, medical records, pre-authorization forms, credentials, checks, remittance documents, and explanation of benefits documents more efficiently through one capture process and with greater accuracy than ever before.
The functionality and flexibility of ibml capture solutions is ideal for processing claims for medical, dental, prescriptions, workers compensation, auto, life and property. Our solutions also are proven in enrollment, credentialing, records management, premium processing, and customer service.
State & Local Government
ibml's document capture solutions for state government agencies help reduce costs, speed turnaround, streamline compliance and enhance taxpayer service.- Sub-Headline : Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Intelligent Data Capture
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
- Open in new window? :
- File Download :
- Industry Title : State & Local Government
- Industry Description : Serve constituents more effectively with streamlined service. ibml’s solutions are proven to accelerate document processing.
- Preview Text : Improve transparency and enhance public services
- Sub-Sub-Headline :
- Relevant Products :
- Relevant Link :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 1440
Mounds of paper, tedious compliance regulations, and shrinking budgets to manage it all. With more services than ever being administered at the state level, state and local government offices are struggling to keep pace with citizen demands – and complete digital transformation seems unsurmountable.
Citizens now have access to immediate and convenient customer service in the private sector, which leads to increasing dissatisfaction with government public services. They demand digitization, but agencies are struggling to modernize.
On top of this, many government-constituent interactions are still handled through paper forms and hardcopy records, which creates slow turnaround and information processing bottlenecks. How can you overcome these challenges?
Improve citizen service delivery by embracing digital transformation.
With ibml, you’ll accelerate document handling with lightning speed scanning and software solutions. Automating your data extraction allows you to expedite application processes, streamline tax forms, and digitize records for easily accessible information to better serve your mission.
Accounts Payable (AP) Processing
ibml invoice processing solutions automate & streamline your accounts payable process. Our software can improve accuracy and reduce the cost of invoicing.- Sub-Headline : Supercharge Your AP Invoice Processing with Cloud Capture Technology
- Sub-Sub-Headline : Collect. Extract. Validate. Accelerate.
- Background Image :
- Headline :
- CTA Label :
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- Relevant Link :
- Flexible Content : Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array Array
- Preview Text :
- Select Pre Footer Ad : 2949
Processing invoices quickly is crucial – for a myriad of reasons. Angry phone calls, late payment penalties, damaged relationships, and inaccurate payments can all lead to business strife. Even worse, they can put your supply chain at risk, making it difficult to fulfill orders and accurately forecast cash flow.
Why isn’t it easier? Because collecting, processing, and paying invoices is especially challenging when they arrive by all sorts of different delivery channels – including snail mail. And although counterintuitive, e-mailed invoices aren’t much better. They can still get lost, misdelivered, or accidentally deleted. Plus, without the right technology, employees still need manually input invoice data which can lead to costly errors and delays.
With all this tedious manual labor, it’s no surprise that accounts payable staff lack the time to focus on other higher value tasks, such as conducting AP data analysis, optimizing cash flow, or building key supplier relationships.
Automation of Loan Processing
ibml helps process loans faster by classifying & extracting data from documents & identifies missing documents & signatures with AI & RPA technologies.- Sub-Headline : Scale Your Mortgage Operations
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- Preview Text : Acquire more customers with accelerated processes
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- Sub-Sub-Headline : How to Maximize Profits with Intelligent Automation
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The mortgage industry is in constant flux. Between economic changes and new competitors, the market moves quickly – and you’re left struggling to keep up.
You’re being pressured to make more decisions faster than ever before, while still keeping operational costs low. At the same time, you’re also combatting tons of varying document types, slow manual data entry, high processing costs, and shrinking margins. How can you maintain profitability?
There’s now a better way. Make faster, more informed lending decisions with data extraction solutions that improve turnaround time and scales with you – without compromising on compliance or cost.
Customer Onboarding Software
IDP solutions help digitize customer docs, automate data extraction, find missing docs & help reduce time in onboarding, improving acquisition & revenue.-
Sub-Headline :
Accelerate Your Customer
Onboarding with Cloud Capture - Sub-Sub-Headline : Collect. Capture. Integrate. Distribute. Outperform.
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You only get one chance to make a first impression, so why not make it count?
Customer onboarding is a critical factor in customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, many businesses aren’t putting their best foot forward. They’re relying on processes that are slow, complicated, repetitive, and error prone. This leads to delayed time-to-revenue or, worse, angry customers.
Not surprisingly, many potential high-value customers walk away frustrated before their onboarding is even complete. And where do they go? Your competitors.
Forward-thinking businesses know that onboarding needs to be a simple, fast process. Manually processing customer data is inefficient and wasteful. Staff lose hundreds of hours keying/double-keying data, shuffling paper, fixing errors, and chasing down missing information, especially when documents arrive via multiple delivery channels. This not only slows onboarding, it also takes your employees away from higher-value tasks that drive growth.
Sub-Headline :
Accelerate Your Customer
Data Perfection
ibml's IDP solution uses a combination of AI and Human intelligence to perfect data acquisition from challenging unstructured business documents.- Sub-Headline :
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- Header : Array Perfect Data Capture with AI & HI When Data is Mission-Critical, You Can’t Afford to Doubt It Array
Section 1 :
What is bad data costing your organization? With information speeding at businesses in various forms, from various sources, mastering that data is mission-critical.
But even the best automated extraction is fallible. Between exceptions and errors, it’s likely that your data is only 80–95% accurate – and imperfect data can have serious consequences.
Instead of turning to costly and error-prone manual labour, why not use hand-selected industry-best solutions to perfect your business’ data?
ArrayAchieve data perfection with the combined power of ibml and our technology partners.
Section 2 :
Not Having Data Refinery Tools
is Costing You Avoid Bad Data with Data Intelligence Software ArrayThink you get by with imperfect data? Think again. Anything less than perfect data poses a wide range of problems for your organization. From missed business opportunities to compliance fines, here’s what can happen when you ignore your data disparities.
Array -
Section 3 :
Power Your Business with
Data Intelligence Software You Trust AI data cleansing gives you a competitive edge: Array ArrayCombine the best-of-breed capture technologies with high-speed AI data processing and crowd-source manual validation to realize data perfection.Download the white paper “Data Perfection is Possible” and dive deep into the benefits of perfect data.Array - Select Pre Footer Ad :
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Digital Mailroom Solutions
ibml's Digital Mailroom solutions eliminates silos and helps process documents from multiple sources of input on a unified Document Processing platform.-
Sub-Headline :
Reimagine Your Mailroom with
Cloud Capture Technology - Sub-Sub-Headline : Collect. Extract. Validate. Accelerate.
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How you manage incoming information is crucial. When it doesn’t get to the right place, at the right time, your operational efficiency suffers and so does your decision-making. It’s harder to deliver an optimal experience to customers. And your organization’s information governance may be at risk.
Today’s market demands have raised the stakes for getting things right. Decision-makers need information at their fingertips. Enterprise systems rely on complete data. Regulators won’t tolerate incomplete information. And customers expect fast, accurate answers to their questions and decentralized, legacy capture systems won’t solve these challenges. What organizations need is a highly modern digital mailroom that uses intelligent document management software to centralize the capture and management of all incoming content – paper OR electronic.
Sub-Headline :
Reimagine Your Mailroom with
Elections & Balloting Scanners
ibml's Intelligent Document Scanning platform rapidly digitizes incoming mail-in ballots to be processed by tallying software with seamless integration.- Sub-Headline : Ballot Scanners To Speed Results. Satisfy Voters. Secure Outcomes.
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Implementing free and fair elections is critical to the fabric of democracies. Yet many governments grapple with the complexities of maintaining an election process that is fair, safe, accurate, authentic and above all – completed quickly.
While battling these standard issues, governments globally are now being faced with an additional challenge. Health and safety.
FADGI-Compliant Solutions
The only FADGI 3-star compliant high-speed scanner by IBML. Designed with patented tech, making FADGI compliant document workflows fast & easy.- Sub-Headline : What is FADGI?
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As government agencies transition to an increasingly paperless environment, the federal government is tasked to ensure that all preserved files are held to a uniform standard. Thus, the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) was born. FADGI is a common set of technical guidelines, methods, and practices for the proper archival of digitized and born digital documents. See FADGI-Compliant Scanners
Lockbox & Remittance Processing Solutions
Offer comprehensive lockbox payment processing and receivables management to customers with ibml's Remittance & lockbox processing solutions.- Sub-Headline : Expand Your Lockbox Processing with ibml
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- Sub-Sub-Headline : Extract. Accelerate. Outperform.
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To ensure profitable lockbox / remittance processing services for your clients and future-proof your operations, you need to maximize data extraction efficiency while expanding your services. Aging legacy systems can’t capture everything a modern business needs, leaving lockbox providers with high amounts of manual labor.
Mailroom Management Systems
ibml mailroom management software can automate your mailroom and package operations leading to improved productivity & efficiency. Request a demo!- Sub-Headline : In the Mailroom, Efficiency and Accuracy are Your Top Priorities.
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Between sky-high document piles and data bottlenecks, how can you efficiently manage your mailroom scanners to accelerate information delivery?
The way you process information capture at the mailroom level has far-reaching effects. It impacts the core business operations at every level. When documents aren’t in the right place or when information is entered incorrectly, your business suffers.
Where is all your time currently going? To pre- and post-scan handling. To manual entry. To fixing errors. Legacy systems aren’t intelligent and rely heavily on operators to perform anything but the simplest tasks. Why put up with that? Now you can advance your mailroom with smarter scanning.
An intelligent capture solution will deliver lightning speed capture, classification, extraction, validation and delivery. Bring order to information chaos with intelligent scanning and sorting, at lightning-fast speeds – only from ibml.
Return Mail Processing
ibml mail management software has proven return mail processing and business reply processing solutions that can address your specific needs.- Sub-Headline : Cut costs, improve cash flow and enhance customer service
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Every mailer has it: Mail that does not reach its intended recipient because the address is incorrect, incomplete, or illegible. Mailers and the BPOs that serve them frequently have bins full of unopened returned mail (also referred to as Undeliverable as Addressed or UAA mail) clogging their mailroom.
Unopened returned mail is more than an eyesore. It’s also a drag on your bottom line.
Returned mail costs businesses an eye-popping $20 billion a year, according to the United States Postal Service (USPS). A lot of those costs are related to returning, forwarding and destroying returned mail. Many mailers must manually open, extract and reprocess unopened returned mail. But returned mail also negatively impacts productivity, cash flow, sales, and customer service.
ibml can help.
We offer intelligent data capture solutions that automate the capture of incorrect, incomplete or illegible recipient addresses and the upload of the information to the appropriate downstream system.
Here’s how it works: Unopened returned mail is scanned on a desktop or standalone scanner. ibml software automatically converts the recipient address or NIXIE return label to data and/or interprets any 1D, 2D or IMb barcodes present on the envelope. The software then generates a file of addresses for returned mail. An optional database lookup provides the correct recipient address.
Outsourced Services
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Document Scanning Solutions
ibml's ml’s business continuity and disaster recovery scanning services ensure that your information flow continues, regardless of the circumstances. Learn more.- Sub-Headline : Ensure that your information flow is not disrupted
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Organizations cannot afford for their scanning operations to be down.
ibml’s business continuity and disaster recovery services ensure that your information flow continues, regardless of the circumstances.
ibml’s disaster recovery and business continuity services leverage our advanced intelligent data capture software, our category leading high-speed scanning solutions, and our world-class scanning infrastructure and staff.
Document Processing Services
ibml's outsourced document processing services and solutions help you reduce your operational costs and free up valuable resources. Learn more.- Sub-Headline : Reduce operational costs while digitizing content fast
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Managing exploding data and document volumes can be overwhelming. That’s why ibml offers a wide range of outsourced document processing services that help organizations digitize documents and manage information fast and cost-effectively, without the need to deploy a capture solution.
Whether your organization needs help managing seasonal volume fluctuations, converting a paper back-file to digital content, indexing images from a repository, or meeting a tight deadline to deliver scanning services for a client, ibml can tailor an outsourced service to meet your unique needs.
Best of all, our outsourced services leverage our category-leading production scanning solutions, advanced intelligent capture software, and years of worldwide expertise in document automation.
ibml-as-a-service (iaaS)
Achieve your digital transformation initiatives with document scanning equipment and software without the upfront costs. Pay as you go with IaaS.- Sub-Headline : All of the Latest Technology – None of the Upfront Costs
- Sub-Sub-Headline : Transform your Document Capture Strategy
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- FAQ Block Title : Frequently Asked Questions About ibml’s Leasing Program
FAQ Block Description :
Be confident that ibml Leasing is the right strategic move for your business. Here are some questions we often receive about the program, as well as our answers:
FAQ Block Question & Answer :
faq_block_question: Is ibml Leasing right for my business?
faq_block_answer:Generally, all companies can benefit from leasing, especially those that want to:
- Retain flexibility and stay up to date with rapidly moving technology
- Take advantage of one-stop financing of hardware, software and services, plus the convenience of a single monthly payment.
- Update technology periodically, but not tie up cash in depreciating assets.
faq_block_question: Are there benefits to leasing other than financial?
faq_block_answer:Leasing can help expedite equipment and modernization to create a positive impact across your business. Additionally, most lease agreements free business owners from worrying about technology end-of-life disposition issues, including:
- Environmental considerations
- Data security and destruction
- Compliance with ever-changing disposition laws
faq_block_question: What can be included in my ibml lease?
faq_block_answer:All ibml scanners, ibml software and services needed to install, customize, implement and maintain the products can be included in the lease agreement.
faq_block_question: Can this lease be deducted for tax benefits?
faq_block_answer:One hundred percent of ibml leasing payments can be deducted for tax benefits as an operating lease compliant under FASB rules.
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Icons & Text Rows :
icon: 1840
icon_headline: Pay as You Go
icon_description: Access the latest technology with no up front costs
icon: 1836
icon_headline: Outperform with a Technological Advantage
icon_description: Swap out legacy technology for the latest upgrades
icon: 1834
icon_headline: Improve Cash Flow
icon_description: Preserve cash for core growth initiatives while letting your capture platform pay for itself
icon: 1833
icon_headline: Operate Responsibly
icon_description: Outsource environmentally safe disposal of unneeded equipment
icon: 1837
icon_headline: Avoid Hidden Costs
icon_description: Get a fixed fee for equipment, services, and maintenance
Capture technology plays a key role in the success of your digital transformation initiatives—don’t settle on outdated equipment or software in your document scanning operations. Transform your workflows by leveraging expertise from the global leader in intelligent document capture—while controlling costs and efficiency—with ibml-as-a-service.
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Outsourced Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Solutions
Revenue cycle management is more important than ever in today’s ever-changing healthcare market. Learn more about ibml's outsourced RCM.- Sub-Headline : Accelerate cash flow while reducing operational costs
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Revenue cycle management is more critical than ever in today’s fast-changing healthcare market.
That’s why ibml offers an outsourced healthcare revenue cycle management service that helps providers receive, post and reconcile receivables transactions, and manage denials. The service manages all electronic and paper-based payments from patients, insurers and private payers.
Providers can choose from several different capabilities to create a solution that meets their needs.
And you will never pay support costs with our healthcare revenue cycle management service.
Outsourced Medical Banking
ibml's medical banking service automates the receipt, recording, and deposit of any paper-based or electronic healthcare payment. Learn more.- Sub-Headline : Increase fee income while strengthening relationships with healthcare providers
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Healthcare is an extremely lucrative market for banks. ibml’s outsourced medical banking service enables banks to tap into this market without the cost, risk or time of deploying in-house systems.
ibml’s medical banking service automates the receipt, recording, deposit and reconcilement of any paper-based or electronic healthcare payment from patients, insurance companies, and private payers.
The service converts all elements of a healthcare transaction, including paper-based explanation of benefits documents, into a postable 835 electronic format. The service also provides ERA and EFT re-association, mitigating fraud and speeding cash flow. Transactions that are ready for posting are delivered within moments to the healthcare provider’s billing or patient management system (PMS).
All this is available with no support costs to your healthcare clients.
Outsourced Remittance Lockbox and Receivables Processing Services
Ibml outsourced remittance and lockbox processing services help quickly retrieve critical information from paper receivables. Learn more.- Sub-Headline : Accelerate cash flow while reducing receivables costs and inefficiencies
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Receivables are the lifeblood of any business.
Yet many billers – and the bank lockbox providers who serve them – rely on manual or semi-automated remittance processes that cost too much, take too long, and create too many errors.
ibml solves this problem by providing a remittance service that speeds cash flow by providing timely deposits, reporting and automatic updates to AR systems through secure transmissions.
Our outsourced remittance service can be tailored to meet the unique business needs of healthcare organizations, utilities, telecommunications firms, manufacturers and distributors, property managers, government entities, retailers, health clubs, charities, and more!
Private-label opportunities also are available for banks that want to meet the needs of existing clients, or create new revenues, without making significant investments in lockbox processing infrastructure.
Outsourced Services
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- Sub-Sub-Headline : Achieve more with outsourcing
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Use our wide range of outsourced services to digitize your content and more effectively manage information throughout its lifecycle. ibml’s outsourced services are designed to help organizations of any size, in any industry, with any type of document.
A Mastermind for Auditing
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This engaging mastermind for auditing about ibml ImageTracDS, shows you our scanner series. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : A Mastermind for Auditing
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The ibml Institute of INTELLIGENCE SCANNING presents A Mastermind for Auditing. Your scanner probably isn’t smart enough to star in this video. Manual sorting, fun times. Finally, you can detect page content and print based on document type. No more: you’re not my type. Make it easier to trac documents with print streams in real-time, customized to document type, and create physical audit trails.
Stop playing document, hide and seek. It knows you want to look inside to see how it does that. Amazing. It reads minds to? Want to instantly assign an easy to recognize code? Done! That’s better than code red. The ibml ImageTrac DS scanner series, intelligent printing that defies logic.
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Benefits of IDP- Intelligent Document Processing
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- Vimeo Title : Benefits of IDP-Intelligent Document Processing
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The sheer volume of information coming your way every day can be overwhelming. You receive information from many different resources, in a multitude of formats. You need this information for your business systems to enable critical processes.
If the data captured from documents is time consuming and prone to errors, it can cost you time, money, customers, and revenue. Even though you digitize your documents and send them to various stakeholders, these knowledge workers are spending time manually identifying document types and determining the correct business criteria to use to upload the documents.
But there is a better way – ibml Intelligent Document Processing.
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Easy Prep with ibml Left-Justified Feeding
ibml presents Easy Prep with Left-Justified Feeding. Watch how left-justified feeding cuts out mind-numbing manual labor.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : Easy Prep with ibml Left-Justified Feeding
Vimeo Description :
The ibml Institute of INTELLIGENCE SCANNING presents Easy Prep with Left-Justified Feeding. Left justified? That’s unique. Don’t you dread pampering paper. Varying paper size and thickness slow your document prep down. That’s not the same old align. It knows you want to see that again. Yes, this scanner can read minds too. Left justified versus center aligned. Left side prep time wins the faster race. Left sounds right now, doesn’t it? Add a jogger, and you’re on your way to reaching top speeds. That’ll shake up your mailroom. The ibml ImageTrac DS scanner series, left, justified feeding whose accolades are completely justified.
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High Aptitude Exception Handling
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of high aptitude exception handling, shows you how our scanners identify missed signatures, uncheked boxes, handwriting and more. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : High Aptitude Exception Handling
Vimeo Description :
The ibml Institute of INTELLIGENCE SCANNING presents High Aptitude Exception Handling. It’s a cool way to handle exceptions. Incomplete forms equal complaints, plus higher costs. That’s a formula for disaster.
Imagine catching threats early and eliminating time-sucking revenue killers, detecting content in real-time, and sorting out the exceptions. How many customers have you’ve ticked off because of not doing that? It all means faster customer responses, quicker downstream processing of incorrect documents, more revenue, and less operational costs. The ibml ImageTrac DS scanner series, intelligent exception handling without exception.
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High Speed Scanning with a High IQ
The IBM L Institute of intelligence scanning presents high speed scanning with a high IQ. I hope I'm even smart enough to understand this. Now you can feed all types of documents with superior paper handling.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : High Speed Scanning with a High IQ
Vimeo Description :
The ibml Institute of INTELLIGENCE SCANNING presents High Speed Scanning with a High IQ. I hope I’m even smart enough to understand this. Now you can feed all types of documents with superior paper handling. Feed me, feed me. You won’t find a faster sorting desktop scanner. You think anyone can claim that? Not true.
It scans and sorts simultaneously, up to 210 pages per minute. Rated for unlimited documents a day. Sorting at high speed without slowing down? Incredible! Advanced camera technology, photo-quality images, all that too. That kind of quality looks suitable for framing. The ibml ImageTrac DS scanner series, the fastest sorting desktop scanner in its class.
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ibml Corporate Video
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services, data drives your business decisions, watch our brand video, and learn more about our technology. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : ibml Corporate Video 2022
Vimeo Description :
In our fast-paced digital world, customer expectations are growing, while the volume of information coming at you every second is exploding. How can companies get ahead of this rising tide? Smarter digital transformation. ibml brings you game-changing intelligence at the speed of business to overcome these hurdles by allowing you to extract valuable information from your most complex documents.
Now you can make the right decisions at exactly the right time to deliver better, faster, and smarter service that exceeds your customer’s expectations. Through intelligent information capture, ibml is empowering enterprises to outperform and accelerate their operations with the latest science to power mission-critical applications by extracting information from any source of business input. Our relentless ambition to push the limits and innovate comes from our persistent desire to maximize your company’s potential to achieve greatness.
ibml, intelligence at the speed of business.
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ibml FUSiON HD
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Handle more volume at the industry’s fastest speeds using unparalleled intelligence to both reduce your operational costs and boost capture accuracy.
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Handle more volume at the industry’s fastest speeds using unparalleled intelligence to both reduce your operational costs and boost capture accuracy.
ibml Fusion Solutions- Complete Video
The next innovation in capture technology is here. Introducing the ibmlFusion. This video introduces our newest addition to scanners - the ibmlFusion 7200.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : ibml Fusion Solutions Video
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Harness the game-changing intelligence and unprecedented speed of the ibml FUSiON to transform your organization into a powerhouse of decision-making efficiency.
The volume of unstructured information is exploding, and paper processes are a major barrier to streamlined operations in the mailroom and beyond. Today, most mailrooms are using several different devices to scan and properly sort the variety of documents used throughout the business. Several devices require extra real estate, maintenance, and operating costs, on top of pre-scan, manual sorting, which can slow down the mailroom, increase overhead, and reduce the volume of information processed by a business. Current paper to digital processes and the security risks of outdated devices indicate the need to break these barriers. The next innovation in capture technology is here. Introducing ibml Fusion.
Fusion is designed to help you consolidate infrastructure, accelerate processes, and outperform your industry. Fusion is the next step forward in scanning intelligence, designed with users at the forefront. Every area of the scanner has been designed intuitively to improve comfort, access, and daily operation for every user. By increasing visibility, from both ends highlighting interaction points and simplifying controls operators can speed up their workflow, improve efficiency, and reduce training time.
Shifting to one infrastructure for all of your capture needs allows you to radically reduce real estate, labor, and maintenance costs while pushing productivity forward. Discover post-scan lists with advanced sorting capabilities. Faster, more intelligent sorting recognizes and classifies document types, shrinking your share of manual post-scan labor. Accelerate processes in your workflow with faster scanner speed, error, recovery, and automated exception handling. Spotting unfilled, critical fields and incomplete documents in real-time gives you the power to dramatically reduce customer turnaround times. Left, justified, and intermixed document feeding ensures every piece of information gets to its destination over 20% faster. Advanced pre and post-scan options are available to intelligently extract information about each document. 76% of the total cost of scanning is spent on pre and post-scanning processes.
With ibml Fusion, three scanning processes have never been simpler. With feeder back-filling and intuitive feeder controls, your operators stay ahead of the upcoming jobs and reduce machine downtime. Precisely engineered paper tracks and compartmentalized airflow assures the highest level of reliability. In the event of an error, Fusion is designed to have the fastest and most intelligent error recovery system on the market. The all-new led status indicators highlight where a stoppage has occurred. Flashing indicators direct to the operator to the exact location for recovery.
Fusion recognizes and classifies document types, sorting to assigned pockets while being deeply prepared for boxing, shrinking your share of manual post-scan labor costs. With advanced recognition classification and extraction skills, ibml Capture Suite analyzes documents in mind in real time for immediate downstream use so you can take action sooner. Protect your network against threats with the latest operating system, Vericode level four certified secure capture suite software, and role-based user access controls. With powerful, robust, and secure software ibml Fusion stops errors in their tracks and maximizes data handling the tension. Every Fusion is built specifically for your needs. Customize the number of pockets, pocket depth, software information readers, and more with the opportunity to upgrade at any time. Revolutionize your document capture systems, consolidate your infrastructure, accelerate your processes, and outperform your industry with ibml Fusion.
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ibml ImageTrac DS Solutions Video
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of ImageTrac DS solutions , shows you how our intelligent DS scanners works. Watch it today!- Vimeo Share URL :
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- Vimeo Title : ibml ImageTrac DS Solutions Video
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Organizations everywhere are struggling with information chaos. The volume of information entering their systems can be beyond their ability to control, slowing down business processes, driving up costs, and increasing the risk of non-compliance. Any process that includes paper documents can be even more difficult to control and improve, especially if you’re still using scanners that only take pictures and pass the intelligent capture processing down the line to a server.
ibml has once again streamlined this document capture process with the introduction of the first intelligent desktop scanners for mid to high-volume production capture. ibml’s intelligent ImageTrac DS scanners with soft trac capture suite extract data and apply complex business rules right at the scanner. They save time and money while providing the best quality images and data for mid and high-volume capture operations. Let’s take a closer look at the ImageTrac DS scanners. Improving your business operations begins with expediting the document prep process by utilizing a left-justified document feeder.
Document preppers can quickly align standard and intermix-sized documents in the same batch, resulting in reduced overhead time and cost. Once documents are loaded on an ImageTrac DS they are imaged at speeds of up to 210 pages per minute, resulting in faster ingestion to the workflow and enabling users to process more work using fewer scanners. Superior bi-tonal, grayscale, and color imaging technology translates into more accurate data extraction and image archiving. Intelligent data capture options, such as Barcode, OCR, and ICR are available and configured for scan time recognition. This enables the operation to easily audit scanned documents, physically sort selected pages into trays, and reduce click charges incurred by other capture systems. ImageTrac DS Solutions are quickly deployed in production environments requiring only minimal operator training.
ibmls intuitive, soft trac scan software is easily learned by operators. With throughput speeds up to 210 pages per minute and daily duty cycles of up to 200,000 pages per day, the ImageTrac DS scanners perform reliably day in and day out. Images and data captured on the image trac are then processed through ibml’s post-scan capture software workflow, which includes quality control, validation, soft trac synergetics IDR, and other post-scan imaging tools. System administrators can monitor trend report on the end to end capture workflow using soft trac analytics. The purified data and images are sent to the next step, often an ECM system, a financial application, or a business workflow.
Thanks to the ImageTrac DS end-to-end solution, costly post-capture exceptions are greatly reduced. The ImageTrac DS family is an ideal capture solution for a wide range of document-driven applications, including check and remittance processing, healthcare claims processing, tax processing, census, mortgage processing, insurance application processing, and image archival.
These are some of the reasons the ImageTrac DS family is gaining popularity for mid and high-volume production capture operations. Contact an ibml capture expert or one of our partners to learn more about how the ImageTrac DS scanners can streamline your document processing operations and help you to gain control over information chaos.
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ibml ImageTracDS 1210 and ImageTracDS 1155
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of ImageTracDS 1210 and ImageTracDS 1155, shows you how operate Hand feed or auto feed our scanners. Watch it today!- Vimeo Share URL :
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ImageTrac Series 6000
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of ImageTrac Series 6000 shows you how works our Image Trac-Lite Series 6000 intelligent scanning and superior accuracy , done rigth with ibml. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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ImageTrac Solutions
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of ImageTrac Solutions shows you how works document capture process, done rigth with ibml. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Organizations everywhere are struggling with information chaos. The volume of information they receive is often beyond their ability to control. This slows down business processes, drives up costs, and increases the risk of non-compliance. Paper documents can be even more difficult to control, especially if you’re still using scanners that only take pictures and pass the intelligent capture processing down the line to a server.
ibml has once again streamlined this document capture process. Introducing the ImageTrac Series 6,000, the latest intelligent scanning and capture solution from the leader in high-volume information capture. ibml’s intelligent ImageTrac scanner with soft trac capture, suite extracts data and applies complex business rules right at the scanner. It saves time and money while providing the best quality images and data for
high-volume capture operations. Let’s take a closer look at the ImageTrac Series 6,000. Improving your business operation begins with expediting the document prep process by utilizing a left-justified document feeder. Document preppers can quickly align documents of standard and intermixed sizes in the same batch, resulting in reduced overhead time and cost. Once documents are loaded on the ImageTrac they’re imaged at rapid speeds, over 400 pages per minute, resulting in faster ingestion to the workflow and enabling users to process more work using fewer scanners. Superior bi-tonal, grayscale, and color imaging technology translates into more accurate data extraction and image archiving. Intelligent data capture options, such as barcode, MICR, OCR, and ICR can be added and configured for scan time recognition. This enables the operation to easily audit scanned documents, physically sort selected pages into trays, and reduce click charges incurred by other capture systems. ImageTrac Solutions are quickly deployed in production environments, requiring only minimal operator training.
ibml’s intuitive, soft trac scan software is easily learned by operators, and the open trac design makes for much more efficient recovery from stops or jams. With an unlimited duty cycle the ImageTrac performs reliably day in and day out. Images and data captured on the ImageTrac are then processed through ibml’s post-scan capture software workflow, which includes quality control, validation, soft trac synergetics, IDR, and other post-scan imaging tools. System administrators can monitor and report on the end-to-end capture workflow using soft trac analytics. The purified data and images are sent to the next step, often an ECM system, a financial application, or a business workflow.
Thanks to the ImageTrac Solution, costly post-capture exceptions are greatly reduced. The ImageTrac Series 6,000 is an ideal scanning solution for a wide range of document-driven applications, including check and remittance processing, healthcare claims processing, tax processing, census, mortgage processing, insurance application processing, and image archival. These are some of the reasons why the ImageTrac is the global leader among ultra-high-speed scanners. The ImageTrac continues year after year to win the document manager award for the best high-volume scanning platform in the industry. Contact an ibml capture expert or one of our partners to learn more about how the ImageTrac Series 6,000 can streamline your document processing operations and help you to gain control over information chaos.
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✅ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of ImageTrac-Lite, shows you how works our Image Trac-Lite Series 6000 information capture scanner works, done rigth with ibml. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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ImageTracDS 1085
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video ImageTracDS 1085 information capture, shows you how works document capture process, done rigth with ibml. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Intelligent Document Detection
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video: intelligent document detection, shows you how works document detection on our scanners, done rigth with ibml. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The ibml Institute of INTELLIGENCE SCANNING presents Intelligent Document Detection. D tech D tech.
That’s a rare breed. It makes it look so easy first. And from that, each document got scanned. It’s like they RSVP, Oh, now what continue scanning or fix the jam. Even a chiropractor. Couldn’t fix all your usual misalignments. No problem. When you can automatically detect multifidi papers, how intuitive it actually controls stop and go.
Traffic even knows when you’re scanning on envelopes that eliminates a lot of flats. Every page and note is scanned flawlessly. That’s so smart. Even understands the difference between a multi-feed and then the Ibml image trac D S scanners series document detection that keeps down the Springs flow.
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Mensa Level Sorting
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. This video of mensa level sorting, shows you how works intelligent sorting on our scanners, done rigth with ibml. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Vimeo Title : Mensa Level Sorting
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The ibml Institute of INTELLIGENCE SCANNING presents Mensa-Level Sorting. Oh, that’s genius.
Most scanners don’t sort. Your scanner doesn’t, does it? This one sorts it all out for you. I’ll bet your scanner only captures.
Logos are recognized, content is detected, and there’s less post-scan separation. Since when don’t employees have to do that? Let the intelligence, scanners, and machines handle the mundane, repetitive tasks. Save money reusing separators—finally, a cure for your separation anxiety. Reduce costs with intelligence sorting that’s impressively precise. The ibml ImageTrac DS scanner series, intelligent sorting that sorts it all out for you.
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Case Studies
A Self-Funded Banking Automation Project
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A bank holding company with headquarters in West Virginia and over 130 full-service offices originating commercial and consumer loans was challenged to find the best way to capture and centrally store loan documentation files.
Prior to implementing the ibml solution, this company had centrally scanned all of its commercial and consumer loan documents using a low-speed desktop scanning solution originally implemented by a bank that the company acquired.
Their original low-speed scanning solution presented several problems:
- Poor image quality: They had to manually manipulate the settings on their old scanners to ensure optimum image quality for each document type it
processed, including insurance certificates, titles, appraisals, and computer-generated forms. Manually manipulating the scanner settings for different
types of documents resulted in inconsistent image quality. - Slow scanner throughput: Stopping the scanning process to manually manipulate scanner settings took a lot of time. Making matters worse, the
bank’s old scanners were not built to handle a wide range of inter-mixed document types, resulting in frequent jams. The poor performance of the
bank’s old scanners required them to rescan up to 20 percent of its work. - Time-consuming document preparation: Their old desktop scanning solution required the bank to physically sort each document type and manually
generate a “slip sheet” for each document to facilitate loading into the back-end system. When you consider that a single commercial loan file can
encompass 1,000 pages, it’s easy to see how much time and money the bank spent sorting documents and generating single-use slip sheets.
Backed by support from senior management, the company began evaluating alternative image capture solutions. Their research led them to select a scanning and document capture solution that included ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085 high-production desktop scanner and ibml Capture Suite software, including ibml’s Synergetics intelligent capture solution for classifying documents and automatically extracting metadata.
The Solution
ibml stood apart for its ability to deliver a complete solution. An executive of the company said, “ibml has a reputation as being experts in image capture and hard copy paper conversion. What we didn’t know is that they had invested in software and recognition technology. That was a revelation for us. They are more than a hardware company.” ibml’s expertise was critical to the success of the project. “We knew what we wanted to do, but we didn’t know how to do it,” he continued. “ibml brought expertise to the table to help us accomplish our objectives.”The company began by the ibml platform to process paper documents for 15 loan types, including car loans and commercial loans. The size of the loan package varies from 10 pages to a thousand or more, depending on the loan type. The company has since fully converted to the ibml solution.
The Benefits
ibml’s scanning and document capture platform has provided the company with a range of benefits:- 15 percent reduction in staff: The company achieved its anticipated productivity improvements within six months of implementing the ibml
solution. For instance, it’s old scanning solution required an FTE to do nothing but scan consumer loan documents for nine hours each business day. With
the ibml solution, it takes the same individual approximately three hours to scan all of the bank’s consumer, as well as commercial, loan documents.
Additionally, the company reduced the staff required to prep documents and generate slip sheets from 1¾ FTEs to a fraction of an FTE. The ibml scanning
and document solution reduced the time required to prep documents and generate slip sheets from an average of 30 minutes to less than a minute.
ibml’s Synergetics automatically classifies and separates documents from within batches, extracts data elements from various document types, and
routes document images and the extracted data to the bank’s back-end document management repository. - 80 percent faster image capture cycle times: ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085 scanner and Capture Suite software delivers superior image quality regardless
of the document type, eliminating the need for the company to manipulate scanner settings. Additionally, the ImageTracDS 1085 was designed to process
intermixed document types in the same batch, streamlining document prep and virtually eliminating the jams that were common with the bank’s old
scanners. The ImageTracDS 1085’s throughput also enabled the bank to replace five old desktop scanners with two ibml scanners, one for disaster recovery. - Improved data capture: Compared to the bank’s old image system, ibml’s Synergetics captures much more information from each loan file, including
the dollar amount, date, address, and other relevant descriptors. The company uses this information to index the files, providing easier access to stored
documents and data. “The data was always there; but ibml makes it easier to capture and use for our downstream business needs,” said an executive,
noting that the additional information could prove invaluable when examiners review the bank’s loan portfolio. - Reduced paper storage: Lacking confidence in the image quality, completeness and accessibility provided by its old scanning solution, the
company retained virtually all the paper documents that were imaged on its old system to ensure that a usable record could be retrieved. “It was the worst
of both worlds,” the executive recalled. Now with ibml’s imaging system, the company has the confidence to destroy most paper loan documents 60 days
after they have been processed. This frees up space in the banking offices where files were previously stored. - Less wasted paper: The ibml scanning and document capture platform eliminates the need for the company to physically sort document types
and create a single-use slip sheet for every document. On average, the ibml system requires only two slip sheets for an entire lending file. - Improved morale: “The ibml scanning and document capture solution changed the nature of our loan processing jobs from heads-down clerical
positions with repetitive tasks to heads-up information management/knowledge worker positions,” the executive said. “Staff are now focused on value-added functions such as document inspection and quality control.” - Foundation for future initiatives: While lending remains a largely paper based function today, ibml’s Synergetics platform creates a foundation for
future automation. “Synergetics will allow us to process paper and electronic documents from multiple channels. We are now looking at technology to
create commercial loan documents electronically and have them electronically signed to reduce the number of documents we have to print, scan, index and
The company expects to achieve payback on its ibml platform in 2½ to 3 years. The project was “self-funding,” a key consideration with capital so tight for bank automation projects.
The Bottom Line
“ibml’s scanning and document capture platform has enabled the company to reduce its labor costs, streamline operations, accelerate the posting of image items, and ensure that highly usable, high quality images are readily accessible to lenders,” an executive said. “Impressively, ibml helped us improve the efficiency for both our commercial and consumer loans, which have very different workflows.” -
An Intelligent Healthcare Network Case Study
ibml's Intelligent Capture solutions enabled a Healthcare Network to reduce staff and streamline document retrieval. Click to download the study here.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Digital document capture enables an intelligent healthcare network to reduce staff, streamline document retrieval and enhance data security.
Healthcare reform has made improving operational efficiency all the rage in the healthcare industry.
One large healthcare network improved efficiency with an intelligent capture solution from Birmingham, AL-based ibml. The solution has enabled the network to reallocate staff, streamline document retrieval, and better safeguard sensitive provider information in its credentialing area.
The network provides care management for approximately 830,000 patients.
The Situation
The healthcare network receives claims representing between 1,000 pages and 20,000 pages per month.
Most of the Health Care Financial Administration (HCFA) forms that the healthcare network receives are outsourced to a third-party for processing. However, the network processes appeals documents from providers for claims or preauthorization claims. The documents, which typically include medical records charts and can total 600 pages, were extremely labor-intensive.
Before deploying the ibml intelligent capture solution, the healthcare network manually sorted claims into batches of 25 submissions. A desktop scanner created front and rear images of each document in 150 dpi bi-tonal TIFF format. A document control number was then sprayed onto each document by the scanner’s inkjet printer. Once batches were scanned, the images were routed downstream for data entry and indexing. An automated, template-based recognition process attempted to match certain data fields on each submission against a lookup file of member and provider information. If a match could not be completed, users attempted to locate the member and provider information on the image and searched through existing records to manually index the submission. After the necessary data elements were captured, an XML file was created and submitted to for reference and archival.
The healthcare network began investigating alternative capture solutions after learning that its legacy capture platform, and the scanner and operating system on which ran, were being sunset. The company recognized that operating a system with no support created the risk of significant downtime in the event of a system failure. The replacement solution proposed by the provider of the healthcare network’s old solution was “expensive” and “overkill” based on the company’s needs.
In addition to deploying a supported capture solution, the network hoped to: accelerate job setup and document preparation, improve real-time reporting of scanning and capture processes, streamline the re-scanning of single documents, capture metadata during scanning that could be used by downstream applications, and have the ability to view images of documents as they are created.
The Solution
After discovering the ibml capture solution at a conference, the network was confident that the solution could meet its functional needs, while delivering a compelling total cost of ownership.
The healthcare network was especially impressed that it could set business rules for the data it wanted captured from each page, which would enable it to better process the wide range of documents that its various departments receive. ibml’s ability to automatically classify document types also was a selling point.
The healthcare network initially implemented the ibml solution to process rejected submission letters and some HCFA/UB92 forms. The ibml capture solution includes ibml’s ImageTracDS 1150 desktop production scanner and SoftTrac Capture Suite (SCS) software, including Synergetics. SCS centralizes the setup of document scanning and intelligent information capture. Synergetics, a component of SCS, is an intelligent document recognition solution that automatically classifies documents, extracts and validates metadata, and exports information to downstream systems.
Once submissions have been extracted from their envelopes, they are sorted into batches of singles (single-page submissions) and multiples (multi-page submissions). Barcoded patch sheets are inserted to designate the start of a batch and the start of a multi-page document. Batches then are scanned to create a front and rear 300 dpi bi-tonal TIFF image of each document. Each page is sprayed with a document control number by the scanner’s inkjet printer. An image manipulation process then removes hole punches from images, corrects skewed borders, repairs dog-eared pages, removes the blank backside of images, and auto- orients the document images to the correct position.
After the image manipulation process is complete, documents are electronically uploaded to ibml’s SoftTrac Synergetics software where they are sent through various processes to assemble pages and automatically extract data elements required for indexing. Documents are automatically indexed based on patient or member identification number, patient or member name, date of birth, and street address. Extracted data is validated against a database of patient records. Records that cannot be automatically validated are presented to a user for review and manual processing. A free-form fuzzy search tool and matching algorithm present users with records with the highest confidence levels. Upon completion of all documents within a batch, Synergetics exports the information to an archive.
The healthcare network also uses the ImageTracDS 1150 desktop scanner to automatically count the number of pages in batches of HCFA forms that are sent to a third-party organization for processing.
Based on the success of the ibml solution in its claims operation, a few months later the healthcare network extended the solution to its credentialing operation. The company receives up to 3,000 pages per week in its credentialing area. The healthcare network unsuccessfully tried using a low-volume solution to scan its credentialing documents, but it required staff to insert separator sheets between different documents or manually key indexing information for each document. The ibml platform digitizes folders of credentialing documents, classifies different documents and document types, and extracts the key data from the documents required for indexing.
As part of this effort, the healthcare network leased an ultra-high-speed ImageTrac scanner from ibml to digitize its back-file of approximately 400,000 credentialing documents. Other scanning solutions that the healthcare network evaluated were not cost effective, required significant data entry, or could not provide an interface that would handle the volumes required to digitize the back-file in a timely manner. The ibml solution digitized the healthcare network’s back-file in less than 30 days.
Moving forward, the healthcare network is planning to extend its ibml intelligent capture solution to its finance and administration department, and potentially to its membership, human resources, medical records and enrollment areas.
ibml’s intelligent capture solution provided the healthcare network with immediate benefits:
- Labor savings: The ibml solution enabled the network to avoid hiring more staff to support its growing volumes. In fact, some staff has been reallocated to value-added tasks.
- Instant access to information: The healthcare network previously stored some of its documents off-site at a third-party location. This required an employee to drive 50 miles roundtrip every week to retrieve documents for research requests. Authorized users now have instant access to archived document images and related data. Providing online access to information also reduces the burden on credentialing staff to research inquiries. Credentialing staff used to spend a lot of time photocopying documents and sending them to other staff. The intelligent capture solution also eliminates the chances of lost or misplaced documents.
- Space savings: By digitizing its back-file of credentialing documents, the healthcare network freed up a 30-foot by 15-foot storage room that was previously packed with “tall” filing cabinets stuffed with paper documents. Digitizing the back-file also eliminated the need for the healthcare network to move the filing cabinets as part of a planned move to a new facility.
- Enhanced document security: Each credentialing folder includes up to 60 documents, some of which contain the Social Security number, demographicinformation and other sensitive data on the physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. The healthcare network used to manually separate these documents from credentialing files to safeguard private information. ibml’s intelligent capture solution automatically identifies documents that are likely to contain sensitive information and restricts access to authorized users in credentialing.
Healthcare networks are focused on reducing costs, driving operational efficiencies, and digitizing paper. Deploying the ibml intelligent capture solution has enabled one healthcare network to address all of these objectives, while laying a solid foundation for future automation of document-driven business processes across the enterprise.
Automating the Loan Review Process
ibml's production scanners provide high-quality and efficient processing. Click here to read this case study about automating the loan process.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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United Acceptance Inc. (UAI) is a financial organization, founded in 1991, that provides capital and servicing solutions to automobile dealerships that have a “buy here, pay here” operation, finance companies, and independent finance companies. UAI has achieved major labor savings, eliminated a three-month processing backlog, improved corporate decision-making, and positioned itself for growth by automating its loan review process with a scanning and document capture solution from ibml.
The Challenge
UAI processes two types of loans:
- Pre-funded loans: loans that UAI must review for potential purchase
- Post-funded loans: loans that have been purchased
UAI’s process of scanning and manually classifying loan documents created several challenges:
- Burdensome document preparation: UAI’s scanning and document capture solution required operators to insert separator sheets between each document to signify the start of a new document. Each document in a loan package also had to be hand stamped with an account number for manual tracking.
- Slow scanner throughput: The document feeders on UAI’s old scanners held only 100 pages. Scanner throughput ground to a halt as operators refilled the feeders. With the group of packages inside a proposal encompassing more than 1,000 pages, it was not uncommon for scanner operators to have to refill the document feeder multiple times for a single proposal. Making matter worse, UAI’s old scanners jammed “pretty regularly,” Malik said.
- Software processing delays: After documents were scanned, it took up to an hour for the images to make it through UAI’s network and to its documentclassification software. But the delays didn’t end there: it took between four hours and five hours before UAI could output from its document-classification solution to its Microsoft SharePoint application.
- Limited workflow visibility: UAI’s scanning and document capture solution required operators to perform a number of manual steps to determine the status of a document.
- Lost pages: With its old scanning and document capture solution, UAI ran the risk of losing scanned pages in memory if it waited longer than 5 minutes to save the work.
As a result, UAI had an up to 3½ month backlog of pre-funded loans that needed to be processed.
This was the most positive experience UAI has ever had in deploying a new system and hitting a go-live date
Laeeq Malik,
UAI Information Technology Project Manager.It is for these reasons that UAI’s management began a search for alternative solutions. After an exhaustive evaluation, UAI selected a scanning and document capture solution from ibml.
The Solution
After an evaluation of available solutions, UAI selected a solution that includes ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085 scanner and ibml Capture Suite software with Synergetics.
The ImageTracDS 1085 is a mid-volume production scanner that provides high-quality and efficient processing, and reduces document preparation costs, by allowing for the scanning of inter-mixed documents of varying thickness and size in a single pass. The ImageTracDS 1085 is equipped with two sort trays. This makes the device ideal for applications where checks, separator sheets or other sensitive documents must be returned to a customer or that require other special post-scan handling.
Synergetics, part of ibml’s Capture Suite, is designed for organizations that need to handle multi-channel input streams and seek to automate document processing. Synergetics is an intelligent document recognition solution that classifies documents and extracts metadata automatically.
Malik said UAI selected ibml based on its impressive track record with U.S. banks, ibml’s ability to handle high volumes of documents with tremendous accuracy for the U.S. Census, ibml’s compelling video demonstration, and the results of a proof of concept that ibml performed in its Alabama offices.
The ibml solution has had a significant positive impact on UAI’s daily operations.
During the capture process, ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085 captures bi-tonal TIFF and color JPEG images of both the front and back of the documents. Once a batch has completed scanning, it is digitally transferred to ibml’s Synergetics document-classification and meta-data extraction application. Synergetics classifies each document in a loan package and automatically determines whether six critical document types exist within the batch: cover page, retail installment contract (RIC), title, payment history, credit application, and bill of sale. If the six document types are found, the batch proceeds to extraction. If one or more of the document types are not identified, but the system finds a separator sheet noting the document is missing, the batch proceeds to extraction. If a document is not identified and no separator sheet is found, then the batch goes to verification by a UAI knowledge worker.
During extraction, Synergetics reads three fields – account number, first name (and middle name, if present), and last name – using optical character recognition (OCR) technology. The extracted data is used primarily for UAI’s output file naming convention and indexing. After meta-data extraction is complete, PDF files are created from the images and moved to a specific location on UAI’s SharePoint server.
We were particularly impressed with ibml’s straightforward training, the ease-of-use of their system, and their excellent communications and project management.
Laeeq Malik,
UAI Information Technology Project Manager.The Benefits
The ibml solution provided UAI with a number of immediate operational benefits:
- Streamlined document preparation: UAI no longer needs to insert separator sheets between each document. ibml’s Synergetics document-classification solution automatically determines the start of a new document. UAI only needs to insert separator sheets in the event that a certain loan document type is missing (this assists with business rule verification later in the processing workflow). Eliminating the need for separator sheets between each document also reduces the money UAI spends on paper, and eliminates the time spent pulling separator sheets out of scanned packages. Additionally, UAI no longer needs to hand stamp an account number on each document for tracking. ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085 prints the account number on each document in a loan package as part of the scanning process.
- Faster scanning throughput: UAI replaced its four old scanners with two ImageDS 1085 production scanners. Additionally, UAI can now process multiple loan packages co-mingled. ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085 reads a barcode on the cover page of individual loan packages to automatically separate each package into a batch. The cover page is also used to determine the correct account number that should be sprayed on each document in a loan package. Malik added that the ImageTracDS 1085 jams far less frequently than UAI’s old scanners.
- Reduced labor: The ImageTracDS 1085’s throughput enabled UAI to reduce the staff required for scanning from 3 to 4 full-time equivalents (FTEs) per week to 1½ FTE.
- Faster delivery of images to downstream applications: The transfer of images to ibml’s Synergetics is a fraction of what it took with UAI’s scanning and document capture solution.
- Better pricing model: With its old document-classification solution, UAI paid a seat license, as well as a fee every time it surpassed 300,000 pages scanned. Malik said ibml’s pricing model for its web-based solution is a better fit for UAI’s growth. UAI now pays a single license fee, which allows UAI to have multiple people work on batches at the same time.
- No processing backlog: UAI eliminated its backlog within one month of deploying the ibml solution. UAI now scans all of its loan documents within 24 hours of their purchase. Eliminating its backlog has allowed UAI to start scanning approximately 6.3 million pages from legacy accounts.
The ibml solution has worked so well that UAI is planning to scan all of its prefunding documents to allow its underwriting and quality assurance departments to simultaneously access loan documents.
“This will help us make quicker decisions on loans,” Malik explained. UAI may also expand the solution to compare documents for pre-funded and funded loans to help identify discrepancies.
The Bottom Line
“This was the most positive experience UAI has ever had in deploying a new system and hitting a go-live date,” Malik said. “We were particularly impressed with ibml’s straightforward training, the ease-of-use of their system, and their excellent communications and project management.”
Cintas Increases Their Scanning Capacity to Over 500 Million Images Per Year with ibml ImageTrac Capture Solutions
ibml has helped Cintas increase their Scanning Capacity to over 500M images per year. Learn more about our ImageTrac Capture Software today.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Cintas Document Management UK Ltd. is a specialist provider of integrated document management solutions, including archiving, scanning and digitisation and secure document shredding. With 10 sites across the UK and employing over 300 members of staff, Cintas is one of the UK’s leading document management providers. Their clients include NHS trusts, law firms, airlines, engineering firms and government agencies.
At Cintas we find by using the ImageTrac we can deliver the quality of service that our customers expect from a premier supplier and this has resulted in significant business growth. We have been using the ImageTrac for over 7 years now and we are consistently impressed with its quality and the volume of scanning it enables us to undertake.
Jon Joyce,
Managing Director at Cintas.The need for capture capacity
Cintas’ success over recent years brought with it an ever increasing need for scanning capacity, tighter SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and quality demands. They used this significant growth in business as an opportunity to look at how advanced capture technologies could help them not only keep pace with their ever increasing client base, but enhance the service they were able to offer.
As part of this scanning technology review, Cintas evaluated available technology with a focus on achieving the following primary goals:
- Increased volume capacity without increasing labour costs
- Improved flexibility of paper handling to enable a broader range of application capture
- The use of in-line scanner intelligence to reduce business rules based preparation
- Advanced image enhancement to ensure the highest quality images
- A significant overall reduction in the cost per image captured
After a nine month evaluation, Cintas chose ibml’s ImageTrac scanners and SoftTrac capture software as their scanning solution. In addition to speed improvements, the ibml solution brought Cintas other benefits such as having the ability to automate batch processing, the capability to out-sort transaction separator sheets, pre-identify documents for indexing and, where appropriate, extract OCR content as part of the scan process.
SoftTrac brought significant streamlining and business rules to the scanning process as well as providing detailed management information.
Increasing capacity to over half a billion images:
With the initial system implementation proving successful, Cintas committed to the ImageTrac as its preferred scanning platform. Indeed, Cintas now have 12 ImageTrac scanners which are used for around 85% of all their scanning work, which has increased dramatically over the years. Through using ibml scanners Cintas now has the capacity to scan over 500 million images per year. ibml has also provided Cintas with three ibml ImageTrac scanners for a project taking place in the USA this summer.
Cintas is now one of the largest document management providers in the UK, with three high volume, advanced scanning bureaus and continue to grow their geographical coverage and service offerings.
500 Million Images Per Year with ibml ImageTrac
Jon Joyce, Managing Director at Cintas, comments:
“At Cintas we find by using the ImageTrac we can deliver the quality of service that our customers expect from a premier supplier and this has resulted in significant business growth. We have been using the ImageTrac for over 7 years now and we are consistently impressed with its quality and the volume of scanning it enables us to undertake.”
In 2013 ibml continues to provide a strategic technology partnership to Cintas, with the recent introduction the ImageTrac DS desktop scanning technology and capture software components, Quality Assurance and M.I. (Management Information) software options.
Creating Business Value through the Automation of Mail Handling, Order Fulfillment and Remittance Processing
ibml scanners integrated with Humana's back-end data capture system, allowing Humana to seamlessly pass information to accelerate order fulfillment. Click here to read the full case study.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Humana Inc., headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the nation’s largest publicly traded health and supplemental benefits companies, with approximately 14 million medical members. As an international full-service benefits solutions company, Humana offers a wide array of health and supplementary benefit plans for employer groups, government programs and individuals.
Over its history, Humana has consistently seized opportunities to meet changing customer needs. Today, the company is a leader in consumer engagement, providing guidance that leads to lower costs and a better health plan experience throughout its diversified customer portfolio. Among its consumer services, Humana provides mail order pharmaceuticals — the focus of this case study.
The Challenge
Receiving orders for prescriptions through the mail can create processing challenges. At the time of this study, orders were typically comprised of five items, which may include the envelope, an order form, two prescriptions, correspondence, and a check — a tall order for most document scanning solutions. At Humana, mail needed to be counted, opened, scanned and filed by noon each day. Most days, Humana processed an average of 11,000 orders in a six-hour window, with the company receiving mail twice each morning.
Humana’s first attempt at automating the processing of mail orders was a solution that combined automatic mail extraction and scanning in the same step. The problem was the justification for this solution was based on the advertised machine cycle rate, and the actual rate was far slower. What’s more, having mail extraction and scanning together created processing bottlenecks; operators tried to pre-prep orders to increase productivity, but this didn’t solve the problem and created other inefficiencies.
“The obvious solution isn’t always the right one,” Michael Mahar of Humana RightSourceRx, says of the company’s decision to implement an integrated document extraction and scanning solution.
What Humana needed was a more cost-effective solution that could better manage fluctuating volumes, minimize hardware investments for both extraction and scanning, identify documents automatically without relying on separator sheets, and reduce staffing requirements — all while ensuring high customer satisfaction. Complicating matters, Humana had minimal IT resources available and limited floor space for document retention. To accomplish all of this, Humana knew that it needed a solution that would provide more flexible image capture, automatically process checks, make better use of barcodes on the documents, and provide productivity reporting.
FTE savings can justify process improvements, but our business is to satisfy our members. By moving to a solution that combines high-speed mail extraction and high-speed scanning, we have the best of both worlds. We are proof positive that hardware task specialization improves performance.
Michael Mahar,
Humana RightSourceRx.The Solution
Humana found the answer in a solution that split up mail extraction and scanning.
The benefits company selected Agissar as its vendor of choice for automated mail extraction. Humana implemented four Agissar devices, which minimized the company’s hardware investment while maximizing throughput. The devices included integrated productivity reporting software.
For scanning, Humana implemented two ImageTrac high-speed devices from Birmingham, Alabama-based ibml. The ImageTrac includes an open track design and pockets for document sorting. It also features dynamic image enhancement and in-line intelligence to minimize manual tasks. With the ImageTrac scanners, Humana can define documents in a transaction — for instance, automatically detecting envelopes or using MICR or OCR technology to process checks — allowing the company to destroy three-fifths of the paperwork from mail order transactions.
In addition, the ibml scanners are integrated with Humana’s back-end data capture system, allowing the company to seamlessly pass information in a timely manner to accelerate order fulfillment. Humana wanted zero changes to the back-end system processing orders and prescriptions. This meant that ibml had to recreate the output file coming from the integrated extraction and scanning system. The conversion was done seamlessly.
Any documents that can’t be destroyed are stored in a vertical carousel for easy retrieval.
The Results
By implementing a solution that provides high-speed mail extraction and high-speed scanning, Humana now processes up to five times as many orders per hour with one less operations shift and nearly 75 percent fewer full-time equivalents (FTEs). This has been accomplished largely by reducing the amount of manual tasks and paper handling required with its old integrated mail extraction and scanning system.
Humana’s old scanning process required operators to place one document at a time on a transport to be scanned. To distinguish a prescription from other documents that come in the mail, an operator then had to manually trigger a sensor. Moreover, the inherent design of the integrated scanner produced an image that challenged the ability of Humana’s data capture system to read barcodes on order forms and perform optical character recognition on checks; this resulted in more exceptions than anticipated.
“The lesson is to test and verify manufacturer performance claims with live documents,” Mahar says.
With the ImageTrac scanners, operators can process over 12,000 pages (representing 24,000 images) per hour. Humana also achieved its goal of improving on the image quality of its initial solution, in turn, reducing downstream exceptions. The ibml high-speed scanners provide much sharper and clearer images. What’s more, Mahar points out that the ImageTrac scanner has the built-in “smarts” to automatically detect different form types and apply the appropriate logic, in turn, improving downstream processes.
As a result of replacing its in-line mail extraction and scanning solution with Agissar equipment and high-speed scanners from ibml, Humana has achieved significant business benefits while consistently meeting the turnaround expectations of its members. Key benefits include reducing call center staffing requirements, streamlining employee training, achieving better read rates on check data and reducing downstream rejects, automating document sorting, and reducing physical document storage. Additionally, ibml’s in-line document classification has simplified Humana’s scanning jobs.
“Humana is all about ‘Perfect Service.’ We realize that our members have a choice, and the service we offer is critical to our customers’ satisfaction and Humana’s success,” Mahar concludes. “FTE savings can justify process improvements, but our business is to satisfy our members. By moving to a solution that combines high-speed mail extraction and high-speed scanning, we have the best of both worlds. We are proof positive that hardware task specialization improves performance.”
ibml helped DATAMARK, Inc improve its scanning capabilities with image and data capture solutions. To read more about how ibml helped accelerate the delivery of information, click here.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The competition is fierce in the business process outsourcing (BPO) space.
That’s why the benefits that DATAMARK is achieving for a major client with an ibml image and data capture solution are so impressive. The solution has helped DATAMARK reduce its labor requirements by more than 50 percent, accelerate delivery of information downstream, and decrease its overhead.
Founded in 1989, DATAMARK, Inc. is a leading BPO organization headquartered in El Paso, Texas. DATAMARK serves Fortune 500 companies, large enterprises and government agencies from its delivery centers located in the United States, Mexico, and India.
I would choose ibml again in a heartbeat
David Johnson,
DATAMARK Director of Operations.Since 2010, DATAMARK has managed the mailroom in the corporate headquarters of a very large provider of insurance and financial services. DATAMARK is responsible for receiving, opening, sorting and scanning the 3 million to 4 million paper documents the financial services company receives each month from customers, suppliers, and federal and state government agencies. Images and data are routed to the financial services company’s back-end systems for indexing and archival.
DATAMARK initially relied on five legacy scanners in the financial services company’s mailroom. “The scanners were designed for a completely different environment,” recalls DATAMARK Director of Operations David Johnson. The matter came to head when DATAMARK began experiencing technical issues with the aging scanners. Moreover, a major financial restructuring by the scanner manufacturer raised concerns about future long-term support for the scanner and its software.
ibml helped us deliver a qualitative improvement, without sacrificing speed
David Johnson,
DATAMARK Director of Operations.In 2014, DATAMARK began an extensive evaluation for a new image and data capture solution. In order to meet its client’s business requirements, DATAMARK knew the image and data capture solution had to support batch-based processing, create bi-tonal and color images, deliver image quality of up to 300 dots per inch (dpi), and provide the horsepower to effectively manage significant fluctuations in volumes (the client can receive 10 times as much volume on a Monday as on a Wednesday, Johnson explains).
Importantly, DATAMARK also wanted to find a solution that would pay for itself.
After reviewing the technical specifications for a wide range of technologies, DATAMARK decided to field test the ibml ImageTrac 6400 image and data capture solution, as well as a device that combined mail opening, extraction and imaging on a single workstation. During a test in one of DATAMARK’s facilities, it became apparent that the multi-function workstation was not a fit. “It was designed for an operation that would open, extract and scan a particular type of work on the fly. We didn’t have that luxury,” Johnson explains, noting that DATAMARK’s client has five
major lines of business with several hundred sorting categories. “We just don’t know what is in the bulk of the mail.”Johnson said DATAMARK was impressed with the ibml image and data capture solution’s throughput, flexible bi-tonal and color imaging, exceptions image quality, in-line decisioning for ink jet printing, and ability to out-sort documents. DATAMARK also was swayed by the ability of ibml’s Capture Suite (CS) software to adapt to the company’s requirements, rather than insisting that DATAMARK adapt its business process to fit the system. “The flexibility of the CS platform supported our need to change job requirements ‘on the fly.’ We can easily change the scan-job, dpi, resolution, print line, and pocketing.” Additionally, DATAMARK was impressed with the proven track record of ibml’s implementation and support teams.
“It really wasn’t a hard decision,” Johnson says.
DATAMARK implemented the ibml image and data capture solution in July 2015 and migrated all of its work over to the solution by early September of that year. Johnson says the implementation went smoothly.
Few vendors back their solutions as well as ibml
David Johnson,
DATAMARK Director of Operations.The Benefits
DATAMARK has achieved significant benefits since deploying the ibml image and data capture solution:
- More than a 50 percent reduction in labor: Since deploying the ibml image and data capture solution, DATAMARK reduced the headcount in its scanning operation from 18 full-time equivalents (FTEs) to eight FTEs. For starters, DATAMARK was able to reassign three FTEs as a result of replacing its five legacy scanners (each of which required a dedicated operator) with a single ibml ImageTrac 6400 scanning solution. “We now have one person feeding the scanner and performing input functions, and another person boxing the material for storage,” Johnson says. Additionally, the ibml solution reduced by up to one-half the amount of time staff spends on document rescans. And the exceptional paper handling and open-track design of the ImageTrac 6400 has resulted in DATAMARK’s staff spending a lot less time resolving paper jams. “With our legacy scanners, operators had to open the side door, find where the jam occurred, hope the document wasn’t shredded, and refeed the document,” Johnson says.
- Reuse of patch codes: The ibml image and data capture solution enables DATAMARK to automatically out-sort the patch codes it inserts between batches. As a result, DATAMARK is reusing between 50,000 and 100,000 patch codes each month. Orders of new patch code sheets have dropped from 250,000 per month to a 50,000 sheet replacement order every 3-4 months. The replacement order simply replaces patch code sheets that have been worn out through repeated use. “Strictly from an amortization standpoint, the savings from reusing the patch codes is nearly enough to pay for the scanner,” he notes.
- Faster throughput: “Within a few days of us ramping up the ibml solution, the people responsible for the downstream processes on our client’s side asked whether we could slow down the system a little bit,” Johnson recalls. What’s more, by performing image cleanup and barcode recognition in-line during scanning, the ibml solution enabled DATAMARK’s client to turn off those functions in its downstream systems, further accelerating throughput.
- Better image quality: DATAMARK’s financial services client requires that some of its documents be scanned at 300 dpi. Since 300 dpi scanning was not native on DATAMARK’s legacy scanners, the process was extremely slow. After discovering that the ImageTrac 6400 scans documents at 300 dpi with little impact on throughput or the file size, DATAMARK convinced its client to allow DATAMARK to scan all of its documents at 300 dpi. “ibml helped us deliver a qualitative improvement, without sacrificing speed,” Johnson says.
- Easier document retrieval: The ibml image and data capture solution electronically imprints a control number on each document image to make it easier for DATAMARK to locate documents when they need to be physically retrieved from storage. DATAMARK’s legacy image and data capture solution used an ink jet printer to spray a control number on each document before scanning. In some cases, the spray was unreadable, making it difficult to locate the paper documents.
- 100 percent improvement in barcode recognition: Compared to DATAMARK’s legacy scanners, the ibml image and data capture solution captures twice as much data from the barcodes on customer supplied documents. The barcode data may include the document type and the intended recipient. Capturing this data automatically accelerates downstream processes.
One of the reasons that DATAMARK has achieved these impressive benefits is the exceptional support ibml has provided, Johnson says. “Few vendors back their solutions as well as ibml.”
As a result of these benefits, DATAMARK expects to achieve payback on its ibml image and data capture solution within 18 months of implementation – 6 months sooner than the company originally projected.
Johnson notes that ibml has enabled DATAMARK to achieve all of its objectives for the project.
DATAMARK is so impressed with ibml’s ImageTrac 6400 image and data capture solution that it plans to purchase another one to provide back-up for its mailroom processing and to replace aging and less reliable scanning equipment in the financial services company’s cash application department.
“I would choose ibml again in a heartbeat,” Johnson concludes.
Document Retention Services Company
ibml's scanning & document capture technology enabled a document retention company to process millions of dollars on a single platform. Click here to learn how.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The decline of paper documents has caused the market for traditional document retention services to shrink at an alarming rate. But one leading provider of document retention services anticipated this trend and refocused its company five years ago on scanning and document capture services. Since then, the company has grown its scanning and document capture volumes more than 800 percent and expanded its scanning service to six locations across North America, all while improving cycle times, lowering operational costs and increasing its margins. The document retention services company credits its tremendous growth on its decision to standardize on ibml’s software and hardware for scanning and document capture.
The Situation
The document retention services company began offering its clients services to digitize, organize, store and access their critical paper documents.
The company initially deployed “one-off” software and hardware solutions for the few clients that it targeted for its digital services. The projects were profitable, but the “disjointed systems” and “cumbersome and slow desktop scanners” that the company initially employed eroded its thin profit margins. What’s more, each image had to be visually inspected to ensure that it met the company’s quality standards, which was a “significant bottle neck.” And the desktop scanners that the document retention services company initially used required it to hire one or two more operators each time it deployed another scanner.
The Solution
The company discovered ibml’s scanning and document capture solution, it initially was drawn to ibml’s ultra-high-speed processing. But it was the solution’s superior image quality and end-to-end capture software that convinced him it was a better alternative to the company’s legacy systems.
ibml offers a series of intelligent production scanners, ranging from mid-volume desktop models to ultra-high speed scanners. ImageTrac intelligent scanners are installed in the most demanding document imaging, document management, and enterprise content management environments, and are proven to lower costs, speed access to information, and eliminate downstream exceptions.
ibml’s Capture Suite provides a comprehensive end-to-end capture solution.
Its powerful modules enable organizations to scan pages on ibml ImageTrac and TWAIN scanners, automate document classification and metadata extraction during scan time, centralize administration and control, and analyze scanner and operations performance. ibml’s Capture Suite users can more easily integrate scanners into their operations, automate the processing of multi-channel inputs, and standardize their document scanning operations and the information they track.
The document retention services company installed ibml’s ImageTrac-Lite scanner in a Wisconsin facility to process mid-range volumes for several verticals, including finance, education and county and state government. The company initially used the ImageTrac-Lite with its legacy back-end software. The ImageTrac-Lite immediately delivered faster cycle times and superior image quality compared to the company’s existing desktop scanners, enabling the company to eliminate six desktop scanners and reallocate six full-time equivalents (FTEs). The ImageTrac-Lite also accelerated the company’s document processing cycle times by over 30 percent, giving its management team the confidence to more aggressively market digital services.
The next year, the document retention services company acquired a scanning and document capture facility in Los Angeles that used an ImageTrac scanner to process documents primarily for the healthcare industry.
Buoyed by its success with ibml’s scanning solution, the document retention services company purchased an ImageTrac to begin selling imaging services to the oil and gas clients served by its Calgary, Alberta, Canada facility.
As part of the deployment of the ImageTrac in Calgary, the document retention services company began standardizing on ibml’s Capture Suite software for postscan processing. The company’s oil and gas clients also had stringent Service Level Agreements for throughput. To meet these demands, ibml carefully documented the requirements, and spent several weeks on-site during implementation to help the company reengineer its processes.
The company also uses four ibml ImageTrac scanners in a client site in Oklahoma City, to scan documents for the biggest energy company in the state. Ninety full-time employees of the document retention services company scan documents across two shifts in an effort to empty a 100,000-square foot facility the client wants to use as offices. The company initially rented the ImageTrac scanners in Oklahoma City from ibml. The company purchased the scanners once it established the long-term return on investment and was sure that its client was satisfied.
The company also uses an ImageTrac in its Denver facility to process documents for an oil and gas client.
Most recently, the document retention services company deployed ibml’s ImageTracDS high-production desktop scanner in its Toronto site to process documents for a municipal pension fund.
ibml Capture Suite
Standardizing on ibml’s Capture Suite has made the document retention services company more cost-competitive. The company’s old capture software required a hefty upfront license fee, a “click charge” for each document processed, and a large annual maintenance fee. The license fee for ibml’s Capture Suite is 40 percent lower compared to the company’s old capture software, ibml’s Capture Suite requires no “click charges” for processed documents, and Capture Suite’s annual maintenance fee is 35 percent lower compared to the company’s old capture software.
Additionally, the quality control module for the Capture Suite is three times as fast as the company’s old post-scan processing software.
ibml’s Capture Suite is also easier for new employees to learn compared to the company’s legacy post-scan processing software.
Using a single scanning and document capture platform across its sites also speeds the time it takes new employees to become proficient with the system, allows for crosstraining, reduces maintenance costs, and makes it easier for the company’s staff to become experts on the system to reduce support calls.
The document retention services company says its partnership with ibml has been key to its growth. ibml’s scanning and document capture technology has helped the company win “many” scanning projects, and enabled the company to process tens of millions of dollars from start-to-finish on a single platform. ibml also has allowed the company to meet tight client deadlines. In one case, ibml delivered an ImageTrac scanner from Birmingham in just a few days.
How Alaska National Insurance Company Gained a Competitive Advantage with Advanced Data Capture
Alaska National Insurance Company is overcoming these information management challenges with an intelligent data capture solution from Birmingham, AL-based ibml. The ibml solution has helped the insurer improve staff productivity, reduce cycle times and eliminate a backlog of documents.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Insurers, like businesses in other industries, are challenged with skyrocketing volumes of documents and data, a growing number of ways that information enters the organization, increasing demands for faster access to information, and heightened data protection and regulatory compliance pressures.
Alaska National Insurance Company is overcoming these information management challenges with an intelligent data capture solution from Birmingham, AL-based ibml. The ibml solution has helped the insurer improve staff productivity, reduce cycle times and eliminate a backlog of documents.
The Situation
Founded in 1980, Alaska National Insurance Company is a regional commercial insurer licensed in 26 states with offices stretching from Alaska to Southern California and as far east as Boise, Idaho. Alaska National Insurance Company was recently purchased by a larger Arizona-based insurer.Alaska National Insurance Company primarily focuses on workers’ compensation insurance. But it also offers property and casualty insurance coverage, including auto and fleet safety management.
The insurer’s back-office operations are divided into departments for underwriting, claims and loss control. “Over the past few years, we have begun replacing our legacy systems, to modernize our operations,” said Dave Harrington, vice president of operations and project management for Alaska National Insurance Company. Most recently, the insurer replaced its claims processing system.
As part of its modernization efforts, Alaska National Insurance Company evaluated its existing policies and procedures. That’s when it uncovered inefficiencies in the way it handled its mail.
“We receive a lot of mail,” Harrington said. This is especially true for the insurer’s claims business, where it receives documents such as medical records, legal documents and first reports of injury.
The Challenge
The insurer previously provided each claim adjuster and their assistant with a desktop scanner that they used to scan the thousands of claims documents the insurer received each day. Claim adjusters or their assistant would open the mail, fold the documents flat, remove any staples, and scan the documents into Alaska National Insurance Company’s legacy enterprise content management (ECM) system, where the document image was manually indexed based on the claim number. If the claim number was missing from the document, the claim adjuster or their assistant had to look it up in the insurer’s claims system based on other information – an extremely time-consuming process.Moreover, the insurer had 75 desktop scanners deployed across its back-office operations.
“We knew there had to be a better way to handle these documents,” Harrington said.
Processing mail consumed 1-½ hours of the typical claim adjuster’s day. That’s on top of the two hours that the assistant to each claim adjuster spent processing mail and the time that two mailroom clerks spent pre-sorting the mail. The insurer wanted to free its claim adjusters from the drudgery of manually scanning and indexing documents. “Claim Adjusters are intelligence workers whose time is very valuable,” Harrington said.“Processing mail is the last thing that they should be doing.”
The Solution
Alaska National Insurance Company found a solution to its claims processing burden in another part of its business. The insurer had successfully deployed an intelligent data capture software solution from ibml in its underwriting department, that could capture semi-structured data, as part of what Harrington described as a research and development project. Harrington was confident that the ibml software could also process paper claims. “ibml’s scanners are great. But what drove us to ibml is that its intelligent data capture engine was more technologically advanced than other solutions on the market,” Harrington said.Unlike other solutions that the insurer evaluated, ibml’s was built around technology, not manpower. Some of the capture solutions that the insurer evaluated offered an attractive front end but relied on people at overseas locations to manually key the data from images. “Relying on offshore resources wasn’t where we wanted to be long-term, for automation or security reasons,” Harrington said.
The insurer’s confidence that ibml would provide strong customer service also was a consideration.
The deployment of the ibml software was easy and only took about two months, Harrington said.
Alaska National Insurance Company initially deployed the ibml solution in its Boise, Idaho, operations, to process claims for all its offices across the lower 48 states. The insurer quickly decided that it also wanted to deploy the software in its Anchorage, Alaska, operations.
The insurer’s staff quickly embraced the new software. “Our claim adjusters like that document images show up in their queue and they no longer need to scan and index the mail,” Harrington said.
The Results
The ibml solution began delivering cost savings to the insurer within weeks of its deployment.There are several tangible benefits that the insurer has achieved with the ibml solution:
- Improved staff productivity: The insurer saved hundreds of hours of employee time per week by eliminating the need to manually pre-sort the mail and scan and index claims. Automating menial manual activities with the ibml data capture solution has freed claim adjusters and their assistants to focus more time on the knowledge-driven tasks they were hired to perform. The time the ibml solution saved the insurer in its claims process easily offset the cost of later purchasing four ibml ultra-high-speed intelligent scanners and setting up several scan-jobs.
- Faster scanning turnaround: As part of the modernization of its claims processing, the insurer replaced 70 of the desktop devices that it previously used to scan documents with four ultra-high-speed intelligent document scanners from ibml. The insurer deployed two ibml scanners in both its Boise and Anchorage operations centers. “We went from scanning a couple of pages a minute to scanning hundreds of pages per minute,” Harrington said. Replacing its slow desktop scanners with ibml production scanners enabled the insurer to accelerate its scanning turnaround, reduce its equipment maintenance burden, and streamline its operations by designating a few individuals to become experts on the ibml device, instead of having every claim adjuster and their assistant operating a scanner. Not having to replace 70 desktop scanners every few years also will save the insurer tens of thousands of dollars.
- No more backlog: The insurer’s claim adjusters and their assistants used to have stacks of mail piled on their desks. “They were busy doing other things and would get to it later,” Harrington said. The insurer’s claims backlog opened the door to customer service issues and regulatory headaches. For instance, California law provides insurers with five days to respond to a Request for Authorization (RFA), a request from a medical practitioner to perform a procedure. Insurers that don’t respond to an RFA in time accept responsibility for the procedure, even in cases where the patient isn’t a policyholder of the insurance company. Complicating matters, an RFA can be embedded within a large set of documents. “There’s no telling when an RFA buried within a pile of documents on an assistant’s desk will become visible. We’ve had that bite us several times,” he said. The insurer now uses the ibml solution to search for RFAs during scan-time. Any RFAs the solution finds are automatically out sorted and processed in an expedited manner, eliminating the chance that it will get stuck in a pile of papers on someone’s desk. The insurer has not missed an RFA response deadline since deploying the ibml solution, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Based on its success using the ibml intelligent data capture solution for processing claims, Alaska National Insurance Company began looking for opportunities to use the solution to support business applications across the organization. For example, the insurer’s accounting department uses the solution to scan the checks it receives. In all, Alaska National Insurance Company has 18 different scan-jobs set up on the ibml solution. “Every department in the organization is using the solution in some capacity,” Harrington said, noting that the solution is an “information hub” for the insurer.
“Our experience with ibml started as a research and development project, it grew into a claims processing project, and now it has evolved into a full production system,” Harrington commented. “We consider the ibml solution to be on the same level as our core systems for claims, policies and loss-control. And the ibml solution is a lot cheaper than those other systems,” Harrington added.“We look forward to continuing our partnership with ibml,” Harrington concluded
Illinois National Bank Reduces Costs, Achieves a Competitive Advantage with ibml Scanning and Document Capture Solution
With the help of ibml's document scanning and capture solutions, the Illinois National Bank Reduces Costs. Learn more about this today.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Lockbox processing remains a lucrative business for financial institutions, representing billions of dollars annually in fees and interest income, plus revenues from ancillary bank treasury services. It also is a critical differentiator in a financial institution’s ability to win and retain corporate clients.
For years, the lockbox market has been dominated by large financial institutions who have flexed their financial might to invest in the infrastructure necessary to meet the needs of corporate clients.
But Illinois National Bank, an 11-branch institution based in Springfield, Ill., is using a scanning and document capture solution from ibml to level the playing field against its larger competitors, some of whom are among the top U.S. banks, and one of which has a processing facility in the same town.
Since deploying the ibml scanning and document capture solution, Illinois National Bank has reduced its full-page scanning and processing costs, won new business in the lucrative healthcare and government markets, and grown its scanning and data capture revenues from existing customers. Illinois National Bank is using two ImageTrac high-speed scanners powered by ibml’s Capture Suite software. The bank keeps a third ImageTrac scanner at its disaster recovery site.
We had more work than the workstations could efficiently handle.
Brian Payne,
senior vice president of operations for privately held Illinois National BankThe Situation
Illinois National Bank processes wholesale (business-to-business) and retail (consumer-to-business) lockbox transactions on behalf of corporate, financial, government, healthcare, legal and higher education organizations. Not surprisingly, the bank processes documents of varying size, weight, thickness, and type.
Before deploying the ibml scanning and capture solution, Illinois National Bank processed full page lockbox transactions on two standalone workstations that combine mail extraction and document scanning.
“We were getting choked,” recalled Brian Payne, senior vice president of operations for privately held Illinois National Bank. “We had more work than the workstations could efficiently handle.”The root of the problem was a requirement by several of the bank’s customers for their documents to be sorted before scanning based on a variety of business rules. One of the bank’s largest lockbox customers requires documents to be pre-sorted based on 11 business rules, such as the presence of a check. In some cases, the bank must perform a pre-edit routine to qualify a document for scanning.
Illinois National Bank’s mail extraction and scanning workstations were ill-suited for pre-sorting. “Making a lot of sorting decisions on our old workstations significantly impacted our productivity,” Payne said, noting that the workstations were idle while operators made pre-sort decisions. The tipping point came when the bank signed several new lockbox customers that required full-page scanning. “We determined that we would need 15 to 20 more of old our workstations to support the volume. We had to decide whether we were going to fill a room with workstations that would sit idle most of the time, or purchase one high-speed capture device and stage the work before scanning.”
The Solution
IIllinois National Bank purchased an ibml capture solution consisting of ImageTrac scanners and ibml’s Capture Suite. “ibml offered the most affordable solution that we evaluated,” Payne said, crediting the ability to pre-stage work before scanning for a significant part of the cost savings.
Illinois National Bank also was impressed by the ease of configuring scanning jobs using ibml’s software and the ImageTrac’s flexibility in processing and sorting a wide variety of document types.
Another selling point was that ibml manufactures the ImageTrac in the United States (Birmingham, Ala.), which the bank believed would help make spare parts and service more readily available.
The bank began production with the solution less than a week after delivery. Payne was particularly impressed with the pre-planning and coordination by ibml’s project coordinator. “ibml’s installation and training was better organized than most IT solutions we have implemented,” Payne said, adding that ibml’s onsite acceptance testing enabled the bank to verify that the solution functioned properly.
The ibml scanning and document capture solution also integrated easily with the bank’s existing systems. For instance, ibml’s PostScan software enables Illinois National Bank to export images and data in a file format specified by the bank to backend systems for further processing.
Illinois National Bank’s staff also found the ibml solution easy to operate. “ibml’s solution doesn’t require a lot of upfront training,” Payne said. This enables the bank to cost-effectively manage the peak volumes of a couple of large government processing contracts. “During tax season, we are busting at the seams with work. The ImageTrac is so easy to use that we allow temporary staff members to run it. We could never allow temporary staff to operate our old mail extraction and document scanning workstations.”
The ImageTrac’s open-track design and accessible modules also make it easy for operators to clear any jams, Payne added. And the scanner’s drop-feeder allows operators to quickly re-scan items.
One year later, the bank purchased another ImageTrac to support its growing volume. Recently, the bank purchased a third ImageTrac and moved one its older devices to the bank’s disaster recovery site.
Our full-page scanning business would not have been as successful without ibml
Brian Payne,
senior vice president of operations for privately held Illinois National BankThe Benefits
“ibml delivered immediate cost savings, lowering our cost for full-page scanning,” Payne said.
Payne said that it is more cost-effective to stage work and scan it on a single device than to make decisions on a mail extraction and scanning workstation. “It’s a more efficient use of equipment, and the people required to open and stage work are on a different pay scale than a workstation operator. There’s no way our old workstations could have supported our current page scanning volumes.”
End-to-end, the ibml solution also provides faster turnaround than the bank’s old workstations.
The ibml solution is also opening the door to lucrative new business for the bank. “Without the ibml solution, we wouldn’t be as competitive in the full-page scanning business – and with check volumes declining, that’s the future of lockbox processing,” Payne said. In one case, a demonstration of Illinois National Bank’s ibml solution convinced a state agency that the bank could meet its processing requirements.
“Ordinarily, prospects almost immediately dismiss bank lockbox providers of our asset size,” Payne said. “But the ibml solution puts us on equal footing with large banks. It provides a ‘wow factor.'”
Payne said the ImageTrac is especially ideal for processing explanation of benefits (EOB) documents on behalf of healthcare providers. Illinois National Bank currently provides its healthcare clients with images of EOBs for reconciliation. The bank also indexes EOBs by provider name. “The ibml solution has helped us win new healthcare clients and deepen our relationship with existing clients.”
The Bottom Line
“The ibml solution enables Illinois National Bank to provide its new and existing customers with a flexible and cost-effective scanning and data capture service. This has helped make our bank more competitive in the lockbox market, even against the largest financial institutions,” Payne said.
“Our full-page scanning business would not have been as successful without ibml,” Payne concluded.
INTRUST Reduces Costs and Enhances Service with ibml Solution
Learn how INTRUST, a regional Midwestern bank turned to ibml for its intelligent data capture software to reduce costs, enhance customer service, and more.-
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Declining check volumes and ever-increasing customer demands for remittance data capture have made succeeding in the lockbox processing business harder than ever, particularly for small banks.
But INTRUST, a regional Midwestern bank, has reduced its costs, enhanced its customer service, and positioned itself for future success with intelligent data capture software and hardware from ibml.
After visiting with ibml and seeing the solution first-hand, we immediately made the decision to purchase the ibml solution
Norma Estrada,
Item Processing Supervisor for lockbox and check processing at Wichita, Kansas-based INTRUST.The ibml solution replaced INTRUST’s 10-year-old scanner at its end-of-life. Matters came to a head when the provider of the INTRUST’s old scanner, a multi-function workstation, said the device could not be upgraded to the newest version of the Windows operating system, which the bank was deploying enterprise-wide. The “new” multi-function workstation offered by the bank’s vendor was too similar to the machine the bank ran for years, and the cost of the device would consume the bank’s budget, leaving no money to purchase a back-up solution for this mission-critical operation.
INTRUST evaluated several scanning solutions, and then discovered ibml via a web search.
Several things about the ibml solution appealed to INTRUST, including its automatic document feeder (which eliminates the need to “hand-drop” documents), left-justified scanning (which reduces document preparation), automatic out-sorting of documents based on pre-defined business rules, and its dynamic image enhancement software (which reduces the possibility of checks being rejected by the Federal Reserve Bank). INTRUST was also drawn to ibml’s scalability for effectively managing spikes in transaction volumes. What’s more, the low total cost of ownership of the solution enabled INTRUST to purchase ibml’s capture software and three ibml ImageTracDS 1085 desktop scanners for what it would have cost to purchase a single multi-function workstation from the bank’s old technology provider. INTRUST installed one of the ImageTracDS 1085 scanners in its disaster recovery facility.
“After visiting with ibml and seeing the solution first-hand, we immediately made the decision to purchase the ibml solution,” explains Norma Estrada, Item Processing Supervisor for lockbox and check processing at Wichita, Kansas-based INTRUST.
INTRUST implemented the ibml solution in Spring 2016. Estrada recalls that the process went so well that the bank began live production with the solution the same week that it was deployed. Importantly, the bank’s downstream systems did not have to change. The implementation of INTRUST’s scanner for disaster recovery took only a few days more.
Estrada adds that the ibml solution is so intuitive that lockbox processing staff attain “peak efficiency” on the solution the same day that they trained by INTRUST’s floor coordinator.
The ibml team also is wonderful to work with, and they quickly and professionally address any issues that arise
Norma Estrada,
Item Processing Supervisor for lockbox and check processing at Wichita, Kansas-based INTRUST.The Benefits
The ibml solution provided INTRUST with immediate significant benefits:
- Faster delivery of information: Billers depend on the payments and remittance data captured by lockbox providers to manage their cash. It is for this reason that lockbox providers are measured heavily on the speed in which they deliver lockbox information to their clients. The ibml solution enabled INTRUST to accelerate its throughput to better meet its service level agreements (SLAs) for the delivery of lockbox information. INTRUST contractually commits to delivering lockbox information to its clients by 10 a.m. and noon each processing day. Since deploying the ibml solution, INTRUST has achieved a 20 percent increase in its ability to meet deadlines for delivering lockbox information. Estrada notes that it now takes the bank less than one-third the time to scan documents, in large part because of the scanner’s auto-feeder, which can hold a ream of paper. INTRUST had to manually feed documents into its old multi-function workstation. As a result, bottlenecks were common. Operators lined up work that required scanning along a table near the device. Having a second scanner also eliminates the chance of bottlenecks during volume spikes. Recovering files with INTRUST’s old multi-function device was a big challenge. Staff had to physically reassemble and rescan the documents because the antiquated system could not re-import files. Unfortunately, system crashes became more common as INTRUST’s multifunction workstation aged. This became an even bigger headache after the bank’s internal auditors took notice of the situation. In the unlikely event of a system crash, the ibml solution allows operators to quickly recover files once they are captured.
- Improved staff productivity: The efficiency of the ibml solution has enabled INTRUST to absorb a 20 percent increase in the volume of full-page documents that it scans, without adding staff. The ibml solution also improved staff productivity by automating the out -sorting of invoices and checks. The bank delivers any invoices it receives to its clients and physically stores the checks for 90 days. The improved productivity provided by the ibml solution enabled the bank to reduce staff overtime in its lockbox department (which Estrada said was “excessive”) by 4.5 percent. She anticipates that the bank will achieve a 6 percent reduction in overtime in its lockbox department because of migrating to the ibml solution.
- Enhanced service: The ibml solution is so efficient at scanning fullpage documents that INTRUST is considering scanning all full-page documents it receives on behalf of its clients as a value-added service. INTRUST now processes 88,000 full-page items per month – up from 68,000 full-page documents. “Digitizing these documents is especially valuable in cases where documents such as EOB are misplaced after being delivered to the client,” Estrada says.
- Better image quality: INTRUST’s old scanner relied on antiquated image enhancement software that could not be upgraded. Thus, the device frequently generated color images that were rejected by the Federal Reserve Bank as being too dark for an electronic cash letter. The ibml solution dynamically enhances images to ensure consistent, superior quality.
- Economies of scale: INTRUST is leveraging the functionality, flexibility and efficiency of the ibml solution to centralize document scanning for the bank. “Centralized scanning will make the bank more efficient across the board,” Estrada says. As starters, the ibml solution will scan documents for the bank’s private wealth management and retirement departments.
“The ibml intelligent data capture solution is a great product,” Estrada concludes. “The ibml team also is wonderful to work with, and they quickly and professionally address any issues that arise.”
For more information, contact us at
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Leading Bank Modernizing its Lock Box Services
A large regional bank replaced the iTran scanners that its lockbox processing operation depended on for years with ibml FUSiON scanners.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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What do you do when dependable technology reaches the end of its service life? If you’re a leading bank, you deploy next-generation technology to establish a foundation for future growth and success.
That’s what happened when a large regional bank replaced the iTran scanners that its lockbox processing operation depended on for years with ibml FUSiON scanners.
Read our case study to learn why ibml FUSiON scanners should be a strong consideration for any bank that is committed to the lockbox processing business.
Lending Services Provider Case Study
Learn how a lending services provider reduced turnaround time and achieved a staff productivity increase with ibml's intelligent capture solutions. Click here to download the case study.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Lending Services Provider Reduces Turnaround Time by 90 Percent and Achieves 400 Percent Increase in Staff Productivity with Intelligent Capture
Speed is critical to loan origination to ensure enough time for due diligence, to resolve any exceptions before they impact borrowers or create compliance issues, and to avoid funding delays.
A leading provider of technology and business services to mortgage lenders and servicers accelerated its loan review and boarding processes by 90 percent and achieved a 400 percent increase in staff productivity with an intelligent capture solution from ibml.
The Situation
After a loan is closed, the documents are typically notarized and sent to a title insurance company or escrow agent for processing and quality control and review. This lending services provider digitizes and reviews loan packages on behalf of its clients. Among other things, the title insurance company must ensure that the borrower signed all of the necessary documents, and that the notary included a copy of the borrower’s photo identification. The lending services provider works with the title insurance company or lender to resolve any exceptions it uncovers, such as a missing notary signature.
Certain documents such as the mortgage deed of trust also must be pulled from the loan package, certified with a stamp as an original document, replaced in the loan package with a copy, and recorded with the government (some entities require two copies of recordable documents). Some other documents must be pulled from the loan package and returned to the borrower. Processed loan packages are then uploaded to the lending services provider’s clients’ systems as well as its own.
Each loan package typically includes between 160 pages and 180 pages, and most title insurance companies don’t want to add staff at the end of each month to process loans.
The lending services provider processes between 500 loan packages and 700 loan packages on an average day. The lending services provider previously used a solution built around 15 desktop scanners (each processing between 60 pages and 80 pages per minute) to digitize loan packages. The solution created several challenges:
- Each scanner required a dedicated operator
- The solution could not read barcodes to automatically identify documents
- The solution could not automatically upload information to back-end systems
- The solution required operators to search for and pull recordable documents from loan packages and leave their workstation to photocopy, handstamp and initial the original document and replace in the loan package with the photocopy
- Heavy document throughput required the lending services provider to replace the rollers on its desktop scanners every two weeks
Recognizing the inefficiencies with its legacy capture solution, the lending services provider began evaluating alternative solutions. One of the company’s technology partners initially proposed a desktop scanner that would provide an additional 40 pages-per-minute of throughput with no improvement in functionality. However, the solution wouldn’t have solved the lending services provider’s technical problems and they would have still needed 10 scanner operators.
The lending services provider discovered a viable solution when one of its finance executives saw an ibml capture system in operation at another outsourcing provider.
The lending services provider immediately recognized that the ibml capture solution provided the horsepower and functionality that it required.
The Solution
The lending services provider’s ibml solution includes two high-speed ImageTrac® scanners and ibml’s Capture Suite software. The solution digitizes each loan package, and reads the barcodes on the front of the separator sheets to identify recordable documents. An inkjet endorser sprays a certified watermark on each recordable document signifying that it is an original document. And two dedicated HP printers automatically generate copies of recordable documents, eliminating the need for staff to leave their workstation to photocopy documents and handstamp and initial the original documents. Once a loan package is scanned, the solution automatically uploads the images and data to the lending services provider’s system as well as to its clients’ systems. The lending services provider began using the ibml platform within just a few months of discovery.
The Benefits
The ibml intelligent capture solution provided the lending services provider with immediate operational benefits:
- Fewer manual processes: Brightly colored separator sheets enable staff to quickly identify the location of recordable documents within a loan package. Staff replaces the original recordable documents with the printed copies, and removes the separator sheets for re-use. Staff used to spend too much time trying to determine where a note started. The lending services provider’s old process of identifying recordable documents also made it more likely that staff would not remove all of the pages of a recordable document, or would inadvertently remove pages belonging to another document. The ibml solution also enables users to easily print copies of documents that clients might need for disclosures later.
- Faster turnaround: The ibml platform reduced the lending services provider’s average time to process a single loan package from at least 15 minutes to 1 minute and 15 seconds. The company now processes more than 100 loan packages per hour; on peak volume days, the lending services provider processes more than 150,000 pages and prints 5,000 pages. As a result of the faster turnaround, the lending services provider uploads the previous day’s loan closings to its clients’ systems by 11 a.m. each business day. With its old system, clients wouldn’t see those loans until 5 p.m. The quicker turnaround provides clients with more time for due diligence or to resolve any errors such as missing signatures that the process uncovers – critical in today’s increasingly regulated environment. The accelerated turnaround also provides peace of mind that the lending services provider can process loan packages in the event that bad weather or another condition delays the delivery of the day’s loan packages. Any loan packages that the lending services provider receives must go out the same day or borrowers may not get their money.
- 400 percent increase in staff productivity: The ibml platform enabled the lending services provider to reallocate all but one of the employees previously required to scan loan documents. One person now operates the two ImageTrac scanners the company uses to process and review loan documents. Additionally, the ibml platform automatically uploads images and data into the lending services provider’s system as well as to its clients’ systems based on information read from barcodes. And staff no longer needs to leave their workstation to photocopy, handstamp and initial recordable documents.
- Better visibility and control: The ibml platform provides the lending services provider with visibility into the efficiency and accuracy of each task performed by team members. And the barcode reading capabilities in the ibml platform tracks outbound loan packages. In the past, staff had to sort through packages piled on desks to determine the status of outbound packages. This has resulted in better communications between the lending services provider and its clients.
The Future
The lending services provider plans to build on the success of its intelligent capture solution with proprietary software that will automatically identify, separate and index loan documents, and extract critical information from the document.
The company is also evaluating how to extend its intelligent capture to other business applications.
Mid-Tier Bank Takes on the Megabanks with ibml Outsourcing Service
▷ ibml’s outsourcing service provides healthcare revenue cycle management services on behalf of two of the mid-tier bank’s clients. Lockbox processing now is one of the bank’s most important commercial banking products, ibml’s outsourcing service helped the bank win the business. Contact iBML today!-
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One mid-tier bank, a relatively new entrant to the commercial banking space, is proving to be a formidable foe to the megabanks against which it competes. This fast-growing bank owes its success in part to the lockbox services it offers its customers through a relationship with ibml.
Based in the southeast, the mid-tier bank has more than $6.5 billion in assets and serves customers in Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina, and Georgia. The bank’s strategy is to target middle-market businesses that are underserved by the megabanks by offering a full suite of treasury management products. The mid-tier bank doesn’t consider community banks to be its competition.
The Challenge
The bank initially relied on two full-time equivalents (FTEs) in its item processing group to process lockbox transactions on behalf of a couple of its clients. The bank uploaded remittance data to a web site that enabled corporate clients to print a PDF with transaction data for manual posting.
Unfortunately, the bank’s lockbox system could only scan checks and coupon-sized remittance documents. The system provided clients with little functionality for managing remittance data, and the solution was not suited to property management firms, a key market segment for the bank. Complicating matters, the remittance coupons used by one of the bank’s early lockbox clients did not contain a scanline that could be read by the system, adding to the bank’s manual-processing burden.
The bank quickly discovered that it lacked expertise in lockbox processing and that it did not have the necessary staff or equipment. The bank’s goal is to do anything it can to match or exceed the services offered by the megabanks to become a leader. It wants to have the best remote deposit capture service, the best online service, and the best customer response times. But the bank recognized that it could not compete with its in-house lockbox processing system. Matters came to a head after the mid-tier bank achieved fast success with its remote deposit capture service in 2006.
Keeping with its strategy to run a lean back-office, the bank outsourced its lockbox processing in 2006. The problem was that the outsourcing provider required the bank’s corporate clients be directed to a specific out of state Post Office box. This did not go over well with the bank’s clients. With two large corporate clients on the brink of leaving the bank, the mid-tier bank discovered ibml’s outsourcing service, based in Birmingham, AL.
The willingness of the team at ibml’s outsourcing service to partner with the bank, and ibml’s track record of success in providing solutions to bank lockbox operations all appealed to the bank. In 2009, the bank migrated its lockbox processing clients to ibml’s outsourcing service, starting with the bank’s largest-volume customer.
Today, the bank serves 55 lockbox clients in Alabama and Tennessee.
The same-day posting of lockbox transactions, online access to remittance information, instant access to seven years of archived information, and ibml’s outsourced back-file conversion services are all selling points to the bank’s clients. Compared to the bank’s old outsourcing services provider, ibml has fewer encoding errors, which reduces the number of calls to the bank from upset clients.
Most of the transactions that the bank processes on behalf of its clients are wholesale lockbox or whole-tail lockbox transactions, such as insurance payments and patient payments. ibml’s outsourcing service also provides healthcare revenue cycle management services on behalf of two of the mid-tier bank’s clients.
Lockbox processing now is one of the bank’s most important commercial banking products. As an example, ibml’s outsourcing service helped the bank win the business of a worker’s compensation fund that unsuccessfully tried to process the “high volume of payments it receives each month” in-house. The lockbox processing service was instrumental in winning the business of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy services provider that is among the mid-tier bank’s largest depositors.
The Benefits
ibml’s outsourcing service has made the bank more competitive in multiple ways:
1. Revenues: The bank has won treasury management clients and upsold customers on lockbox processing in part because of ibml’s outsourcing service; these clients are typically large depositors. The bank is also receiving more inquiries regarding lockbox processing. ibml’s outsourcing service strengthens the bank’s relationships with its existing treasury management clients. And ibml’s outsourcing service is competitively priced.
2. Time savings: Partnering with ibml’s outsourcing service enables the bank to implement most wholesale lockbox clients in less than 30 days, with little impact on the bank’s staff. What’s more, ibml’s outsourcing service sets up a Post Office box and engages a courier for the bank’s new lockbox customers, saving the fast growing bank considerable time.
3. Flexibility: Bank lockbox processors must be flexible to keep up with ever increasing customer demands and new technologies. The advanced software and hardware used by ibml’s outsourcing service provides the bank with the flexibility to process virtually any document on behalf of its customers, including envelopes and full-page documents. Before partnering with ibml’s outsourcing service, the bank only scanned checks and coupon-sized remittance documents. ibml’s intelligent data capture software creates opportunities for the bank to capture structured and unstructured data from documents not typically associated with a bank lockbox, or to automate the classification of different documents. ibml also customizes reports to meet customer requirements.
4. Service: The accelerated turnaround time and improved quality provided by ibml better positions the bank to meet its Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
5. Ease-of-use: The service requires very little ongoing support. Not surprisingly, the bank has not heard any negative feedback from the first customers to migrate to the ibml outsourcing service. When necessary, ibml provides the bank with technical expertise.
6. Scalability: Partnering with ibml’s outsourcing service helps ensure that the bank can quickly scale to meet customer demand. ibml’s outsourcing service has ready access to the company’s scanning solutions, and ibml is committed to adding processing shifts, more space in its Birmingham operations, or new lockbox processing sites elsewhere, based on demand.
Together, these benefits position the bank for success against its large competitors.
Many bankers mistakenly believe that lockbox processing is a dying product. However, the growth this mid-tier bank has achieved with ibml’s outsourcing service may change your mind. For instance, the bank is cross-selling lockbox processing to its base of remote deposit capture users. The bank also sees “big potential to upsell clients on EOB processing.” And it is exploring the possibility of offering a specialized lockbox processing service for property management companies that are prevalent in the Tampa, FL, market the bank recently entered. The bank is excited about the future.
If businesses accept checks, there will be demand for lockbox services. The bank’s partnership with ibml’s outsourcing service helps ensure that the bank can take advantage of these opportunities.
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Strengthen Your Information Management Lifecycle
Read our case study to learn why your information management lifecycle is only as strong as your weakest link.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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If one link of a chain cannot withstand reasonable force, then the whole chain is weak. As the old saying goes, you’re only as good as your weakest link. This is especially true when it comes to your Information Management Lifecycle. There’s increased pressure nowadays for document processing thanks to the demand for instant and remote access, economic turbulence, etc.
That’s why more organizations are taking the best-of-breed approach to their document processing.
Read our case study that explains how many customers have reaped the benefits of best-of-breed solutions with Agissar and ibml.
WPS Health Solutions
▷ The intelligent data capture solution enabled WPS to increase throughput, reduce costs, improve staff productivity, eliminate manual tasks, streamline document retrieval and accelerate check deposits. WPS scans approximately 5 million pages per month across two processing shifts. Contact iBML today!-
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Processing healthcare claims is complex work. But WPS Health Solutions streamlined its processes by replacing 10 legacy desktop scanners with an intelligent data capture solution from ibml. The intelligent data capture solution enabled WPS to increase throughput, reduce costs, improve staff productivity, eliminate manual tasks, streamline document retrieval and accelerate check deposits.
Founded in 1946, WPS Health Solutions is a leading not-for-profit health insurer headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. For more than 20 years, WPS has leveraged its administrative services expertise to process healthcare claims on behalf of other health insurance providers and the U.S. government.
“WPS scans approximately 5 million pages per month across two processing shifts that run five days a week at WPS’ facility in Madison,” said Vince Wittig, director of preadjudication operations and technology at WPS Health Solutions. WPS scans a variety of documents to include claims, correspondence, checks, medical records, etc.
WPS recognized that the in-house scanning solution did not provide the efficiency, turnaround time, or intelligence to move forward with the processes improvement projects meant to transform the operation.
WPS selected the ibml intelligent data capture solution based on its proven track record in demanding data capture environments
Vince Wittig,
director of preadjudication operations and technology at WPS Health Solutions.After an extensive evaluation of available solutions, WPS purchased two ibml ImageTrac® high-speed scanners, ibml’s Quality Control software, and ibml’s Connector for seamlessly uploading images and data to WPS’ backend capture software. “WPS selected the ibml intelligent data capture solution based on its proven track record in demanding data capture environments,” Wittig said.
WPS began live production with the ibml intelligent data capture solution in March 2016.
The Results
The ibml intelligent data capture solution provided WPS with immediate tangible benefits:
- Better throughput: The efficiency provided by ibml’s ImageTrac scanners enabled WPS to double the volume of paper claims it processes each week (from 70,000 claims to 140,000 claims) while reducing its imaging staff by 50 percent and adding no staff to its mailroom. What’s more, WPS’ imaging staff now has time to perform additional quality control work as well.
- Improved staff productivity: For audit purposes, WPS previously required that each employee write their initials on each document in the batches that they processed. With the ibml intelligent data capture solution, employees now place an employee ID barcode atop of each stack of documents they process. The system automatically links the work that follows each barcode sheet with the appropriate employee. Eliminating the need for staff to write their initials on each document saves WPS 6,000 hours per year, while ensuring WPS can track the work performed
by each employee across the entire process. - Fewer manual processes: Previously, WPS had to strictly limit the number of documents in each batch of work to 100 documents or risk crashing the 32-bit architecture of its capture software; requiring staff to manually count batches of 100 documents. The ibml solution allowed for rules to be created which would utilize ibml auto-batching functionality to automatically create batches based on claim count, date change, or document type change. Automatically batching documents eliminated piles of documents across WPS’ operations as well as the 6,000 hours a year that staff spent counting documents.
- Streamlined document retrieval: The ibml intelligent data capture solution prints two control numbers on each document that it processes (one for departmental purposes and one for its internal customer). Each control number is linked to a barcoded records storage box that the scanner operator fills while operating the scanning equipment. “Capturing the barcode information for each box of work,as well as the control numbers for each document, makes it easy for WPS to physically retrieve an original document in the event of a request or need to pull the original document”, Wittig explained.
- Faster check deposits: Legacy scanners used a center feed mechanism to ingest pages for scanning, which required special prepping techniques, and excessive taping to support documentation that was small in size. The ibml intelligent data capture solution’s left-justified document feeder enables WPS to scan checks and associated documents co-mingled without the need to tape smaller documents to a carrier sheet. The ibml solution automatically identifies checks, captures the MICR data from each check, and generates an image of each check that is ready for electronic deposit. WPS reduced the time required for each batch of checks from 30 minutes per batch to five minutes per batch.
- Reduced costs: The in-line document recognition and sorting capability provided by ibml’s ImageTrac scanners enables WPS to out-sort the patch sheets that staff inserts for document separation. Wittig estimates that WPS is reusing 1 million patch sheets per month, translating substantial savings to the organization. WPS is also is using fewer ink cartridges for its scanners since deploying the ibml solution. In the past, WPS staff “indiscriminately” changed the ink cartridges on each of its 10 scanners at the end of each shift. Staff now change the ink cartridges
on the ImageTrac scanners just twice a week.
Without ibml’s solution, WPS could not have achieved the same results
Vince Wittig,
director of preadjudication operations and technology at WPS Health Solutions.Wittig is so impressed with the ibml intelligent data capture solution that he plans to purchase another ImageTrac scanner with three pockets, and upgrade his department’s existing ImageTrac scanners from two pockets to three pockets, to provide additional throughput and sorting flexibility.
The success that Wittig’s department has achieved with ibml’s intelligent data capture solution has captured the attention of WPS’ customers. Wittig said his department is now the most-toured department in the company, receiving weekly requests from existing and prospective customers.
The impressive results provided by the ibml solution is proof of, “the art of the possible,” Wittig concluded. “Without ibml’s solution, WPS could not have achieved the same results,” he said.
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White Papers
A Shared Services Approach to Back-Office Processing
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. In this white paper, you can read the eight reasons for state governments to embrace consolidation.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Imagine if your state government agency could meet ever-increasing constituent expectations for service while achieving cost savings.
Read the eight reasons for state governments to embrace consolidation.
Accelerate Your Data Extraction
▷ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. Find out how to accelerate your data extraction and triumph over market uncertainty with a scalable hybrid cloud solutions – ibml synergetics for mortgage. Watch it today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Every day, mortgage bankers are asked to deliver faster and faster loan decisions while still performing their required due diligence. How can you deliver with so many new challenges being stacked against you? Volatile economic conditions, loads of varying document types, and high processing costs all make it borderline impossible to generate speedy decisions while still keeping operational costs low.
But there is good news! Find out how to accelerate your data extraction and triumph over market uncertainty with a Scalable Hybrid Cloud Solutions – ibml Synergetics for Mortgage.
Ace Your Scanner Deployment
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. While making the right scanner choice is fundamental to achieving the benefits. Download this white paper to find out the strategies to get the most from your scanner investment- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The business case for advanced document scanners is proven and compelling. The list of benefits reaped from proper deployment is impressive. While making the right scanner choice is fundamental to achieving the benefits, you must also take the right approach for deploying your document scanning solution.
Download this white paper to find out the strategies to get the most from your scanner investment.
AIIM 2022 State of the Intelligent Information Management Industry Report
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- Asset Title : AIIM 2022 State of the Intelligent Information Management Industry Report
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What’s essential for managing information in 2022? Singular focus on the customer.
ibml is a proud underwriter of the AIIM State of the Intelligent Information Management Industry report in which their research shows that mindsets and methodologies centered on risk, compliance and governance for governance’s sake, only water the seeds of discontent when it comes to business executives and their business users. In contrast, this report shows that companies seeing improvement in the alignment of their information management strategies with their business strategies have purposefully focused on the needs and expectations of the customer, both internal and external. They realized alignment in incremental ways beginning with mapping key customer touchpoints to identify process improvement opportunities. They serve their internal customers by ensuring that the information needed to perform work is accurate and accessible. And, they have become more data literate, to help the business extract meaning from myriad data sources
Download this insightful report and learn how the foundations of Intelligent Information Management can truly be leveraged and optimized to parlay information into new customer wins.
Click here for an infographic overview of the Nine Key Data Points for Information Mangers.
Creating the Digital Commercial Bank of the Future
✅ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. Established commercial banks that succeed in the future will transform the way they serve their customers. Read this white paper to find out how intelligent data capture fundamentally changes the status quo of customer service.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Creating the Digital Commercial Bank of the Future
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Commercial banking is undergoing tremendous change. New competitors, heightened customer expectations, and ever-increasing regulatory pressures are disrupting the commercial banking sector. The competition for commercial customers is fierce and getting tougher.
Established commercial banks that succeed in the future will transform the way they serve their customers. Read this white paper to find out how intelligent data capture fundamentally changes the status quo of customer service.
Data Perfection Is Possible
Data is the lifeblood of businesses and government organizations. It feeds you backend processes, powers your decisions, and fuels your profits.It arrives from more sources, in more formats, in greater quantities, and of varied quality.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- Asset Download : 1630
- Asset Title : Data Perfection Is Possible
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Data is the lifeblood of businesses and government organizations. It feeds you backend processes, powers your decisions, and fuels your profits.
It arrives from more sources, in more formats, in greater quantities, and of varied quality.
So why are you spending valuable resources dealing with imperfect data?
Achieving data perfection requires a new, more intelligent approach to information management. Download the whitepaper to read how current data practices are coming up short and what solutions are best to help organizations achieve data perfection.
Don’t Automate Your Financial Services Operations, Transform Them
The combination of razor-thin margins, heightened compliance and security requirements, and ever-increasing customer service requirements are putting a strain on the back-office operations of financial service organizations such as banks, insurers, mortgage lenders and brokerage firms.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- Asset Download : 1491
- Asset Title : Don’t Automate Your Financial Services Operations, Transform Them
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The combination of razor-thin margins, heightened compliance and security requirements, and ever-increasing customer service requirements are putting a strain on the back-office operations of financial service organizations such as banks, insurers, mortgage lenders and brokerage firms.
Complicating matters is the explosion of information that financial service operation companies must manage and the increasingly diverse channels through which paper and electronic documents arrive. A major contributor to the soaring volume of paper documents and electronic forms is loads of paperwork required to comply with various government and industry regulations (e.g. disclosures and notices).
This white paper explains how intelligent information capture transforms financial application workflows and provides real-world examples of how financial organizations achieve these benefits.
Evolve Your Retail Lockbox into a Strategic Powerhouse
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. Evolve your retail lockbox into a strategic powerhouse, what can you do? Reexamine your scanning approach. It’s time to adapt and get even more out of retail lockbox.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Evolve Your Retail Lockbox into a Strategic Powerhouse
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Banks and third-party providers have long relied on retail lockbox as a pillar of their business. Yet paper checks appear to be declining, and the industry is reaching a tipping point.
What can you do? Reexamine your scanning approach. It’s time to adapt and get even more out of retail lockbox.
Power Up Your Mortgage Operations
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. Power up your mortgage operations, read this white paper to find out how to power up your mortgage operations and drive scale with flexible hybrid cloud solutions.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- Asset Download : 1334
- Asset Title : Power Up Your Mortgage Operations
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Few industries are as lucrative and volatile as the mortgage industry, which makes keeping up with fluctuating demands quite costly. Matching capacity and customer needs is a constant struggle, the scale is always threatening to tip one way of the other.
Read this white paper to find out how to power up your mortgage operations and drive scale with flexible hybrid cloud solutions.
Reduce Operational Costs and Improve Enterprise Agility by Standardizing on One Platform for Scanning and Document Capture
Organizations shouldn’t attempt a wholesale replacement of their legacy scanning and document capture systems, much less the deployment of an enterprise-wide platform all at once. Click here to see how ibml can help.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Standardizing on One Platform for Scanning and Document Capture
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Operating on a fragmented scanning and document capture infrastructure is a stark reality for many enterprises today. Often companies have legacy scanning and document capture solutions due to the purchase of point solutions by departments or business units, a failure to consolidate systems after mergers and acquisitions, or the deployment of systems to address a single document input channel. But, as document and data volumes explode and document input channels multiply, businesses need a standardized scanning and document capture infrastructure that is cost-effective and flexible.
Speed Up the Student Application and Onboarding Process
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- Asset Title : Speed Up the Student Application and Onboarding Process
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Data capture technology speeds up the student application and onboarding process by leveraging intelligent automation.
Powerful data capture software supports admissions teams by catering to the huge number of people applying for university and college openings.
Read our whitepaper to find out how ibml’s intelligent capture solutions solve the challenges involved with student onboarding.
Steps to Ending Information Chaos
Download our whitepaper "Steps to Ending Information Chaos" to learn how intelligent information management capture solutions allow companies a competitive advantage.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Steps to Ending Information Chaos
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Forty-six percent of best-in-class organizations are digitizing processes to promote collaboration between traditionally disparate business processes and business units.
But efforts to digitally transform business processes are doomed to failure without the right technology.
This white paper describes the information management chaos that occurs at most organizations, and how intelligent information management capture solutions uniquely reign in this chaos for competitive advantage.
Strengthen Your Information Management Lifecycle
There’s increased pressure nowadays for document processing thanks to demand for instant and remote access, economic turbulence, etc. Read this whitepaper to find out what a breakdown in your information management process can cause and what the best operation solution entails.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Strengthen Your Information Management Lifecycle
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If one link of a chain cannot withstand reasonable force, then the whole chain is weak. As the old saying goes, you’re only as good as your weakest link. This is especially true when it comes to your Information Management Lifecycle.
There’s increased pressure nowadays for document processing thanks to demand for instant and remote access, economic turbulence, etc.
Read this whitepaper to find out what a breakdown in your information management process can cause and what the best operation solution entails.
The ibml FADGI Reference Guide
This reference guide provides an overview of FADGI standards and their benefits. Learn how ibml can help you meet them.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : The ibml FADGI Reference Guide
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Launched in 2007, FADGI is an effort by U.S. federal agencies to articulate a common set of technical guidelines, methods, and practices for archival of digitized and born-digital documents that are of historical and cultural importance. These standards took on a greater sense of urgency with the U. S. government’s initiative to stop the flow of analog materials into the National Archives after 2022, in favor of electronic records.
This reference guide provides an overview of the FADGI standards and their benefits.
The Key to Boosting Mortgage Profits: An Intelligent Capture Solution
ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. The key to boosting mortgage profits: An intelligent capture solution, learn how an intelligent automated solution can upgrade your mortgage processing and supercharge your profits- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- Asset Download : 1306
- Asset Title : The Key to Boosting Mortgage Profits: An Intelligent Capture Solution
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Throughout the mortgage lending lifecycle, you face countless roadblocks that make it hard to generate profits.
When you’re running a tight-margin business, capacity and speed are vital to maintaining a healthy cash flow – which becomes even more important in key moments like the loan origination process.
How can you mitigate these challenges without sacrificing due diligence or the customer experience?
Fortunately, there’s a new technology that’s putting higher profits within reach. Continue reading to learn how an intelligent automated solution can upgrade your mortgage processing and supercharge your profits.
The Ultimate Guide to Modernizing Customer Onboarding
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- Asset Title : The Ultimate Guide to Modernizing Customer Onboarding
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Few functions have as big of an impact on revenue as customer onboarding. A positive customer onboarding experience speeds time to revenue, sets the stage for customer retention and builds trust.
Onboarding is often a customer’s first interaction with your company after you close the sale. The stakes are high for this first impression—especially when it comes to customers with high net worth.
Read our white paper to learn how to gain a competitive advantage with Cloud Capture technology.
Uncover Your Mailroom’s True Potential
▷ ibml provides intelligent scanners with advanced capture software and services. Uncover your mailroom’s true potential, imagine your current mailroom infrastructure taking on quadruple the amount of incoming information, which most businesses expect to happen within the next two years.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- Asset Download : 4675
- Asset Title : Uncover Mailroom Potential Fusion Position Paper
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Out-of-control labor costs, auditing mishaps, frustrated customers, security fears – if you’re still relying on the status quo of simple capture, this is your daily reality. Now imagine your current mailroom infrastructure taking on quadruple the amount of incoming information, which most businesses expect to happen within the next two years.
Is your mailroom ready?
Why Cloud Native Solutions are More Secure than On Premise Systems
Compared on premises systems, cloud native solutions are a better way to protect data. They can mitigate a lot of the risks to data.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Why Cloud Native Solutions are More Secure than On Premise Systems
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The threats to mission-critical data have never been greater and have never emerged so fast.
While on-premises systems are getting better at identifying suspicious transactions, they weren’t built to prevent security vulnerabilities. By the time a breach has been discovered, an attacker can do a lot of damage. And few on-premise systems make it fast or easy to fix a security breach. However, cloud-native solutions give organizations the upper hand in reducing risk across the enterprise.
The way that cloud-native solutions are designed builds security into the way the application is developed, delivered, and maintained, allowing for the fast detection and resolution of threats. This is a game-changer when it comes to securing mission-critical information.
To learn more about how cloud-native is more secure than on-premise and to find out how to take back control of your data, download our whitepaper.
Why Your Next Data Capture Solution Should be a Cloud-Native Application
Download our white paper to learn why cloud-native applications are the future of data capture and how to accelerate your cloud journey.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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- Asset Title : Why Your Next Data Capture Solution Should be a Cloud-Native Application
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Whether data is paper-based, digital-born, delivered via e-mail, uploaded through the web, or resides on a structured, unstructured, or semi-structured document, it must be digital, usable, and accessible.
That’s why more organizations are moving their data capture to the cloud.
Cloud-native applications make the promise of the cloud real. Cloud-native applications do more than repurpose outdated architectures. The technology harnesses the power of the cloud to provide a foundation for digital transformation that is more cost-effective, efficient, adaptable, elastic, scalable, and secure. This makes cloud-native applications ideal for processes such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, healthcare claims processing, loan and mortgage processing, and employee onboarding. Cloud-native data capture applications eliminate the
obstacles that have stood in the way of automation, enabling organizations to digitize and accelerate their information flows.To learn more about why cloud-native applications are the future of data capture and how to accelerate your cloud journey, download our white paper.
3 Steps to Touch-Free Invoice Processing
Watch the recording of our WEBINAR to learn about the challenges AP departments face today and how we can help you solve them with ibml Cloud Capture.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Discover how ibml radically transforms your AP/AR workflows.
Watch the recording of our recent WEBINAR to learn about the challenges AP departments face today and how we can help you solve with ibml Cloud Capture.
Come learn about the challenges and trends with industry expert Mark Brousseau with a live demonstration of how ibml Cloud Capture can transform your AP/AR operations.
4 Ways to Protect Your Captured Data from Theft and Compliance Violations
Interested in learning how to protect your captured data? Click here to watch ibml's webinar recording to learn 4 ways to protect your captured data from theft and compliance violations.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Many organizations may not realize that the source of their security breakdown could be their imaging system. Watch this recording of the AIIM webinar we sponsored to learn more about the risks of typical imaging systems, the challenges, and four ways you can make sure your captured information is protected.
Attendees learned:
- The information management challenges created by heightened security and compliance requirements
- The potential costs and reputational impact of data theft and compliance violations
- How an advanced capture solution safeguards documents and sensitive information
- Four ways you can begin securing your information today
6 Strategies to Future-Proof Your Business Webinar Recording
In this webinar, we’ll share six strategies to help you strengthen your customer base and meet the demands of your educated customers.- Video Title : 6 Strategies to Future Proof Your Business
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A webinar exclusively for BPOs and Outsourced Service Providers. In this webinar, we’ll share six strategies to help you strengthen your customer base and meet the demands of your educated customer.
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In today’s marketplace, there is stiff competition. In addition to your direct competitors, technologies today make it easier for organizations to keep operations in-house. Plus, you’re faced with your own aging infrastructure, cost challenges, and the pressure to support your own client base. How to differentiate yourself and stand out? How do you future-proof your business to get ahead?
In this webinar, we’ll share six strategies to help you strengthen your customer base and meet the demands of your educated customer. Some of these strategies will include:
- Ways to position yourself against your competitors
- How to understand, meet, and exceed customer demands
- Understanding how to take full advantage of emerging intelligent capture technology to extend your offerings in new ways
Organizations don’t want to be tied down with the details of running a capture operation. This is where you excel. This is your business. Help your customers run their business by removing this obstacle – which is no obstacle to you. We’ll guide you on how you can even do this better than before.
Enhance Tax Processing Operations for State and Local Governments
Join the webinar to see how ibml IntelliScan Raptor enhances tax document processing for government agencies, improving efficiency and accuracy.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Transform your document processing operations with trailblazing intelligent capture.
Mounds of paper? Tedious compliance regulations? Shrinking budgets to manage it all? Sound familiar?
If you’re struggling with these issues, it means your organization isn’t reaching its true performance potential and valuable information isn’t getting into the hands of decision-makers as quickly as it could be.
Maximize workflows and achieve your digital transformation goals with the industry leader in production document scanning and processing with the ibml IntelliScan Raptor.
See how the new ibml IntelliScan Raptor helps Government Agencies to:
* Optimize tax document processing operations
* Minimize exceptions and maximize efficiency
* Mitigate security risk and compliance issues
* Fully leverage your equipment and scan various paper sizes, from business card size to legal-size documents
* Scan all payment types, vouchers, full pages, and checks
* Create an effective disaster recovery scanner site -
How Paper-Free Can Help You Find What You Need When You Need It
Join our IBML webinar to learn how going paper-free can help you easily find what you need, when you need it. Discover efficient document management.- Video Title :
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According to recent AIIM research, 31% admit their office is piled high with paper documents and paper processes; 40% still use paper for filing “important stuff”. If you’re living in this hectic fiction, how often must you play detective to find what you need later on? How is this impacting your business and affecting how you work with your customers?
In this webinar, join AIIM Analyst Bob Larrivee as he takes an in-depth look at the amount of paper in the office, the impediments to removing it, the take-up of digital mailrooms, multi-channel capture, and the increasing exploitation of mobile capture. He’ll look at the progress towards paper-free processes, the triggers and decision-making processes, and the issues, benefits, ROI – and the opportunities this means for your organization.
How to Ensure Agency Compliance with Fast-Approaching M-19-21 Deadlines
Watch our webinar recording to learn about NARA's M-19-21 policy, effective planning for electronic transition, and digitization options to meet deadlines.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The Clock is Ticking
On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in partnership with Quality Associates Inc., DocPoint Solutions, Konica Minolta, and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), a live broadcast was recorded at The Hamilton Live in Washington, DC. The webinar was produced to answer four main questions:
- What is the current state of NARA’s policy for M-19-21 deadlines?
- How does practical planning support an effective transition to a fully electronic environment?
- What primary lessons did a federal agency learn when it brought large-scale digitization projects in-house?
- What digitization options exist for addressing the M-19-21 paper challenge?
We hope that you enjoy the recording and if you would like to consult an ibml expert concerning ensuring compliance with M-19-21, click here.
ibml Cloud Capture (iCC) – Simplifying IDP with AI
Join a live webinar to explore how Generative AI is revolutionizing the IDP by streamlining document classification and boosting productivity for faster ROI.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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One of the significant challenges faced by those deploying or considering the adoption of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solutions lies in the daunting task of setting up new documents or fine-tuning machine learning algorithms. This ongoing process doesn’t just devour countless hours, but it also incurs substantial professional service costs, delaying the expected return on investment for many projects. Join us for a dynamic live showcase to see firsthand how Generative AI is revolutionizing the IDP field by enhancing document sorting and data extraction processes, making them far more efficient and significantly reducing these hindrances.
By watching this webinar, you’ll delve into:
– The Simplification of Document Classification and Extraction using simple prompts
– The Power of Generative AI in Boosting the Productivity of Intelligent Document Processing.
ibml Virtual Roadshow for BPO’s
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Accelerate your digital transformation with trailblazing intelligent capture.
Witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml FUSiONTM scanner, as ibml provides you with an exclusive live demonstration of its features and capabilities.
The ibml FUSiON Series represents the next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. Finally – scan checks and documents together and watch as it ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence to produces blazing fast throughput speeds of up to 715 letter pages per minute and 937 checks per minute.
As the world’s fastest, most scalable document capture platform, the ibml FUSiON accelerates your mission-critical applications by extracting valuable information from complex documents and speeding it to wherever crucial decisions are being made.
See how the new ibml FUSiON helps Business Process Outsourcers to:
- Expand mailroom solutions with a diverse feature set
- Speed up business processes with intelligent capture
- Consolidate scanner line up with one size fits all platform
- Impress customers with “showroom” design
- Increase profitability with accelerated throughput
ibml Virtual Roadshow for Government Agencies
Learn how ibml’s intelligent document processing solutions help government agencies improve efficiency, compliance, and digital transformation.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Accelerate your digital transformation with trailblazing intelligent capture.
Witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml FUSiONTM scanner, as ibml provides you with an exclusive live demonstration of its features and capabilities.
The ibml FUSiON Series represents the next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. Finally – scan checks and documents together and watch as it ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence to produces blazing fast throughput speeds of up to 715 letter pages per minute and 937 checks per minute.
As the world’s fastest, most scalable document capture platform, the ibml FUSiON accelerates your mission-critical applications by extracting valuable information from complex documents and speeding it to wherever crucial decisions are being made.
See how the new ibml FUSiON can help government agencies:
- Optimize mission-critical operations
- Minimize exceptions and maximize efficiency
- Mitigate security risk and compliance issues
- Fully leverage your equipment
- Be FADGI 3-star compliant
ibml Virtual Roadshow for Insurance Companies
Join our virtual roadshow to see how ibml’s automation solutions improve claims processing, policy management, & document workflows for insurance companies.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Accelerate your digital transformation with trailblazing intelligent capture.
Witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml FUSiONTM scanner, as ibml provides you with an exclusive live demonstration of its features and capabilities.
The ibml FUSiON Series represents the next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. Finally – scan checks and documents together and watch as it ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence to produces blazing fast throughput speeds of up to 715 letter pages per minute and 937 checks per minute.
As the world’s fastest, most scalable document capture platform, the ibml FUSiON accelerates your mission-critical applications by extracting valuable information from complex documents and speeding it to wherever crucial decisions are being made.
See how the new ibml FUSiON can help insurance companies:
- Minimize exceptions and maximize efficiency
- Mitigate security risk and compliance issues
- Speed up processes
- Enhance customer service
ibml Virtual Roadshow for the Enterprise
Join the ibml Virtual Roadshow to explore enterprise document processing, automation, and data capture innovations for improved efficiency.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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See how the new ibml FUSiON can help you:
Accelerate your digital transformation with trailblazing intelligent capture.
Witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml FUSiONTM scanner, as ibml provides you with an exclusive live demonstration of its features and capabilities.
The ibml FUSiON Series represents the next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. Finally – scan checks and documents together and watch as it ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence to produces blazing fast throughput speeds of up to 715 letter pages per minute and 937 checks per minute.
As the world’s fastest, most scalable document capture platform, the ibml FUSiON accelerates your mission-critical applications by extracting valuable information from complex documents and speeding it to wherever crucial decisions are being made.
See how the new ibml FUSiON can help you:
- Fast-track your operations with unprecedented speeds
- Optimize mission-critical operations
- Propel productivity with smarter design
- Skyrocket your operating margins
ibml Virtual Roadshows for Financial Services
Join our virtual roadshow to see the ibml FUSiON scanner in action. See how the new ibml FUSiON can help banks and lockbox solution providers.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Accelerate your digital transformation with trailblazing intelligent capture.
Witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml FUSiONTM scanner, as ibml provides you with an exclusive live demonstration of its features and capabilities.
The ibml FUSiON Series represents the next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. Finally – scan checks and documents together and watch as it ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence to produces blazing fast throughput speeds of up to 715 letter pages per minute and 937 checks per minute.
As the world’s fastest, most scalable document capture platform, the ibml FUSiON accelerates your mission-critical applications by extracting valuable information from complex documents and speeding it to wherever crucial decisions are being made.
See how the new ibml FUSiON can help banks and lockbox solution providers:
- Consolidate Wholesale and Retail Lockbox processing on a single transport
- Replace EOSL check scanners like the iTran and NDP 500
- Leverage equipment by centralized scanning for Lockbox, Mortgage, Loans and more.
- Future proof your operation with a scanner that can change and expand.
Redefining Departmental Efficiency with IDP
Enhance workflow automation and optimize business operations with intelligent document processing (IDP). Improve efficiency with AI-powered solutions.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Most organizations have adopted digital transformation for key business processes that generate revenue, avoid penalties, or provide exceptional customer service.
HOWEVER, while each department has individual needs or pain points, they share three common goals:
• High cost of manual intervention
• Human errors in data capture
• Slow processes
… and THE DILEMMA of having to choose between (1) investing in separate solutions for each department or (2) choosing a single solution with workarounds.
We invite you to watch our webinar to discover how ibml IntelliScan RAPTOR can be your preferred scanner for high-volume departmental scanning, tailored for IDP.This innovative solution is specifically designed to:
• Minimize manual efforts before, during, and after scanning
• Enable fast and intelligent capture, data extraction, validation, and output
• Eradicate human errors and the need for reworkAfter viewing the webinar, if you have questions or want additional information, click here to speak with one of our digital transformation experts.
Simplifying Invoice Capture with AI Assist
Manual invoice processing headaches? This webinar shows how ibml's AI invoice capture solution automates data extraction, reduces errors, and improves cash flow- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Extracting data from a diverse array of invoices across numerous vendors is a significant hurdle in the accounts payable processes for most organizations. This often results in strained vendor relationships and unnecessary cash flow challenges.
Although many organizations have adopted Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solutions to address this issue, managing these on outdated IDP systems is cumbersome, requiring constant adjustments and training to handle the diverse invoices from various vendors.
- Fast set-up and system training
- Automated data extraction and verification
- One set of definitions to capture invoice data from any vendor in any language
- Enforce data accuracy with AI confidence scores and easy to implement business rules
- Capture and normalize line-item detail data with an ai-generated table
Watch our recent webinar to learn how ibml Cloud Capture Solution, enhanced with AI Assist, can streamline, expedite, and advance your invoice processing capabilities for the future.
To speak with an expert about your tailored solution, click here.
Take the Friction Out of Your Manual Processes with Intelligent Capture
Join our webinar & learn how intelligent capture can eliminate friction in your information lifecycle & help you achieve faster, intelligent business processes.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Speed is everything in business. So, if your information management processes are taking too long, creating too many downstream errors, and not providing the visibility you need across the information lifecycle, then it’s time for a change.
Learn how intelligent capture can eliminate this friction in your information lifecycle and help you achieve faster and more intelligent business processes. Intelligent capture identifies and extracts usable information from incoming paper and electronic documents with minimal human oversight.
Join us and learn how to:
- Quickly sort your incoming documents, regardless of format
- Extract the data for input into other business systems
- Eliminate the errors commonly caused by human physical handling
- Achieve faster, more intelligent business processes
You’ll also hear about real-world examples of businesses that accelerated their information management processes by digitally transforming them with intelligent capture.
The 5 Step Formula for Reducing Document Capture Costs
Are you interested in reducing document capture costs? Click here to watch this ibml webinar on the 5 step formula for reducing document capture costs.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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This formula can be applied to any document-driven application, in any industry, and eliminates the biggest capture headaches: receiving documents from any channel, reducing document preparation and manual paper sorting, capturing information from any document, and getting information to downstream systems and processes more quickly.
This webinar will show:
- Why data capture will become even more complex over the next three years
- Why manual and traditional data capture technologies fall short in reducing capture costs
- The technology best-in-class companies use to eliminate capture headaches
- The 5-step formula for reducing document capture costs
Three Ways Outsourcing Firms Leverage Intelligent Data Recognition
This ibml webinar covers business process outsourcing revenue drivers, explaining how intelligent data recognition can drive new BPO revenue streams.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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There is a golden opportunity for document processing service bureaus and system integrators!
The combination of exploding document volumes and increasingly complex data capture requirements has made document processing more challenging than ever for corporations and government entities. We’re going to show you how to add this to your product service.
This webinar demonstrates:
- The top information management pain points for corporations and government entities
- How intelligent document recognition uniquely addresses end-user pain points
- The vertical applications that are most ripe for service bureaus and integrators
- How intelligent document recognition can add value for service bureaus and integrators
- Case study examples of service bureaus and integrators that have cashed in on intelligent document recognition
Unlocking Efficiency: Leveraging AI for Handwriting Recognition in IDP Webinar
Learn how AI-driven handwriting recognition enhances intelligent document processing. Join our webinar to boost efficiency in data extraction.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The true value of IDP lies in extracting data from valuable documents and turning it into actionable information. However, not all data sources are the same.
While numbers and hand-printed characters are table stakes today, the ultimate challenge lies with handwritten information.
Typically, businesses overcome this challenge with costly and lengthy workarounds by capturing images of handwritten data and then relying on humans to interpret and input this data into systems. Needless to say, human error is a natural occurrence and can be costly for organizations, leading to delays in customer onboarding, decreased customer satisfaction, and expensive, tedious reworking.
With ibml Cloud Capture (ICC), organizations can elevate process efficiency using Generative AI combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Watch our webinar to discover how iCC can …
- Effortlessly extract essential data from mixed inputs by combining handwritten and printed characters to retrieve key information
- Integrate information from multiple documents to fill in missing details
- Provide options for human intervention as and when required
Want to explore further? Click here to start a conversation with one of our expert consultants.
What’s New in Capture Suite 5.0
Learn about the latest features in ibml Capture Suite 5.0. including remote scanning, an enhanced user interface, and more exciting improvements!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Advance Mission-Critical Capture with One Powerful Platform
See how the market’s fastest software tackles ultra-high volumes.
Check out our webinar to witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml Capture Suite 5.0.
Watch the software in action with a live demonstration of its new features and capabilities.
Learn about the new ibml Capture Suite 5.0 features including:
- Remote scanning without compromising speed or security
- Improved user experience with the new interface and updated wizards for Job Setup
- The smartest and most accurate, unconstrained handwriting recognition, and
- A host of other improvements sure to “wow” you!
What’s New in ibml Capture Suite 5.2?
Learn about the latest features and enhancements in ibml Capture Suite 5.2. Improve document processing efficiency with new automation tools.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Overhaul Your Mission-Critical Capture Performance
Capture every type of document with astonishing intelligence and speed with ibml’s Capture Suite software.
Watch our webinar to learn about the new ibml Capture Suite 5.2 features including:
- Improved remote scanning to Cloud/WAN
- Improved active directory integration
- Ability to highlight documents in Scan and Quality Assurance
- Ability to automatically insert images from Post Scan
- Improved lookup in Validation
- Analytics as a service versus an application
- and much more!
What’s New in ibml Capture Suite 5.3?
Discover the latest features in ibml Capture Suite 5.3 & how they enhance document capture, automation, and workflow efficiency. Join the webinar now.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Rising Overhead Costs… Stricter Compliance… Complex Documents… Sluggish Speeds… Sound familiar?
If you’re struggling with these issues, it means your organization isn’t reaching its true performance potential and valuable information isn’t getting into the hands of decision-makers as quickly as it could be.
Overhaul the pesky performance issues plaguing your productivity and throughput. Blast through high volume expectations with the market’s toughest capture software that offers impressive inline intelligence at unprecedented speeds and no click charges – ibml Capture Suite.
What’s New in ibml Capture Suite 5.5?
Discover new features in ibml Capture Suite 5.5, including exception scanning, real-time batch info, reduced overhead, and enhanced export flexibility.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Learn about the new features and functionality of ibml Capture Suite in our recent webinar.
Some of the features highlighted in the webinar are:
- Extended platform usage for images captured from ibml and TWAIN/ISIS scanners
- Support of exception scanning
- Real-time batch information which allows for quicker responses by operators
- Reduction of overheard by importing jobs that include database connection
- Greater flexibility and efficiency in managing data exports
- and much more
In addition to watching the webinar, to learn even more about how ibml Capture Suite can overhaul your mission-critical capture performance, click here to contact an expert.
Tip Sheets
6 Strategies to Future-Proof Your BPO Business
To compete in the fully digital business landscape of the future, BPOs are racing to upgrade their technology, fine-tune their processes and use their creativity to deliver world-class services to their customers.- Upload a tip sheet or paste a URL? : 1
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Digital Transformation Guide for Lenders
To drive organizational digital transformation, it is paramount the sources of data that come into the organization are captured and ingested fast and accurately into business processes. This guide will get you started.- Upload a tip sheet or paste a URL? : 1
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Outmoded Mortgage Lending Processes
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Processing mortgage applications is a risk-reward endeavor. You’re often battling costly and complex business processes, fraught with compliance risks. Learn how to take the cost, complexity, and risk out of mortgage processing with this tip sheet.
The Changing Nature of Digital Transformation
If your business hasn’t begun its digital transformation, it’s time to start. Roughly 85 percent of managers and executives concurred with the statement, “being a digital business is important for the success of my company,” according to the 2017 Digital Business Report by MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte.- Upload a tip sheet or paste a URL? : 1
- Downloadable Tip Sheet :
Product Updates
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.0.6 – Effective 08/09/22
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- Application Crash After “Action Argument Decompose Data: Keyword “[Pocket]” Not Found” Error displayed while using a job with database lookup.
- MICR + ICR Merge: MICR data is used in merge when ICR data returns better results.
- A job using the Scanner-to-Job feature, upon batch close, displays a “Violation of Primary Key constraint ‘PK_DailyCounters’ Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.DailyCounters'”
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client; Job Setup
- Batch Input: Employing a stored procedure to set a parameter file does not function if DocNetics is enabled in the job.
Capture Suite Module: Auto Import
- In some installs of version 4.9.3, PDF import replaces check boxes with the “$” symbol.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes iCS 506
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.1.0 – Effective 08/12/22
The following summarizes a subset of enhancements that were made in this release:
Capture Suite Module: ibml Capture Suite
- Certified Windows 11 Pro and Windows Server 2022 Standard
- Concurrent Licensing: Quality Control Client, Validation Client and Analytics Viewer
- Capture Suite Licensing – Override Global Licensing
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- Feeder Module Speed Control in Scan Client
- ibml FUSiON and ImageTrac 6000 V2 Series Scanner support in the Camera Configuration tab of Scan Client
- Manually Insert images into a batch in Scan Client
Capture Suite Module: Job Setup
- ibml Capture Suite to ibml Cloud Capture Integration:
- Exporting images and data to ibml Cloud Capture
- Monitoring batches being processed in Cloud Capture in Capture Suite
- Importing data added or modified in Cloud Capture back into Capture Suite
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: ibml Cloud Capture
- In the Data Connection dialog, the database name is not displaying in the “Connect to a database” field, causing connectivity errors when ibml Capture Suite attempted to access the database.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- A document object using an IBR property that also uses the property’s advanced action to assign an override pocket does not work, with the document instead pocketing to the configured default pocket.
- Unable to delete a batch when the Accept/Reject feature is enabled for a job and the Operator rejects a batch (if configured to delete a batch on reject.)
- “Unhandled Exception at UpdateTransactionDocStatus()” warning message displays.
Capture Suite Module: Admin Console
- When editing Batch Input in Admin Console, filtering does not work correctly for Lockbox Configurations when the Batch Input dialog is displayed.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.1.0.
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.1.2 – Effective 11/18/2022
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client; FADGI Testing
- FADGI test dialog’s “Collect Support Data” does not list the version of FADGI supporting software.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client; Remote Scanning
- Invalid xml file from a discarded batch header when using Legacy Output along with option “Wait from first document complete to name batch” is enabled.
- The Batch Upload application (BatchUpload.exe) crashes when a “Record Separator” character is present in 2D bar data.
- Scanning a batch from a job with Remote Document Scanning mode and Legacy Output enabled, if an operator deleted a transaction item along with the document that created the transaction Scan Client displayed an unhandled exception error. The Batch Upload application crashes after that batch was closed and would continue to do so upon subsequent launch.
- Scan Client IBR and Barcode columns display truncated data after deleting a document object.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client: Job Setup
- EnableStopWhenPocketFull(); logical pocketing script is no longer supported.
Capture Suite Module: PostScan Process
- Reported Issue: Image coordinates are incorrect in the dbo.DocNetics_ICR table after an Image Manipulation Auto Orient step.
For complete details, download the full product release here: Release Notes iCS 512
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.1.4 – Effective 03/01/23
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- When attempting to open a previously scanned batch and a software parameter file does not exist, several error/warning messages are displayed to the user. Attempting to close the application or the batch results in an “object reference not set” error.
- German user Sets Batch Status in Scan Client and a “Specified cast is not valid” error displays. “Beim schließen des stapels ist ein problem aufgetreten. (there was a problem closing the batch)”
- In a job with Logical Pocketing enabled, when an auto-batch header is out-sorted the pocket fill-count resets to zero.
Capture Suite Module: Remote Scanning
- Remote Scanning, when enabled, is incorrectly using the ‘Batch Name Format’ job field where the ‘Image Destination Format’ job field should have been used.
- A job with Remote Scanning enabled experiences Demand Feed issues.
- Batch appears stuck indefinitely in the Batch Upload application, without successful upload.
- Scan Client closes after clicking “OK” on error message, ” ‘An error was encountered that will require the application to close. Unable to update keywords for DocID0’ “
Capture Suite Module: PostScan Process
- Batch displays “PostScan Output Error” in Admin Console and “[Error] System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types” in the PostScan Client log.
For complete details, download the full product release here: Release Notes iCS 5.1.4
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.2.0 – Effective 03/06/2023
The following summarizes a subset of enhancements that were made in this release:
Capture Suite Module: Analytics
- Added a formal analytics report for FADGI results that includes details of testing that are scanner, operator, and camera specific (pass/fail).
Capture Suite Module: Login: Admin Console
- Active Directory (AD) integration added where AD groups are mapped to ibml Capture Suite groups using the Admin Console’s User Admin tab.
Capture Suite Module: Lockbox Processing; Admin Console
- A new feature allows Cash Management Systems (CMS) lockbox configurations to be automatically synced into Capture Suite.
- The automation is achieved by utilizing a plugin host service that allows a user to configure a watch folder containing lockbox configurations to be synced.
- This service has a standalone system tray application that allows an administrator to monitor the plugin(s) that the service is running.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client; Quality Control
- For a FADGI-compliant scanner, the FADGI test dialog in Scan Client and Quality Control Client has an added option to display and export GoldenThread test results.
- Increased the size of the camera and hand feed buttons in the FADGI Compliance Test Window. It also adds a stop feed and continues scanning buttons. The size of the buttons was increased so that they are easier to use on the touchscreen panel. The buttons were moved to the left side of the viewing pane.
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: PostScan Process
- Over time, the PostScan PDF Output times begin to degrade.
- This ibml Cloud Capture Suite installer, for PDF Ouput, upgrades FoxIT to version
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- The Alert, “Counts and Totals” incorrectly displays an error after an Operator has deleted an item and attempts a res-can [Rescan mode].
Capture Suite Module: Client Reports; Analytics
- Reported Issue: The report “Error Detail or Error Sum-mary,” when filtering for error types ‘alerts’ only, displays a blank report.
- Prior to this release, these were not designed to report Scan Job Alerts.
- Change in Behavior: With this release, Scan Client now stores Scan Job Alerts in the database for reporting – Error Detail and Error Summary reports.
Capture Suite Module: Quality Control Client
- Alert reprocessing for “Allowed Documents” is not clearing flagged items after document order is corrected.
- Batches, where transactions are flagged by an alert, are skipping Quality Control Client when Quality Control Job Setup is configured to evaluate flags.
For complete details, download the full product release here: Release Notes 5 2 0
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.2.1 – Effective 04/20/2023
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: PostScan Process; Job Setup
- When testing a high-resolution image with PostScan, Image Manipulation, Color Detection option, an “Out of Memory Exception” error is displayed.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- When in Insert Mode, a keyword using month and minutes modifiers are being overwritten.
Capture Suite Module: Batch Input; Job Setup
- An underscore character, or a “$” character, is being added to the end of an edit box batch input string when the edit box is using the “regular” mask type setting.
Capture Suite Module: Admin Console
- Active Directory: “An error has occurred trying to retrieve the groups in the Active Directory Tab. An item with the same key has already been added.” error displayed.
Capture Suite Module: Job Setup: Client Reports
- When Finnish country formatting is used in Windows’ regional settings, it causes issues with job setup and client reporting.
For complete details, download the full product release here: iCS Release Notes 5.2.1
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.2.2 – Effective 05/23/2023
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: PostScan Process; Quality Control Client
- PNG files are not always copied to the output folder for DocID’s that have TIFF images deleted.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- When using logical pocketing and “Stop when the next pocket is full”, pressing the pocket button does not reset the document count properly.
Capture Suite Module: Job Setup
- After importing a job, multiple Validation tiles are being added to the SoftTrac PostScan Setup workflow.
Capture Suite Module: Document Processor
- When MICR data and ICR data are merged after a bad read, incorrect values can result.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes iCS 522
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.3.0 – Effective 09/22/2023
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite Module: Job Setup
- With a job open, if a tile of the SoftTrac PostScan Setup tab is viewed and then closed without making any changes, the job may indicate that modifications need to be saved.
- Issue correction is for new jobs only.
- After this version is installed, saving an existing job that is marked as having changes corrects for this issue.
Capture Suite Module: Scan Client
- Job with Fine Sort enabled:
- the Out of Order Alert does not accept manual barcode entry.
- after manually entering the expected barcode on the alert dialog, if an operator scans a document and the barcode value is not detected or read, a “DCN Not Found” alert is displayed and the Barcode Override doesn’t work.
- when replacing or deleting documents marked as “Barcode Not Read,” an “OnAttributeErros” error displays, and the “Next Pass” button is unavailable.
- a condition existed in which multiple non-matched documents in Pass 1 resulted in a keyword error when Pass 2 was attempted.
Capture Suite Module: Admin Console
- Admin Console Launch time could exceed a couple of minutes in cases of databases with hundreds of users and hundreds of scan jobs.
- The Admin Console application encounters an unhandled exception when attempting to set passwords with a length of 32 characters that include special characters.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes 5.3.0.
- With a job open, if a tile of the SoftTrac PostScan Setup tab is viewed and then closed without making any changes, the job may indicate that modifications need to be saved.
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.4.0 – Effective 4/25/2024
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this issue.The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this issue.
Capture Suite module: Scan Client
- When upgrading ibml Capture Suite to versions 5.3.0 or higher with cached remote batches that have not yet been uploaded, users may encounter issues.
- 3 Workarounds are outlined
Capture Suite module: Job Setup
- In the PostScan Image Insert process, the “Inserted Image Job Object Item” selected drop-down value does not persist through job export or import.
Capture Suite module: Client Reports
- The “PostScan Output Summary” report is incorrect when a “Copy” Image Manipulation process is configured as the second processing task.
- The “PostScan Ouput Summary by Job” displays a file not found error, “Could not find the report file for the selected report – [path of the report resource file]”.
Capture Suite module: Auto Import
- When compressed files are imported and the ‘Archive Unsupported File Types’ option is enabled, unsupported files are not removed from the configured watch folder.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes_5.4.0
- When upgrading ibml Capture Suite to versions 5.3.0 or higher with cached remote batches that have not yet been uploaded, users may encounter issues.
ibml Capture Suite Release Notes 5.5.0 – Effective 11/22/24
What's new in ibml Capture Suite 5.5The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this issue.
Capture Suite module: Scan Client
- A ‘mscorlib’ error occurred: ‘Error starting the new batch. Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index.’ The error was displayed to the operator.
- Scan Client users may occasionally see incorrect or random Unicode characters in the ICR Data column of the Scan Client UI. This bad data is not logged in the log files, does not exist in the database, and only affects the UI.
- When using Scan Client on an IntelliScan Raptor, error messages do not appear in the display language specified in the user interface.
Capture Suite module: Quality Control
- When loading a batch in Quality Control Client that involves a TWAIN device configuration, an error message appears behind the “Getting Started” screen, resulting in the message being hidden and the application becoming unresponsive. Additionally, users are unable to close the “Please Wait” dialog, causing the client to run in the background without the ability to terminate it through Task Manager.
Capture Suite module: PostScan Process
- CDATA (Character Data) section is not being written, during XSLT processing, to the output file as expected for a PostScan Processing.
For complete details, download the full product release here: Release Notes 5.5.0
ibml Image Quality Analysis Service (IQAS) – Version 1.0.3 – Effective 11/18/2022
The following summarizes issues that were addressed in this release:
Capture Suite Scan Client; FADGI Testing
- FADGI test dialog’s “Collective Support Data” does not list the version of FADGI supporting software.
Image Quality Analysis Service
- Updated to support Image Science Associates – GoldenThread Analysis Software version 6.28.1
- Updated ibml profile and changed name to ibml_300_ModernTexturalRecords
For complete details, download the full product release here: Release Notes iQAS 103
ibml Image Quality Analysis Service (IQAS) – Versions 1.0.5 – Effective 04/20/2023
The following summarizes a subset of enhancements that were made in this release:
Image Quality Analysis Service; FADGI Testing
- Support based on the version of GoldenThread installed for FADGI testing.
- When a user clicks “Download Support Files” using the FADGI test dialog, this release supports including the FADGI profile used during the FADGI test.
For complete details, download the full product release here: Release Notes IQAS 1.0.5.
ibml Scanner Manager Base Software for ImageTrac 6 or earlier models – Version 7.3.4 – Effective 07/22/22
The following summarizes issues that were corrected in this release:
Capture Suite ParmSetup
- Intelligent Reader – Unhandled exception when selecting a job using the In-sight software.
- Version 5.9.0 of the In-sight software is currently the only supported version.
- Documentation Updated: “Intelligent Reader” topic in the ParmSetup help files.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes JSE Systems 734
ibml Scanner Manager Base Software for ImageTrac 6 or earlier models – Version 7.4.0 – Effective 08/12/22
The following summarizes issues that were corrected in this release:
- ImageServer
- Camera tint threshold improvements requested.
- Image Synchronization Fault; “IMG:Error 122 Image Synchronization Fault DocID n”
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes JSE Systems 740
- ImageServer
ibml Scanner Manager Base Software for ImageTrac 6 v2 / ibml FUSiON – Version 7.3.4 – Effective 07/22/22
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
- General Changes
- Bitonal setting De-screen (enabled) results in characters (edges) and barcodes being connected.
- Images stored in Color Dropout configuration archive file (.CDO) are getting characters appended to the file name every time the color dropout dialog was opened and the ‘OK’ button was clicked.
- ParmSetup Pre-Processed Capture [image] window was not positioned where expected after drawing the window region [using the UI].
- Error “CPreProcessQue : File Type Not Supported” when using multiple Pre-processed Capture Windows for a single camera.
- Capture Suite ParmSetUP
- Intelligent Reader – Unhandled exception when selecting a job using the In-sight software.
- Version 5.9.0 of the In-sight software is currently the only supported version.
- Documentation Updated: “Intelligent Reader” topic in the ParmSetup help files.
- ImageServer
- When a user “signs out” of Windows, upon sign in of another user, the image server (ImageSvr) reports “SSE Error” and/or “Could Not Connect.”
- When text (non-dropout) intersects with lines dropped from a form by color dropout, pixels of the text are removed where the line intercepts the text.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes iQpro Systems 734
- General Changes
ibml Scanner Manager Base Software for ImageTrac 6 v2 and ibml FUSiON – Version 7.4.0 – Effective 08/12/22
The following summarizes a subset of issues that were corrected in this release:
- General Changes:
- Scanning FADGI test targets on 7300+ series ibml Fusion Scanners. (Scanners with one Decision Module prior to the first pocket.)
- When saving (using Save-As) a software parameter file with a color drop-out configuration, that does not contain a configuration image, some XML data in the .CDO file is being lost.
- Software Parameter File Changes:
- Updated the Feeder Settings for the “125ips_Long” and “125ips_Long_SF” software parameter file
- Updated the following parameter files with the latest changes that have occurred across the 7300 series parameter files
- MICR Gain values have changed since the last firmware and QA testing to reach the documented values when reading the MICR Gain dump
- The Feeder Settings for the default 55ips, 83ips, and 125ips Software parameter files have been modified to prevent the thinner Rev 05 Imaging Test Documents from “popping”, folding up, and jamming in the feeder. The Picker Motor has been reduced substantially to prevent this condition when running with new Picker Rollers, Feeder Tires, and Reverse Belts. None of the “_Long” Software parameter files were modified with these changes
- Hardware Parameter File Changes:
- The A6 segment for all speeds was throwing documents and creating a poor stack on the 125-00709 Stacker Pocket.
- Capture Suite ParmSetup
- Intelligent Reader – Unhandled exception when selecting a job using the In-sight software.
- Software parameter file with Bitonal image output with “Expand Luminance Contrast” enabled along with “Edge Enhancement” set to “Static” with a value greater than 100, image with blank pages display pixels large enough to be individually visible from a normal viewing distance.
For complete details, download the full product release here: ReleaseNotes iQpro Systems 740
- General Changes:
Clear Ballot and ibml Announce Partnership to Introduce Ultra High-Performance Ballot Scanning to Elections
▷ Clear ballot and ibml have partnered to respond to the election industry’s growing need for general purpose, reliable, high–performance scanning solutions that can process both full–face vote–by–mail ballots, voter registration cards and the myriad of other paper documents. Contact iBML today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- News Location : Boston, MA
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Today, Boston–based Clear Ballot and Birmingham–based ibml announced a partnership to integrate two ultra high–performance scanner models with Clear Ballot’s ClearVote™ voting system.
Clear Ballot and ibml have partnered to respond to the election industry’s growing need for general purpose, reliable, high–performance scanning solutions that can process both full–face vote–by–mail ballots, voter registration cards and the myriad of other paper documents that Clerks and county officials across the country need to digitize.
Clear Ballot becomes the first firm in the industry to offer ballot scanning solutions that meet the budgetary needs of the smallest jurisdictions as well as the performance requirements of the country’s largest election jurisdictions. Both scanner models will be integrated into Clear Ballot’s ClearVote voting system and will be submitted as an amendment to Clear Ballot’s current application for certification with the Election Assistance Commission. Clear Ballot’s software allows scanners from different manufacturers to network together providing the performance and redundancy required by the mission–critical nature of election administration.
Both scanners will be demonstrated at the Election Center Conference in Philadelphia on August 18 and 19.
- The ImageTracDS 1210 is a desktop scanner capable of sustained processing of 18” ballots at 6,000 ballots per hour and small–format 2D barcoded ballots at speeds over 15,000 ballots per hour.
- The ImageTrac® is capable of sustained processing of 18” ballots at speeds over 13,000 ballots per hour and small–format 2D barcoded ballots at speeds over 32,000 ballots per hour.
As states like California, seeking the efficiencies and positive impact on voter turnout, follow the voting methods pioneered by Oregon and Washington and recently extended by Colorado, the number of ballots cast through the mail will continue to increase. With as many as 40% of the ballots arriving on Election Day, the requirements for high speed scanning become critical to efficiently process ballots and tabulate results in a narrow window of time.
In addition, this partnership brings new leadership to the industry by anticipating the performance, accuracy and transparency requirements needed to efficiently process the new 2D barcoded ballot designs produced by the next generation of accessible ballot marking devices. Devices like the one pioneered by the L.A. County’s Voting Systems Assessment Project will, in the near future, play an important role in meeting the increasingly stringent requirements for accessible voting as well as improving the in–person voting experience of every voter.
Clear Ballot’s Founder and CEO Larry Moore said, “In every industry impacted by technology we have seen the same movie: Rapid innovation and lower costs follow when a competitive market turns away from proprietary hardware and embraces innovative software solutions and general purpose hardware. For too long, the election industry has been held hostage to vendors who sell single use, proprietary hardware systems. Our partnership with ibml extends Clear Ballot’s commitment to provide election officials and clerks –in jurisdictions of every size – with the most affordable, reliable, highest performing general purpose technology the industry has to offer.”
“ibml’s relationship with Clear Ballot underscores the priority that ibml places on tight integration with mission—critical applications where the imaging process is paramount to the success of the solution,” said Derrick Murphy, President and CEO of ibml. “ibml sees a positive opportunity to align with Clear Ballot; a partner who strives to bring unique solutions to the elections industry.”
Scanner Performance:
This chart illustrates the sustained performance of central count scanning that jurisdictions of every size can expect. Figures are for a single scanner. Both ibml and Fujitsu scanners can be freely intermixed as required to achieve performance and redundancy at the most affordable price. Performance is additive as scanners are added in a networked environment.For small and medium–size jurisdictions, Fujitsu scanners already offer the best combination of performance, price, reliability and nationwide support.
About Clear Ballot
Boston–based Clear Ballot was founded in 2009 and is an emerging leader in election technology innovation. ClearVote, Clear Ballot’s modular voting system, harnesses modern software tools and advanced hardware to create a comprehensive voting system designed to bring greater speed, accuracy, and transparency to elections. ClearVote is easy to use and cost–effective, responding directly to the budgetary realities of America’s counties and municipalities. For more information about Clear Ballot, visit: or email -
Crown Records Management Partners with ibml to Enhance its Capabilities for Better Digital Transformation Outcomes
ibml, a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical digitization and intelligent document processing solutions partners with Crown Records Management (Crown) to offer enhanced intelligent document processing services to Crown's customers.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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London (July 3, 2023) -. ibml, a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical digitization and intelligent document processing solutions partners with Crown Records Management (Crown) to offer enhanced intelligent document processing services to Crown’s customers. This investment further underpins Crown’s 2027 Record Management Strategy and provides Crown’s customers with the most accurate digital document and information capture with secure access to both physical and digital records.
Crown provides a full suite of digital information management services, ranging from scan-on-demand, workflow automation to data preservation. The information management system provides complete oversight over how both physical and electronic data is created within an organization.
“Crown has helped organizations manage increasingly larger quantities of data and physical files for more than 50 years,” said Matt Read, Head of Digital Services UK&I for Crown. “Our partnership with ibml creates perfect synergies for both companies to support information capture as a vital component of digital transformation to deliver enhanced capabilities and better and faster outcomes for our customers. Our investment in new hardware and software enables us to continue to provide creative solutions to our clients, remaining cost effective in the market so that we can provide our own clients with the best return of investment.”
“Crown’s investment in ibml is a testament to our strength of helping organizations deliver their digital transformation strategy as well as providing the best image quality and the fastest intelligent document processing capabilities in the industry today,” said Ashley Keil, General Manager & VP EMEA of ibml. “We look forward to this partnership and helping Crown Records Management’s customers achieve faster turnaround times, improved decision making, improved vendor and customer relationships, and better quality archival and audit records.”
About Crown Records Management
With 14 locations in the United Kingdom alone, Crown Records Management helps clients to maximize the value of their “corporate memory” through the storage, active management and timely destruction of information assets. The team has a wealth of experience working across industries, including financial services, healthcare, legal, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals as well as many public sector organizations.Media Contact:
Laura Often
Zen Media
Digital Pioneer ibml Breaks New Ground in FADGI Verification with ibmlFUSiON and Capture Suite Software
ibml, a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical IDP solutions, introduces ibml Capture Suite (iCS) with FADGI verification. Learn more here!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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FADGI 3-Star Rating Deepens Value of the Most Powerful Capture Technology on the Market
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (PRWEB) May 09, 2022 — Today, ibml, a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions, introduces ibml Capture Suite (iCS) with FADGI verification. Launched in 2007, FADGI (Federal Agencies Digital Guidance Initiative) sets concrete measurable targets for federal agencies to hit when processing digitized and born-digital historical, archival and cultural content. FADGI standards have taken on more urgency with the U.S. Government’s initiative to stop the flow of analog materials into the National Archives after 2022 – and organizations now have the tools to meet ambitious conversion goals with hardware and software from ibml.
“With digital records taking primacy at the National Archives in 2023, having the capability to digitize analog materials rapidly and effectively is essential,” said Martin Birch, CEO of ibml. “Our products and services are made for such mission-critical applications, and our 3-star FADGI rating positions our scanners and software as ideal solutions for government agencies and other organizations worldwide.”
A FADGI 3-star rating is the most widely adopted and accepted quality for unbound document imaging conversions. The 3-star FADGI standards are comparable to ISO 19264-1 Level B international standards. As such, international customers can benefit by using them to meet and measure high-quality imaging standards in their digitization operations.
The FADGI guidelines, which encompass nearly 100 pages, cover file specifications, color encoding, data storage, physical environment, backup strategies, metadata and workflows. The corresponding evaluation system defines image quality levels from one star to four stars. The higher the star-rating, the higher the image quality and the applicability for different uses. Customers achieve FADGI 3 Star-compliant images by capturing a Golden Thread DICE Test Target through normal scanning operations, and then verifying with the Golden Thread Software.
ibml Capture Suite (iCS) offers a FADGI Verification module designed to allow operators to have an integrated experience between iCS and Golden Thread software. With this module, operators have an integrated single-user experience in iCS allowing them to be productive while consuming the least amount of time in ensuring image quality consistency with this periodic verification. System administrators can determine the periods in which testing needs to be done. iCS also retains images captured and the results from the integrated FADGI verification process as an audit trail for customers to provide compliance.
“In addition to iCS, our ibmlFUSiON scanner makes it easy for customers to scan and achieve the necessary image quality at scale, in the volumes that they need,” said Susheel John, ibml VP of marketing and strategy. “Combined with iCS it makes it easy and effective to measure FADGI image quality standard and maintains an audit trail of all documents being scanned, recording which ones pass or fail so that digitized scans can be verified by users or authorities as needed, and the physical documents can be destroyed to free up valuable office space for other higher value activities.”
The ibmlFUSiON scanner produces the highest quality images that meet FADGI standards, and does it without compromising speeds or supported document sizes, achieving compliance across an unparalleled 13-inch wide scan track. ibml delivered the world’s first and fastest FADGI compliant production scanner at 474 pages per minute speed, and now it combines that power with ease of use through seamless integration with iCS, making it a simple task for organizations to achieve FADGI standards while achieving best-in-class productivity, enabling them to keep up with the volumes of documents that need to be digitized.
About ibml
ibml is the world-class market leader in high-volume, mission-critical intelligent document processing capture solutions. Through the power of speed, intelligence and unsurpassed experience, ibml helps organizations extract valuable information from large volumes of complex documents and accelerate it for immediate use in business applications. The world’s largest enterprises in banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare, government and BPOs rely on ibml to help overcome their core information management challenges. With a comprehensive suite of hardware, software, and services, ibml products can be found in over 80% of the
world’s top mailrooms and in more than 46 countries. -
Frequently Asked Questions – ibml Acquisition of Exela Intelliscan Smart Scanning Solutions Business
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1. Why is this deal important to ibml?
- ibml is the global leader in intelligent high-volume scanning. The acquisition of Exela Technologies’ IntelliScan Smart Scanning Solutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘IntelliScan’) allows ibml to consolidate and expand its leadership position within this market.
2. Why is this deal important to the current and future customers of ibml and Exela Technologies?
- The combined resources of both organizations will bring greater product innovation, best-in-the-industry support coverage, and enhanced customer response, all of which are critical for the most demanding mission-critical digitization environments we serve.
3. What are the details of the deal?
- ibml will acquire the assets of the IntelliScan division of Exela Technologies
- The includes all IntelliScan Hardware and Capture Software products and Maintenance services, all Intellectual property associated with these products, customer obligations, vendor relationships, and all current stock of products, parts, and spares.
- ibml did not acquire any part of Exela’s Business Process Outsourcing operations or any other software solution offered by Exela.
4. What will happen to the employees of Exela IntelliScan?
- All identified employees of the division will be offered continued employment with ibml.
5. Will ibml’s leadership change?
- The combined company will operate as ibml under the current leadership of ibml including:
- CEO – Martin Birch
- CFO – G Russell Smith
- CTO – Pete Rudak
- CMO – Susheel John
6. When do you anticipate the deal closing?
- The deal was closed on Friday, June 9, 2023.
7. What are the key business benefits for the company and its customers?
- An enhanced portfolio of products for the high-volume digitization needs of our customers.
- Continued innovation & investment in the high-volume digitization market bringing better efficiencies to customer processes.
- Investments in support infrastructure to provide enhanced customer service. Consolidation of go-to-market resources for the combined portfolio of products.
- Customer access to a broader portfolio of products and services.
8. Where will the combined HQ be located, and what will happen to Exela IntelliScan offices?
- The headquarters of ibml will remain in Birmingham, Alabama. Office space in Irving, Texas, that currently supports the Intelliscan business will continue to be used to support the operations and customers after the deal closes. The Dallas office will be added as a new office for ibml over and above our current UK and Germany offices.
9. How many employees will be joining ibml?
- About 103 employees bringing the total organization to ~360 employees.
10. What changes should customers expect?
- There will be no immediate changes in customer service delivery, and they will continue to operate and interact with the same sales and service representatives as they do today.
11. What changes should business partners expect?
- No changes are planned for our current ibml go-to-market business and channel partners. Exela IntelliScan’s go-to-market business and channel partners should expect to continue their relationship with ibml as they did with IntelliScan prior to the transaction.
- The combined company will provide them with an enhanced portfolio of products to sell and grow their relationship with the combined entity.
12. What changes should vendors expect?
- ibml expects to maintain the current supply chain partner relationship. Current Intelliscan suppliers will be onboarded to ibml systems to make the accounts payable process smoother.
13. Does this change the go-to-market strategy for ibml in any way?
- Yes! As a combined entity, we will have a broader portfolio of products that will better serve existing ibml and Exela customers, as well as, give us the opportunity to expand our market participation going forward.
14. Who do I contact with questions?
- Please submit your questions here
ibml : Scannerserie Fusion mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
Das größte Hindernis der digitalen Transformation ist die weiter wachsende Menge an gedruckten Dokumenten. Papierdokumente werden in der Regel gescannt und erfasst, um sie für die digitalen Prozesse zur Verfügung zu stellen.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Wegbereiter der Digitalisierung
Das größte Hindernis der digitalen Transformation ist die weiter wachsende Menge an gedruckten Dokumenten. Papierdokumente werden in der Regel gescannt und erfasst, um sie für die digitalen Prozesse zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Hauptkosten des Scanprozesses liegen im Vor- und Nacharbeiten der Dokumente. Mit den Dokumentenscannern der ibml Fusion-Series lassen sich diese Kosten reduzieren und Digitalisierungsverantwortliche bringen bislang unerschlossene Informationen in die Prozesse. Ein gigantischer Markt für BPODienstleiste.
Viele Scandienstleister und Poststellen möchten in ihren Produktionen ein Ziel realisieren – möglichst sämtliche Prozesse und Aufträge für die Kunden auf einem Dokumentenscanner konsolidieren. Damit hoffen die Dienstleister, die Komplexität in der Produktion zu verringern.
Da anstelle vieler unterschiedlicher Scanner nur noch wenige Geräte benötigt werden, können die Wartungskosten dramatisch sinken. Die Preiskalkulationen werden übersichtlich und von Prozess zu Prozess und von Kunden zu Kunden vergleichbar. Auch benötigen die Anbieter für ihre Scanproduktionen viel weniger Fläche, weniger Mitarbeiter und weniger unterschiedliches technisches Knowhow.
Mit der neuen Fusion-Serie möchte ibml diesen Anforderungen Gerecht werden. Dafür haben die Ingenieure Software und Mechanik in bisher einzigartiger Weise aneinander angepasst. Während innerhalb des Scanners der Papiertransport auf die bis jetzt technisch machbare, maximale Geschwindigkeit beschleunigt wurde, organisiert und steuert die Software die einzelnen Komponenten und Verarbeitungsschritte im selben Tempo.
KI und Mechanik arbeiten synchron
Kamera, Printer, Sortierer und Datenextraktion laufen auch bei 730 verarbeiteten DIN-A4-Seiten in der Minute absolut synchron. Jedes Dokument wird mit höchster Auflösung fotografiert und dessen Daten ausgelesen. Nahezu gleichzeitig druckt der Printer einen Zeitstempel oder eine Kennnummer für die Dokumentenverfolgung und Millisekunden später fällt es in das für diesen Prozess vorgesehene Ausgabefach. Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter können die Dokumentenstapel jetzt mit einem Griff in die Archive weiterreichen oder – wenn das gewünscht ist – zur Vernichtung schicken. Die mechanischen Prozesse der Postverarbeitung sind damit beendet.
Innerhalb der Dokumentenscanner sortiert die Künstliche Intelligenz die digitalen Dokumente und die daraus extrahierten Daten. Sie erkennt aus den Inhalten der Dokumente den für dieses Schriftstück vorgesehenen Geschäfts-prozess. Sie kann sie für den Scandienstleister nach Kunden und Auftrag trennen und für den Versand bereitstellen. Die Systeme schreiben zu jedem Schriftstück die Metadaten mit in die Dokumentenbeschreibung und machen so jede Rechnung und jedes Anschreiben im digitalen Archiv recherchierbar. Daten und Rechnungsdokument sind verlinkt und können vom Arbeitsplatz aufgerufen und kontrolliert werden – oder direkt in der Dunkelverarbeitung automatisch verarbeitet und abschließend freigegeben werden. Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz erreicht das Dokumentenscannen eine neue Stufe.
Steffen Unmuth , Sales Director EMEA , ibml bringt es auf den Punkt: „76 Prozent aller Kosten entstehen beim Vorbereiten der Dokumentenstapel sowie bei den Nacharbeiten. Übernimmt und automatisiert der Scanner diese Aufgaben, werden nicht nur die Kosten dramatisch gesenkt – gleichzeitig erreicht die Zahl der verarbeiteten Dokumente bislang unbekannte Höhen.“
Papierscannen in Echtzeit
Die Inline-Software der Fusion-Serie kann ein ganzes Rechenzentrum ersetzen. Archive, Datenbanken, Anwendungen und Unternehmensapps werden über die Schnittstelle direct angebunden und beliefert.
Unsere Kunden können ihre Produktivität steigern und gleichzeitig Kosten für Produktionshallen, für Arbeit und für die Wartung der veralteten Systeme dramatisch senken,“ sagt ibml President und CEO Martin Birch. „Praktisch über Nacht können genau die Branchen die digitale Transformation schaffen, die die höchsten Anforderungen an die Dokumentenerfassung und Informationsverarbeitung haben. Gemeinsam werden wir die digitale Transformation vorantreiben und gleichzeitig die Kosten der Dokumentenverarbeitung senken.“
Denn jetzt können die Dienstleister und Poststellen garantieren, dass sie die Dokumente und Inhalte ihrer Kunden und der Abteilungen in Realtime-Geschwindigkeit in die digitalin Workflows füttern, die die internen Systeme vorgeben. Die Kommunikation auf Papier gilt als eines der größ- ten Hindernisse bei der Digitalisierung von Unternehmen und Wirtschaft. Mit der Fusion-Serie kann es in maximaler Geschwindigkeit überwunden werden.
ibml Acquires Exela Technologies’ IntelliScan Smart Scanning Solutions
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Acquisition positions ibml as the clear leader in the high-volume digitization market
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., June 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Imaging Business Machines LLC (“ibml“), a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical digitization and intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions, today announced the acquisition of Exela Technologies’ IntelliScan Smart Scanning Solutions (“Intelliscan”). The acquisition provides ibml with an enhanced portfolio of products and expanded service coverage to meet high-volume digitization needs of customers.
ibml will acquire the assets of the high-volume scanner and North America hardware maintenance businesses of Exela Technologies. Going forward, ibml will continue to offer Intelliscan customers a complete suite of scanning products and services, providing a seamless transition. Through this acquisition, ibml extends its leadership position as a provider of high-volume mission critical intelligent document processing solutions. The addition of the IntelliScan portfolio allows ibml to grow the combined business and serve its combined customer set with a broader portfolio of products and expanded service coverage.
“I am pleased to welcome the team from Exela and excited to add Exela’s high-volume scanner products to ibml’s market-leading portfolio of solutions,” said Martin Birch, CEO of ibml. “The additional expertise and offerings will provide our customers with a more diverse portfolio of best-in-class high volume intelligent scanning solutions, and the ability to bring greater innovation to their document-intensive business processes.”
Media Contact:
Laura Often
Zen Media
laurao@zenmedia.comTo read the full press release, click here.
ibml Deploys Intelligent Data Capture Solution at Midwestern Bank
▷ The ibml intelligent data solution is so efficient at scanning full-page documents that intrust is considering scanning all full-page documents it receives on behalf of its clients as a value-added service. Contact iBML today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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ibml, a leader in information capture solutions for the enterprise, today announced that it has deployed its intelligent data capture software and hardware at INTRUST Bank, a regional Midwestern bank. ibml’s technology is helping INTRUST reduce costs, enhance customer service, and position itself for success against its competitors.
INTRUST selected the ibml intelligent data capture solution based on its automatic document feeder (which eliminates the need to “hand-drop” documents), left-justified scanning (which reduces document preparation), automatic out-sorting of documents based on pre-defined business rules, and its dynamic image enhancement software (which reduces the possibility of checks being rejected by the Federal Reserve Bank). INTRUST also was drawn to ibml’s scalability for effectively managing spikes in transaction volumes – a key consideration in the lockbox processing market where backlogs can negatively impact a biller’s working capital.
The low total cost of ownership of the ibml solution enabled INTRUST to purchase ibml’s capture software and three ibml ImageTracDS 1085 desktop scanners for what it would have cost to purchase a single multifunction workstation from the bank’s old technology provider. INTRUST installed one of the ImageTracDS 1085 scanners in its disaster recovery facility.
Since deploying the ibml solution, INTRUST has:
- Achieved a 20 percent increase in its ability to meet information delivery deadlines
- Reduced its average document scanning cycle time by 33 percent
- Absorbed a 20 percent increase in the volume of full-page documents that it scans, without adding staff
- Reduced staff overtime in its lockbox department by 4.5 percent
- Eliminated any images rejected by the Federal Reserve as being too dark
The ibml solution is so efficient at scanning full-page documents that INTRUST is considering scanning all full-page documents it receives on behalf of its clients as a value-added service.
INTRUST is leveraging the functionality, flexibility and efficiency of the ibml solution to centralize document scanning for the bank. The ibml solution initially will scan documents for the bank’s private wealth management and retirement department before including other departments.
“After visiting with ibml and seeing its technology firsthand, we immediately knew ibml was the right choice,” said Norma Estrada, item processing supervisor for lockbox and check processing at INTRUST. “ibml’s technology improves our competitive position today and in the future.”
“With the dynamics of check volumes and the increasing demands of customers, succeeding in the lockbox processing business is increasingly more challenging,” said ibml CEO Derrick Murphy. “ibml’s intelligent capture solution enabled INTRUST to reduce costs, improve customer service and provide a platform for new capture processes producing a win/win/win scenario.”
ibml Enables Easier Integration of its Intelligent High-Volume Desktop Production Scanners
▷ ibml announces today the launch of isis and twain drivers for its high-volume desktop production scanners – the ImageTracDS 1155 and ImageTracDS 1210 scanner models – which extends the value of these popular devices by enabling easy integration with most document capture solutions. Contact iBML today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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ibml announces today the launch of ISIS and TWAIN drivers for its high-volume desktop production scanners – the ImageTracDS 1155 and ImageTracDS 1210 scanner models – which extends the value of these popular devices by enabling easy integration with most document capture solutions.
The ImageTracDS 1155 scanner is able to process up to 155 pages per minute (ppm) with the ImageTracDS 1210 rated to process up to 210 ppm making it the fastest desktop production scanner in the world.
The scanners are ideal for use in a range of industries. This includes banking, insurance, healthcare, government and BPOs where the necessity to lower paper digitizing costs is critical and organizations require a scalable platform which is easy to implement and can be upgraded to automate key business processes at the point of capture. ibml’s ImageTracDS series scanners are perfect for digital mail rooms and other environments where space is at a premium and the workload high.
“Our customers can now take advantage of these intelligent scanners to replace existing standard desktop scanners within their existing capture solution, ensuring no productivity loss with existing users” said Ashley Keil, ibml’s sales director, Northern and Western Europe, Africa and India.
Intelligence features designed to cope with the most demanding scanning environments
The staff time to deal with documents pre and post scanning contribute to more than 75% of total cost of scanning. ibml’s intelligent scanning technology helps customers to reduce their total cost of capture by:
- Re-using separator sheets from large batches reducing costs of separator sheets in scanning;
- Out sorting to different pockets based on the content of documents reducing post scan document assembly costs:
- Intelligent exception handling detects errors or missing information in documents early in the capture process to avoid costly repetition;
- Left-justified feeding simplifies inserting mixed documents into a scanner and helps save time and money as jams are minimized and document preparation time reduced;
- Intelligent printing based on document content helps secure document capture process and creates audit trails for records management and compliance purposes enabling easier retrieval of physical records.
Customers document capture needs are changing. While clearly fast scanning for archival purposes is still required, many customers want to augment this and incorporate scanned information directly into their business workflows which by definition have business rules attached to the capture process. Those business rules can be automated with intelligent scanning technology.
Keil explains, “The DS series enables users to migrate from traditional scanning approaches, which will allow them to use the scanners initially as they use other scanners today and then derive greater value by adding intelligence. ibml’s DS series is a disruptive technology in scanning that delivers greater value and benefits yet with investment similar to our customers current default scanner vendors.”
Keil concludes, “Our DS scanners ultimately help reduce the cost of document scanning and go a long way to future protect users who’s scanning needs are changing day by day as the document management market becomes more focused on day forward business-process based applications. And users get high performance equipment at no extra cost which is obviously key.”
For further information, contact
ibml launches new Cloud Capture platform offering customers an on-demand intelligent, ‘pay for what you need’ SaaS document processing system
Innovative unified cloud-native solution combines Data Capture powered by Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation and Content Management to extract valuable information from any source of business input.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Innovative unified cloud-native solution combines Data Capture powered by Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation and Content Management to extract valuable information from any source of business input.
BIRMINGHAM, AL, – ibml, a leading provider of intelligent information capture solutions, announces today the launch of our cloud-native SaaS platform which enables enterprises to intelligently capture, process and manage content from any source using an on-demand scalable ‘pay for what you need’ pricing model based on document volumes and features used.
The ibml Cloud Capture platform is a unique system designed to provide document process automation in one single modern unified environment, enabling customers to accelerate digital transformation by simplifying data capture from numerous business systems. Flexibility is also provided by enabling remote work to happen in a secure environment.
According to Gartner, cloud adoption is now considered mainstream with organizations rapidly increasing their reliance on cloud technologies. The worldwide public cloud services market is forecast to grow over 80% by 2022 to total $354.6 billion, up from $196.7 billion in 2018. Cloud application services (SaaS) are by far the largest segment of this with IT teams rushing to embrace cloud-built applications and relocate existing digital assets.
ibml Cloud Capture allows enterprises to escape from the historical lock-in of traditional capture and ECM systems characterized by high total cost of ownership with content and metadata mixed with proprietary APIs and databases. These systems are architected using older technologies resulting in expensive and lengthy upgrade cycles.
ibml Cloud Capture is the total opposite. Taking just days to implement, customers own their data, no proprietary formats are required, and integration is therefore seamless with any line of business application. The platform helps drive digital transformation by handling all types of forms and documents including unstructured, semi-structured and structured content and allowing scalability as required.
Susheel John, ibml’s vice president of marketing and strategy, explains, “This could be because of the seasonal nature of a business, a specific discrete campaign or in response to the economic climate. With a Cloud Native system like ibml Cloud Capture, there’s no IT infrastructure requirement, no complex software updates, licensing limitations or integration challenges and customer instances can be scaled on demand when more compute and storage is required thereby generating faster ROI.”
ibml Cloud Capture also addresses other challenges associated with data capture such as manual processes leading to data inaccuracies which can result in missed SLAs, possible financial penalities and – worst case – even customer loss.
ibml Cloud Capture is a standalone capture solution meaning it is scanner agnostic and supports hardware from other OEMs that offer industry standard TWAIN drivers. It also enables organizations to automate document handling processes using the built-in machine learning and Robotic Process Automation technologies within the platform.
ibml Cloud Capture is perfect for organizations in any industry vertical and ideal for a range of business workflows including handling of accounts payable and receivable, claims processing, loans and mortgage applications, case management, along with customer, vendor and HR onboarding.
A unified 3-in-1 platform
ibml Cloud Capture comprises three core services to make deploying information capture and management – using the cloud – quick and easy:
Capture services. Any information from any source – emails, faxes, online forms, scanned data – can be captured, ingested, classified and data extracted using machine learning. The ibml Cloud Capture system ‘learns’ based on content handled and historical tagging to make this a super-fast, accurate and reliable process, reducing the need for human intervention.
Process services. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – one of the fastest growing areas in the global enterprise software market – is used with ibml Cloud Capture to automate the mundane, repetitive and error prone tasks involved with data entry typically done by humans. It is the first unified platform on the market to combine capture with RPA.
RPA also aids the integration of legacy business systems – and getting data into them – without the need for complex APIs to be written as well as for driving and integrating with BPM tools.
Susheel John explains, “Historically if you wanted to import information from a capture solution to a business application, you’d have to manually rekey it in or cut and paste items or undertake custom software integration. Using RPA, you teach a robot to do what a human does using the user interface of the business application. The ‘bots’ then go to work freely. This frees up valuable human resources to focus on customer relationship, revenue enhancement opportunities and so on.’
Content services. Integral to ibml Cloud Capture are the content management features that allow the secure storage and retrieval of any content in a Microsoft repository such as SharePoint or Azure Blob storage.
Where firms use Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365 or SharePoint – which most organizations now do – ibml Cloud Capture leverages this investment and connects seamlessly providing the ability to search, find and view from ibml Cloud Capture. This allows documents to be retrieved quickly based on tagged document data. It also enables users to effortlessly sort and filter document data and dynamically edit and share it with others. ibml Cloud Capture can also integrate with other legacy ECM systems organizations may already have such as Alfresco, IBM FileNet Content Manager, Open Text Documentum and others.
Martin Birch, President and CEO of ibml explains, “ibml Cloud Capture has been developed to provide unmatched flexibility and security. Our solution is architected so that all the data and documents reside on the customers’ own on-premise or cloud infrastructure and only pass through the ibml platform for processing, which ensures our customers’ data is always secure and that they have complete control. We are excited to bring to the market an innovative platform that combines data capture powered by machine learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Content Services that together will help our customers accelerate their digital transformation journey.”
Pricing and availability
ibml Cloud Capture is available today based on a ‘pay for what you need’ annual subscription model given the volume of documents processed and the features used within the platform.
ibml launches new ibml FUSiON 7200 scanner to help customers accelerate their digitization initiatives.
Remote working has accelerated a need for digitization. ibml FUSiONTM 7200 brings best in class scanning technology for high volume scanning at an affordable price- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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…Remote working has accelerated a need for digitization. ibml FUSiONTM 7200 brings best in class scanning technology for high volume scanning at an affordable price…
Birmingham, AL – February 3, 2021 – ibml announces today the launch of the new ibml FUSiON 7200 high volume production scanner aimed at business process outsourcers (BPOs), shared service centers and enterprises that need to convert large volumes of documents and integrate them quickly into a variety of line of business applications and workflows.
Designed to process up to 285 letter pages per minute at 300 dpi1, the ibml FUSiON 7200 is an extension to the ibml FUSiON series of ultra-high volume scanners launched by ibml last year and is specifically targeting the high volume production scanner segment.
Chad Eiler, vice president of product management, explains, “ibml is the global leader in mission-critical high volume intelligent capture and is the de-facto standard in the world’s largest mailrooms. With the launch of the ibml FUSiON 7200 we have made it more affordable for mid-tier customers and especially BPOs to benefit from this level of technology without compromising on quality of images, reliability or speed that customers expect of ibml.”
ibml FUSiON 7200: ideal for centralized mailrooms
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, organizations commonly used desktop or departmental scanners to digitize in-coming mail or other documentation. With many office workers now asked to work from home, there is renewed interest in providing a centralized scanning approach for mailrooms – irrespective of the industry sector – to streamline and speed up the paper handling process, as well as progressing other digital transformation projects.
Chad Eiler says, “The ibml FUSiON 7200 is a great value for price-performance, at 292 pages per minute throughput, with unlimited duty cycle reliability for multiple shift operations. Customers can add more capacity or replace multiple desktop scanners for large volume document conversion with a better return on investment (ROI).”
The scanning system includes ibml’s image processing system – iQproTM – which ensures quality scans first time, every time and provides automatic de-skewing, rotation, cropping and color correction among other features. From a single scan, iQpro also allows simultaneous output of color, greyscale and bitonal images.
Features designed for high speed and reliable document conversion
Compared to competitive products, the ibml FUSiON 7200 scanner has a range of features to deliver the speed, reliability, document handing and image quality expected of a production system:
- A wide, open-track transport system able to cater for documents up to 13.5 inches wide allows a range of documents and envelopes to be processed. In addition to a wider field of view, this allows the capture of corners of documents if they are skewed;
- The open-track system lends itself to easy document handling and access;
- Multi-feed detection with six ultra-sonic sensors to ensure dependable document handling across the document transport to catch misfeeds early in the process;
- Ergonomic document feeder controls to deliver higher operator productivity and comfort during long shifts;
- A hopper designed to take up to 1,500 sheets while allowing the continuous feeding and backfilling of pages as the scanner is running;
- Left justified feeding makes it easier to prepare mixed batches of documents;
- A motorized pocket to aid the neat stacking of documents once scanned. Like the feeder, it takes 1,500 sheets. Also included is a straight-through runout tray which enables exception documents of up to A3 size to be catered for and to sort out batch or document separators;
- Robust industrial design with separate airflows for paper transport and electronics safeguard the electronics from paper dust thereby enhancing reliability and system uptime for continuous operations;
- A range of optional accessories is available to add intelligence to the scanning process. These include a barcode reader, MICR2reader for check processing, plus an inkjet printer to date/time stamp documents for audit trail and compliance purposes. A specialized pocket option is also available which is designed to handle delicate documents.
Martin Birch, ibml’s president and CEO says, ”Hand built in the USA, ibml FUSiON is not just the world’s fastest document scanning system but with FADGI 3 star compliance it also delivers superior image quality. ibml FUSiON demonstrates our continued commitment to innovate and deliver real-world productivity improvements. Customers love the enhanced speed and performance that ibml FUSiON delivers to their operations. The introduction of the new ibml FUSiON 7200 expands the ibml FUSiON family, allowing us to introduce the benefits of ibml FUSiON to an even wider group of customers’’
Pricing and availability
The ibml FUSiON 7200 scanner is available today priced from US $89,000 with optional accessories, software, professional services and support also available.
1 – Dots per inch
2- Magnetic ink character recognition
ibml Launches New ibml FUSiON HD High Volume Intelligent Document Scanner
FUSiON HD is designed to meet the high standards of image quality in an integrated workflow so customers can achieve maximum productivity without compromising throughput.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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New 600 DPI Platform Delivers Improved Document Recognition and Unparalleled Intelligence while meeting stringent FADGI 3 Star Image Quality Standards at Industry’s Fastest Speed.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., April 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — ibml, a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions, today announced its new FUSiON HD High Volume Document Scanner designed to meet the exacting Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) 3 star imaging quality standards. The FUSiON HD can quickly digitize high-quality documents at scale so they can be easily archived, shared and utilized while still meeting these high standards. The FUSiON HD scanners continue to incorporate ibml’s unparalleled inline intelligence for document separation, classification, extraction and imprinting at highest speeds even at the higher resolutions.
The FUSiON HD helps organizations enable digital transformation by digitizing paper-based business inputs such as invoices, checks, purchase orders, freight bills, loan agreements and claim forms. FUSiON HD is designed to meet the high standards of image quality in an integrated workflow so customers can achieve maximum productivity without compromising throughput.
“Our sophisticated customers, including many government agencies, are looking for fast, high-quality scanners that also meet the FADGI standards, to speed up their digital transformation initiatives” said Martin Birch, CEO of ibml. “We are glad that we are able to continue to meet the demands of our customers with the latest innovation from ibml the FUSION HD, a truly no compromise product, delivering best image quality and the fastest throughputs in industry today.”
“Our new 600 DPI System enables our customers to achieve high productivity while simultaneously having the intelligence to classify and extract data needed to drive immediate business decisions, and also meeting the most rigid Image Quality standards for archival storage,” said Pete Rudak, Chief Technology Officer for ibml. “This enables complete digital transformations across any document types, and gives our customers peace of mind knowing that the FUSiON will meet the most rigid archival Image Quality requirements, both now and into the future.”
Some new FUSION HD features include:
- 122ppm (industry’s fastest throughput) at 600DPI output enabling digitization at scale for all applications
- New 400DPI and 600DPI output for high quality image output applications for complete digital transformation including specialized applications like fingerprint cards, photographs and other high value records
- FADGI 3 Star standards met at 200DPI, 300DPI and 400DPI
- High quality lossless PNG output for demanding imaging applications
- ICC Color profile matching to meet stringent quality standards
- Integrated ibml Capture Suite (iCS) software offers FADGI Verification module designed to allow operators to have an integrated experience between iCS and ISA’s Golden Thread software. Operators can verify the image quality as often as needed from ibml scanners while maintaining an audit trail. With this module, operators have an integrated single user experience in iCS allowing them to be productive while consuming the least amount of time in ensuring image quality consistency.
“I have been incredibly impressed with the FUSiON HD capabilities. We have been running actual production jobs at 600DPI output and 400DPI FADGI 3 Star compliant output and have been amazed at the speed and productivity improvements in our operations, versus running similar jobs on other competitive high-volume scanners. The FADGI 3-star verification process with a single user interface in ibml Capture Suite has been a breeze versus having to jump through hoops on other competitive devices. I have no doubts we will be adding many ibml Fusions to our own operations and recommending the same to our customers for their high-volume document conversion needs,” said Chris Beasley, CEO, Edge Digital group.
Media Contact:
Laura Often
Zen Media
508-887-3796 -
ibml Launches New Suite of Intelligent Desktop Scanning Solutions
ibml Launches New Suite of Intelligent Desktop Scanning Solutions. Click here to learn about the new product line.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Led by the ImageTracDS 1210, a powerful desktop scanner featuring superior document handling, exceptional image quality and intelligent capture software
ibml, a leader in information capture solutions for the enterprise, today unveiled a new suite of ImageTracDS scanners, the most powerful desktop scanner ever offered. Combining left-justified document feeding, intermixed document scanning (including checks), and the most powerful intelligent capture software available on a desktop scanner, the ImageTracDS 1085, 1155 and 1210 deliver an unmatched total cost of ownership for mid to high-volume capture solutions while extending the exceptional throughput and image quality that are hallmarks of all ibml scanners.
Leading the charge is the ImageTracDS 1210. The device uses a left-justified document feeder to provide a more efficient method for picking and feeding intermixed document sizes, which can be processed co-mingled improving operational processes by reducing document preparation. The ImageTracDS 1210 delivers maximum throughput of 210 pages per minute (ppm) at 300 dots per inch (dpi). In addition to superior cost performance for straight forward scanning applications, all of the ImageTracDS scanners come with two sorting trays that can be configured optionally to out sort items such as checks, separator sheets, or other exception items utilizing ibml’s inline capture technology, DocNetics. The ImageTracDS 1210 sorts up to 200 ppm, making it the fastest sorting desktop scanner in its class. Click here to learn more about the ImageTracDS 1210.
The ImageTracDS 1210 is powered by a version of the same SoftTrac Capture Suite software used by many of the world’s most demanding capture operations on ibml’s ultra-high-volume ImageTrac scanners. DocNetics recognition software captures barcodes, logos, OCR/ICR, check data, and extracts data and classifies documents at scan time not downstream and without recurring click charges. The scanner also supports ibml’s full SoftTrac Capture Suite for end-to-end intelligent capture. The ImageTracDS 1210 can also be operated by other capture software through an industry standard TWAIN driver.
At the same time, ibml announced the ImageTracDS 1155, the next generation replacement for the venerable workhorse ImageTracDS 1150. Sporting the same benefits as the ImageTracDS 1210, the DS 1155 delivers maximum throughput of 155 ppm at 300 dpi and sorts up to 150 ppm. The ImageTracDS 1155 is ideal for a wide range of applications at smaller remote and distributed sites. Click here to learn more about the ImageTracDS 1155.
Unmatched Capture Solutions
Combined with ibml’s ImageTracDS 1085, an 85 ppm scanner with the same intelligent features, ibml now offers an unmatched suite of intelligent capture solutions to meet any capture needs, regardless of the volume.“These new DS models deliver much of the same intelligent automation found on our market-leading ImageTrac open-track scanners but in an efficient desktop format that is priced to compete with high-volume scanners that lack intelligence and sorting,” said ibml Chief Marketing Officer, Dan Lucarini. “Even if your application does not need sorting, the ImageTracDS 1210 or ImageTracDS 1155 image quality,document feeder and intelligent software suite still make it an excellent automation solution. We are offering non-sorting models at a lower price that can be easily upgraded for sorting in the future.”
ibml Partners with Quality Associates Inc (QAI) on Event Featuring National Archives and EPA E-GOV Initiative M-19-21 to Eliminate Paper Processes by meeting FADGI 3 star standard for digitization
ibml shares groundbreaking industry insights from a conference on eliminating paper processes and going digital in government with the M-19-21 initiative while meeting FADGI 3 star standards for digitization- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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ibml, Makers of FADGI 3-Star Compliant Scanners and Software, Lead M-19-21 Paper Challenge
BIRMINGHAM, AL (June 6, 2022) – Today, ibml, a global market leader in high-volume, mission-critical intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions, shares groundbreaking industry insights from a conference on eliminating paper processes in government with the M-19-21 initiative, which lays the foundation for digital transformation in government processes.
The conference co-sponsor was Quality Associates Inc. (QAI), a Konica Minolta company and leading provider of Intelligent Information Management (IIM) solutions, which help federal agencies eliminate paper from their business processes and move information into a managed digital environment to reshape and revolutionize the government workplace. The conference featured industry experts who shared the latest on the current policy and government directive, best practices for organizations embarking on this journey, a practical view of what it takes for a government department to implement, and a technology panel that discussed practical options available today to get started.
The panel was moderated by John Mancini, president of Content Results LLC and former president of AIIM. Speakers included Lisa Haralampas, director of records management policy and outreach, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Katy Perry, principal, KPM Consulting LLC; Paul Van Reed, digitization program manager – East, ERM Division, Office of Enterprise Information Programs, Office of Mission Support, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Scott Swidersky, vice president, Intelligent Information Management Practice, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Inc., and president, Quality Associates Inc.; and Susheel John, vice president, marketing and strategy, ibml.
“We at ibml were extremely proud to sponsor the event featuring experts from the public and private sectors,” said Susheel John, vice president, marketing and strategy at ibml. The event was well attended with nearly 200 participants from different government departments. The entire recorded event is now available here for other customers to access at no cost for their education.
The M-19-21 initiative mandates that NARA will only accept electronic records for all permanent government records after December 31, 2022. To ensure the electronic records created from paper records are good enough for permanent records, they must meet the FADGI 3 Star standards.
Launched in 2007, FADGI (Federal Agencies Digital Guidance Initiative) sets concrete measurable targets for federal agencies to hit when processing digitized and born-digital historical, archival and cultural content. FADGI standards have taken on more urgency with the U.S. Government’s initiative to stop the flow of analog materials into the National Archives after 2022 – and organizations now have the tools to meet ambitious conversion goals with hardware and software from ibml.
“With digital records taking primacy at the National Archives in 2023, having the capability to digitize analog materials rapidly and effectively is essential,” said Martin Birch, CEO of ibml. “Our products and services are made for such mission-critical applications, and our 3-star FADGI rating positions our scanners and software as ideal solutions for government agencies and other organizations worldwide.”
A FADGI 3-star rating is the most widely adopted and accepted quality for unbound document imaging conversions. The 3-star FADGI standards are comparable to ISO 19264-1 Level B international standards. As such, international customers can benefit by using them to meet and measure high-quality imaging standards in their digitization operations.
ibml Capture Suite (iCS) offers a FADGI verification module designed to allow operators to have an integrated experience between iCS and Golden Thread software. With this module, operators have an integrated single-user experience in iCS allowing them to be productive while consuming the least amount of time in ensuring image quality consistency with this periodic verification. Organizations can ensure compliance by putting a process in place where system administrators can enforce the intervals in which operators need to run the test and pass for image quality before continuing with production work. iCS also retains images captured and the results from the integrated FADGI verification process as an audit trail for customers to provide compliance audits if needed.
“In addition to iCS, our ibmlFUSiON scanner digitizes at 474 PPM, which makes it easy for customers to scan and achieve the necessary image quality at scale, in the volumes that they need, without compromising quality,” said Susheel John, VP of marketing and strategy. “Combined with iCS, it makes it easy and effective to measure FADGI image quality standard and maintains an audit trail of all documents being scanned, recording which ones pass or fail so that digitized scans can be verified by users or authorities as needed, and the physical documents can be destroyed to free up valuable office space for other higher value activities.”
ibml receives prestigious award in Germany for Digital Transformation
▷ This year’s winner in the «Hardware» category is the American capture specialist ibml. A new IT age has begun and ibml is a company that represents this new age. We were convinced by ibml because of the capabilities their scanners bring to the critical first stage of a continuous digital process. Contact iBML today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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True to their motto “Inspirational. Alive. Digital. “, an independent jury for the renowned German organization have chosen the most innovative solutions for digital transformation for medium-sized businesses. Every year Initiative Mittelstand selects the best solution for these prestigious awards from several hundred applicants. This year’s winner in the “Hardware” category is the American capture specialist ibml.
“For me, innovation means conceiving and realizing approaches that are not only novel, but above all demonstrably better than the previous ones,” says Beate Heider, Managing Director of Huber Verlag for New Media, and responsible for the Innovation Awards at the Initiative Mittelstand IT 2018. “A new IT age has begun and ibml is a company that represents this new age. We were convinced by ibml because of the capabilities their scanners bring to the critical first stage of a continuous digital process. They open up completely new ways for users to automate key value creation processes throughout an organization. ibml’s scanner concepts are demonstrably more innovative and perform better than the other providers in the market”.
“In addition to digitizing documents, the award-winning ImageTrac© 6000 Series Scanners simplify and accelerate the entire capture process, from scan preparation to post-processing,” said Steffen Unmuth, Sales Director at ibml. “Data is extracted, checked and reconciled during scanning. The follow-on workflow systems can thus process all data immediately.“
Classic users of ibml’s ImageTrac 6000 Series Scanners are scan service providers or computer centers who work for banks, insurances, authorities, ministries or manufacturing companies. With their award, the jury recognized that the ImageTrac 6000 Series Scanners are fundamental to an enterprise’s digital transformation and in the realization of Industry 4.0 concepts in the business world. This is because ibml automates the entire process from inbox to digitizing, checking, extracting and transferring the data to the organization’s databases.
“Our scanners occupy an outstanding position when it comes to implementing new digital processes,” emphasizes Unmuth. “ibml systems deliver 100 percent validated data that all subsequent systems can use.”
Equipped with intelligent capture software, the ImageTrac 6000 Series machines scan documents at a rate of up to 438 A4 pages per minute, classify document types, and extract relevant data. “The ROI of the ibml scanners is typically reached after a few months,” says Unmuth. “In this way, we support scanning service providers and their customers in making a quick and easy entry into Industry 4.0.”
ibml unterstuetzt Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der Unternehmen
▷ Mit ISIS- und Twain-Schnittstellen aufgerüstet haben die Scanner der ImageTracDS-Serie des herstellers ibml das potential, die prozesse in den scan produktionen weiter zu automatisieren und wesentlich zu beschleunigen. Wenden Sie sich noch heute an ibml.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Mit ISIS- und Twain-Schnittstellen aufgerüstet haben die Scanner der ImageTracDS-Serie des Herstellers ibml das Potential, die Prozesse in den Scan produktionen weiter zu automatisieren und wesentlich zu beschleunigen. Der Hersteller von Highvolume-Scannern ermöglicht den Anwendern, intelligente Softwarefunktionen in die Produktion einzubinden, die so bisher in keine Desktop-Scanner integriert sind.
Die Desktop-Scanner der bekannten ImageTracDS-Serie des Herstellers ibml wurden um mehrere neuen Funktionen erweitert. Ab sofort werden sie mit ISIS- und Twain-Unterstützung geliefert. Außerdem sind die Geräte jetzt auch von KOFAX zertifiziert. Damit können sie in jede Scanumgebung bei jedem Scandienstleister und in jeder Poststelle integriert werden.
Die Strategie des US-amerikanischen Herstellers ibml ist es, auf die Änderungen im Markt zu reagieren. Bislang waren insbesondere sehr große, sehr schnelle Scanner gefragt, mit denen die Anwender Dokumente für ihre elektronische Archivierung digitalisiert haben. Doch im Zuge von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 suchen immer mehr Anwender Scanner, mit denen sie die Informationen vom Papier direkt in ihre Geschäftsprozesse einfließen lassen. ibml ermöglicht dies mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 210 digitalisierten Seiten in der Minute.
Auch der linksbündige Einzug für gemischtes Scangut ist ein Highlight, mit dem sich ibml von fast allen anderen Anbietern auf dem Markt unterscheidet. Denn die Vorbereitungszeit für das Scangut und den Scanprozess wird extrem verkürzt: Der Stapel des Belegguts wird lediglich auf die linke obere Ecke gerüttelt. Jetzt können alle Dokumentengrößen problemlos von einem Stapel gescannt werden.
Weitere Features sind die zwei Ausgabefächer sowie die intelligente Software, die Dokumente ohne bemerkbaren Geschwindigkeitsverlust in diese zwei Fächer sortiert. Dabei können die Anwender zwischen einer „statischen“ Sortierfunktion wählen, die aufgedruckte Batchcodes oder Barcodes erkennt und aussortiert. Oder sie können die intelligente Sortierfunktion wählen, die Felder auf dem Dokument analysiert und beispielsweise unterschriebene und nicht unterschriebene Dokumente voneinander trennt.
Und auch das intelligente Drucken bringt dem Anwender große Vorteile: Der Scanner bestätigt und markiert die gescannten Dokumente mit einem aufgedruckten „Stempel“ mit dem beispielsweise Zeit, Ort oder der Name des verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter festgehalten sind.
Die Desktop-Scanner der ImageTracDS-Serie seien besonders schnell und zuverlässig. Damit sparen die Scanproduktionen einen großen Teil der manuellen Nachbearbeitung. Ein echtes Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist die Validierungsprüfungen in der Software, die beim Scannen entscheidet ob ein Beleg gültig oder ungültig ist.
„Unser ‚Software Capture Suite‘-System erkennt die Pflichtfelder und sortiert alle Dokumente in das zweite Ausgabefach, die nicht korrekt ausgefüllt sind. Das ist bei den Desktop-Scannern ein Feature, das nur ibml anbieten kann.“
Notice regarding
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
▷ We have partially implemented our business continuity plan, subsection «Pandemic Flu Plan», and will continue to monitor the situation. All travel, except for essential business needs, has been suspended. Some customers have asked for guidance on the best practices. Contact iBML today!- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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At ibml, the health and well-being of our employees, customers, and partners continues to be our priority. We have amended our operating procedures to minimize risk to all and will continue to follow the guidance from the CDC and government.
- We remain committed to meeting the needs of our customers and we have implemented the following actions:
- We have partially implemented our Business Continuity plan, subsection “Pandemic Flu Plan”, and will continue to monitor the situation.
- All travel, except for essential business needs, has been suspended.
- Quarantine procedures following travel have been implemented.
- Teleconference and virtual meetings are now required for all meetings of more than 3 people.
- Where appropriate, employees are encouraged to work remotely.
The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted supply chains around the globe. The vast majority of our parts and assembly occur in the United States. Currently, we foresee no issues with our parts supply and manufacturing. We are working closely with our suppliers to mitigate any potential impact.
This situation remains very dynamic. We will continue to provide updates as we learn more. We are confident in our contingency planning and preparations.
Some customers have asked for guidance on the best practices for sanitizing our equipment. See Best Practices.
ibml is open for business and will continue to support our customers.Respectfully,
Martin Birch
CEO & President
AI+IM Global Summit 2025
AI+IM Global Summit 2025 is where information leaders like you will discover how to thrive in the age of AI.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
- Event Date : March 31 - April 1, 2025
- Event Location : Hyatt Regency Atlanta
- Event City & State : Atlanta, GA
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Join us at the AI+IM Global Summit, hosted by AIIM (the Association for Intelligent Information Management), where information leaders like you will discover how to thrive in the age of AI. For over 80 years, AIIM has been at the forefront of helping organizations transform their information management practices. As unstructured data becomes the backbone of AI and automation, this event is designed to help you unlock its potential.
While at AI+IM, don’t miss our breakout session, “Accelerating IDP Implementation with Generative AI: From Months to Minutes” where we discuss how simple prompts and Generative AI can dramatically accelerate document classification and data extraction configuration. To learn more, check out ibml Cloud Capture.
Also, be sure to stop by Booth 2 to witness the incredible intelligence, unrivaled quality, and unbeatable speed of the FADGI 3-star-qualified ibml FusionHD 8200 scanner.
If you would like to have a conversation about how you can make your intelligent capture investment more valuable sooner, click to Consult an Expert.
ibml Capture Suite 5.0 Webinar
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- Event Date : February 9, 2022
- Event Location : On-line
- Event City & State : Wherever You Are
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Advance Mission-Critical Capture with One Powerful Platform
See how the market’s fastest software tackles ultra-high volumes.
Register here for a WEBINAR to witness the speed and intelligence of the new ibml Capture Suite 5.0. Watch the software in action with a live demonstration of its new features and capabilities.
Learn about the new features:
- Remote scanning without compromising speed or security
- Improved user experience with the new interface and updated wizards for Job Setup
- Smartest and most accurate, unconstrained handwriting recognition
- And a host of other improvements to “wow” you
When: Wednesday, February 9 at 9:00 am CT
Duration: 45 minutes
ibml Cloud Capture AP/AR Webinar
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- Event Date : February 16, 2022
- Event Location : On Line
- Event City & State : Wherever You Are
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Your AP Invoice Processing with Cloud Capture Technology
Discover how ibml radically transforms your AP/AR workflows.
Register here for a WEBINAR to learn about the challenges AP departments face today and how we can help you solve with ibml Cloud Capture.
Come learn about the challenges and trends with industry expert Mark Brousseau with a live demonstration of how ibml Cloud Capture can transform your AP/AP operations.
When: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 9:00am CT
Duration: 45 minutes
3 IT Upgrades for Powerful Digital Transformation in the IRS
Discover the top 3 IT upgrades driving powerful digital transformation within the IRS, enhancing efficiency, security, and service delivery in the realm of tax administration.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The IRS is implementing transformative IT upgrades to enhance efficiency and customer service. These include:
- Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): This upgrade will automate the processing of paper returns, significantly reducing backlogs and speeding up the workflow.
- Advanced AI Utilization: The IRS will use AI and machine learning to improve customer service through advanced chatbots and data management systems, providing quicker and more accurate responses to taxpayer inquiries.
- Cloud-Based Technology: Transitioning to cloud-based systems will ensure a secure, scalable, and collaborative digital environment, enhancing both tax processing and cybersecurity measures.
For more details, read the full article here.
3 Steps to Better Onboarding Customers
Discover three essential steps to improve customer onboarding, enhancing satisfaction, retention, and loyalty through effective and streamlined processes.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Enhancing customer onboarding can significantly improve customer loyalty and satisfaction in the insurance industry. Here are three key steps to achieve better onboarding:
- Employ Automation: Use automation to streamline data capture, validation, and processing. This reduces manual effort, minimizes errors, and speeds up the onboarding process.
- Personalize Communication: Tailor interactions and communications to individual customer needs and preferences, ensuring a more engaging and relevant experience.
- Leverage Digital Tools: Implement digital platforms to provide easy access to services and support, enhancing the overall customer experience.
For more details, read the full article here.
Accelerating Digital Transformation: Simple Solutions for Complex Problems
Discover how accelerating digital transformation with simple solutions can address complex problems, enhancing efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness across industries.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Digital transformation is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive in a fast-evolving market. The article outlines practical strategies for simplifying complex digital challenges:
- Adopting No-Code/Low-Code Platforms: These platforms empower non-technical staff to create applications, reducing reliance on IT departments and speeding up development processes.
- Leveraging Cloud Services: Cloud technology offers scalable and flexible solutions that enhance operational efficiency and data management.
- Utilizing AI and Automation: Implementing AI-driven tools and automation can streamline workflows, reduce errors, and improve decision-making.
By focusing on these solutions, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve significant operational improvements.
For more details, read the full article here.
AI Can Crunch Critical Data from Historical Healthcare Records—But Only If They Are Digitized First
Explore how AI can unlock critical insights from historical healthcare records through digitization, enhancing data accessibility, analysis, and healthcare outcomes.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The healthcare industry holds vast amounts of valuable data trapped in outdated, paper-based records. Digitizing these records is essential for leveraging AI to analyze historical healthcare data effectively.
Technologies like Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) can automate data capture with high accuracy, reducing errors and enhancing patient care. Digitized records facilitate better diagnoses, improve patient experiences, streamline operations, and support predictive analytics, ultimately transforming healthcare delivery.
For more details, read the full article here.
AI offers a galaxy of opportunities
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To date, a vast amount has been invested deploying traditional recognition technologies such as OCR, ICR and intelligent word recognition to analyze the content of documents and boost automation. Despite this, there are limitations, but the reality of AI resolves these limitations.
AI offers a galaxy of opportunities for firms with high volume document handling workloads
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As seen on Global Banking and Finance Review, ibml’s Ashley Keil, VP sales, EMEA/APAC, discusses how artificial intelligence platforms can radically change, improve and automate how documents are handled and processed.
AI-Powered Document Processing Evolves with Machine Learning
Discover the evolution of AI-powered document processing through machine learning, revolutionizing data extraction, accuracy, and workflow automation for businesses of all sizes.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the deluge of paperwork is a persistent bottleneck. But what if there was a way to streamline document processing, saving time, money, and manpower? Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing how businesses handle documents, offering a path to unprecedented efficiency.
Intelligent document processing, powered by AI, is transforming everything from mailrooms to complex onboarding workflows. By automating mundane tasks, businesses can reduce errors, accelerate processes, and free up employees to focus on strategic initiatives. Learn how this innovative technology is reshaping document management and how your organization can harness its power to drive growth and productivity.
Automated Mailroom – no longer a vision of the future
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Ashley Keil of ibml explains how adding intelligence to desktop scanners can revolutionise mailroom processes.
Cloud-Based Solutions and AI-Driven Digitalization Transform Insurance
Discover how cloud-based solutions and AI-driven digitalization are revolutionizing the insurance industry, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Explore the latest advancements and their impact on insurance processes.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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The insurance industry is undergoing a significant transformation through the adoption of cloud-based solutions and AI-driven digitalization. These technologies streamline data capture, claims processing, and underwriting by automating manual tasks, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency.
Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and machine learning enable faster, more accurate handling of large volumes of data, freeing staff to focus on more strategic activities. This shift not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances customer satisfaction by speeding up claims processing and reducing paperwork errors.
Communisis uses investment in ibml scanners to underpin bureau operations and service major financial services accounts
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Communisis, an OSG Company releases new press release today, June 3, 2019.
Companies Proactively Seek Strategies Amidst Accelerating Digital Shift
Explore how companies are proactively adopting strategies to navigate the accelerating digital shift, focusing on innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving landscape.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In the wake of the pandemic-driven acceleration of digital transformation, businesses are finding that their makeshift solutions are no longer sufficient. This article emphasizes the importance of proactive strategies to stay ahead of the curve. It goes beyond simply digitizing existing processes and highlights the necessity of embracing continuous transformation.
A key aspect of this transformation is addressing common pain points, such as the time-consuming nature of document processing. The article explores how innovative technologies like Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) can revolutionize this area, freeing up valuable human resources and boosting productivity. By tackling both micro and macro levels of digital transformation, businesses can achieve true success in the post-pandemic era.
DM Interview: Rise of the easy integrators
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With ibml adding ISIS and TWAIN drivers to its high volume desktop production range, DM Magazine editor sought out Ashley Keil, the company’s sales director for Northern & Western Europe Africa and India to find out what’s new with their intelligent scanners.
DM Magazine Case Study: Cutting down on payment processing
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Netherlands-based Unisys Payment Services & Solutions (UPSS) is broadening its secure specialist scanning services offerings, leveraging its investment in high volume scanners from ibml.
DM Magazine Interview: Mission: Possible
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DM Magazine interviews ibml’s Vice President of Sales, EMEA/APAC Ashley Keil about how BPOs and enterprises can close the gap to getting 100% data accuracy as part of their capture processes and business workflows.
DM Magazine: Show Me the Money
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Jesse MacPherson, former BPO and Service Bureau Operations Manager now responsible for ibml’s UK, Ireland and Nordics territory, discusses the issues that all scanning operations face and how the use of technology can help resolve them.
Equipping Employees to Succeed in Digital Transformation
Learn how to equip employees for success in digital transformation, focusing on training, support, and tools necessary to thrive in a digitally evolving work environment.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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As businesses navigate the rapid pace of digital transformation, equipping employees with the necessary skills and tools becomes paramount. This article underscores the critical role of leadership in fostering a supportive environment for employees during this transition. It highlights three key strategies to ensure success in a digital-first workplace.
Providing Essential Tools and Training
To thrive in a digital workforce, employees need access to the right tools and training. Innovative technologies like intelligent document processing (IDP) and cloud-based solutions allow employees to work more efficiently and flexibly. These tools help reduce mundane tasks, freeing employees to focus on more strategic activities, thus boosting productivity and job satisfaction.
Emphasizing Flexibility and Autonomy
Flexibility in the workplace has become a necessity rather than a perk. The ability to work remotely and manage tasks autonomously not only attracts top talent but also enhances employee engagement and productivity. By setting clear goals and allowing employees to determine how to achieve them, businesses can foster a more motivated and effective workforce.
Focusing on Collaboration and Performance
Improving collaboration through digital tools can significantly enhance team performance. Clear communication and transparent project management help prevent bottlenecks and miscommunications, ensuring smoother operations and better outcomes. Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and upskilling is crucial for keeping employees engaged and prepared for future challenges.
By implementing these strategies, businesses can better support their employees through the complexities of digital transformation, ensuring a more resilient and agile organization in the long term.
Four AI Trends to Watch in 2023
Explore four key AI trends to watch in 2023, highlighting advancements and innovations that will shape industries, drive efficiency, and transform business landscapes.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Artificial intelligence continues to shape various sectors, driving innovation and transformation. Here are four key AI trends to keep an eye on in 2023:
- Generative AI for Business
Generative AI, capable of creating text, images, and videos without human intervention, is set to expand its commercial use cases. Tools like OpenAI’s DALL.E 2, Midjourney, and Google’s Imagen have already demonstrated the potential for AI in creative fields, and businesses are beginning to leverage these capabilities for marketing, content creation, and customer engagement.
- AI in Cybersecurity
With the increasing complexity of networks and the rise in cyber threats, AI is becoming crucial in cybersecurity. AI can detect patterns and identify suspicious activities in network traffic, helping to prevent data breaches and cyber-attacks. The ability to automate threat detection and response processes is transforming how organizations protect their digital assets.
- AI-driven Vehicles
Autonomous vehicles are another area where AI is making significant strides. AI technologies are being integrated into cars, trucks, and even ships to enhance safety and efficiency. Companies like Tesla are leading the charge with self-driving cars that can predict and avoid obstacles, aiming to reduce the high number of road accidents globally.
- AI Governance and Regulation
As AI becomes more pervasive, there is a growing demand for governance and regulation to ensure its ethical use. The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act and similar regulatory frameworks are being developed to categorize AI systems based on risk levels and to mandate ethical guidelines for their deployment. This trend highlights the importance of balancing innovation with responsible AI usage.
By staying informed about these trends, businesses can better prepare for the evolving landscape of AI and harness its potential to drive growth and innovation.
For more detailed insights, you can read the full article on Forbes.
How Digital Transformation is Transforming Banking
Explore how digital transformation is reshaping the banking industry, driving innovation, improving customer experiences, and enhancing operational efficiencies through advanced technologies.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Digital transformation is revolutionizing the banking industry by enabling banks to meet modern customer expectations and remain competitive against fintech companies. Key areas of transformation include:
- Legacy System Overhaul: Modernizing outdated systems to improve efficiency and reduce bottlenecks.
- Data Utilization: Leveraging big data and AI for better decision-making and personalized services.
- Cloud Technology: Adopting cloud-based solutions for enhanced scalability, security, and collaboration.
By embracing these technologies, traditional banks can enhance operational efficiency, innovate rapidly, and offer improved customer experiences.
For more details, read the full article here.
How IDP Can Minimize Risk with HIPAA Compliance
Understand how Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) can minimize risks associated with HIPAA compliance, ensuring secure and efficient handling of sensitive healthcare information.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In the face of mounting challenges in healthcare, from staff shortages to the surge in telehealth, efficient document processing is more critical than ever. The traditional reliance on physical paperwork, coupled with the sensitive nature of patient information, creates a breeding ground for errors and potential HIPAA violations. However, the rise of intelligent document processing (IDP) offers a transformative solution.
Powered by artificial intelligence, IDP streamlines the conversion of physical documents into digital records, enhancing accuracy and accelerating access to vital patient data. By automating the identification and redaction of protected health information (PHI), IDP mitigates the risk of HIPAA breaches, ensuring compliance and safeguarding patient privacy. Beyond risk reduction, IDP empowers healthcare providers to focus on patient care, streamline administrative tasks, and unlock valuable insights from unstructured data. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, embracing IDP is not just an option—it’s a necessity.
How State Tax Agencies Are Blazing a Trail to Digitization
Learn how state tax agencies are leading the way in digitization, implementing innovative technologies to improve efficiency, accuracy, and taxpayer services.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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State tax agencies are leading the charge in adopting digitization to streamline their operations and enhance service delivery. This transformation is driven by several key initiatives:
- 2-D Barcoding and OCR: Implementing these technologies allows for accurate and efficient data capture from paper returns, drastically reducing manual errors and processing times. This not only improves the accuracy of tax data but also accelerates the overall workflow within tax agencies.
- Federal Push for Paperless Operations: The E-Gov M-19-21 directive is a significant federal initiative aimed at promoting paperless operations across various government sectors, including state tax agencies. This directive encourages the adoption of digital records management, reducing the dependency on physical documents. By transitioning to digital systems, agencies can enhance their efficiency, improve data security, and ensure quicker access to information, aligning with modern expectations for speed and accessibility.
- Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): The integration of IDP technology is revolutionizing how state tax agencies handle document processing. IDP automates the extraction and processing of data from a wide range of documents, from tax forms to supporting paperwork. This technology enables agencies to process large volumes of data accurately and swiftly, meeting the needs of taxpayers more effectively. By leveraging IDP, agencies can provide faster responses to inquiries, reduce processing backlogs, and improve overall taxpayer satisfaction.
These technological advancements are not just about improving efficiency; they also play a critical role in enhancing the security and accuracy of tax data. The move towards digitization helps in minimizing human errors, ensuring compliance with regulations, and protecting sensitive taxpayer information.
Moreover, the adoption of these technologies represents a proactive approach to modernizing government services. State tax agencies are setting a precedent for other government sectors by demonstrating the tangible benefits of digital transformation. This shift is essential for meeting the growing demands of a digitally savvy population and ensuring that government services remain relevant and effective in the digital age.
For more details, read the full article here.
ibml and RT Lawrence Join Forces to Deliver Integrated Payment Processing Solutions
Explore ibml's partnership with RT Lawrence to deliver integrated payment processing solutions, enhancing efficiency in document digitization and payment workflows with scalable technology.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In an August announcement, ibml revealed its strategic partnership with RT Lawrence to deliver integrated payment processing solutions to U.S. customers. This collaboration enhances ibml’s offerings with RT Lawrence’s expertise in remittance and lockbox services, creating a comprehensive, high-efficiency solution for document digitization and payment processing. Through ibml’s FUSiON HD scanner, customers can streamline processes, reduce manual work, and manage documents like invoices and checks in a single, optimized workflow.
The partnership aligns with ibml’s goal to modernize legacy systems and increase operational efficiency for end users, helping businesses expand their service reach while minimizing downtime. Together, ibml and RT Lawrence offer a robust, scalable solution aimed at future-proofing business operations across various industries.
For more details, read the full article here.
IBML CEO on Labor Shortages and Digital Transformation
Gain insights from ibml's CEO on how labor shortages are accelerating digital transformation, driving innovation, and reshaping business operations to maintain productivity and growth.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In response to persistent labor shortages, ibml’s CEO has highlighted how digital transformation and automation can address these challenges. The current labor market, strained by factors such as the pandemic and demographic shifts, requires innovative solutions to maintain productivity and efficiency.
Automation and AI Integration: Companies are increasingly turning to automation to fill the gaps left by labor shortages. AI-driven technologies and intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions are at the forefront, helping businesses manage large volumes of data and streamline operations. These technologies not only enhance efficiency but also reduce the dependency on manual labor, which is crucial in the face of a shrinking workforce.
Emphasis on Digital Tools: Cloud-based solutions and other digital tools enable remote work and flexible job arrangements, making it easier for companies to attract and retain talent. This shift is essential as employees seek better working conditions and more flexibility, which traditional setups often fail to provide.
Economic Impact: The labor shortage is leading to increased wages and inflation, impacting overall economic growth. Companies need to adapt by investing in technology that boosts productivity and reduces operational costs, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of a tight labor market.
For more detailed insights, you can read the full article in the Birmingham Business Journal.
Ibml Digitizes Federal Records, from Housing to Contracts and More
Learn how ibml is transforming federal records management with advanced digitization solutions, enhancing accessibility, security, and efficiency across various federal departments and functions.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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With a looming deadline to digitize all records, federal government agencies are turning to Ibml’s innovative Capture Suite software. This technology not only meets the stringent standards for digital archiving but also offers a host of benefits, including faster workflows, enhanced security, and increased transparency for the public.
Ibml’s intelligent scanning technology converts vast quantities of documents into easily accessible digital formats, revolutionizing how federal agencies handle their records. This move towards digital transformation promises to improve efficiency, accountability, and overall government services. Curious to learn more?
ibml Launches FUSiON HD, Its Fastest Scanner
Discover ibml's FUSiON HD, the fastest scanner on the market, designed to enhance document processing with unprecedented speed, efficiency, and image quality.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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IBML has introduced the FUSiON HD, a high-speed document scanner designed to meet stringent Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) standards. This advanced scanner offers exceptional image quality and efficiency, ideal for organizations managing high volumes of paperwork.
The FUSiON HD enhances productivity with features like intelligent document separation, classification, and data extraction, supporting seamless digital transformation efforts across various sectors.
For more details, read the full article here.
ibml Scannerserie Fusion – Wegbereiter der Digitalisierung
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Das größte Hindernis der digitalen Transformation ist die Menge an gedruckten Dokumenten. Um sämtliche Informationen für die digitalen Prozesse verfügbar zu machen, werden die Papierdokumente gescannt und die Daten erfasst. Die größten Kosten entstehen in der Vor- und Nacharbeiten der Dokumente. Der Einsatz von Dokumentenscannern der ibml Fusion-Serie
reduziert diese Kosten und bringt bisher unerschlossene Informationen in die Prozesse. -
ibml Unveils World’s Fastest, Ultra-High-Volume, Intelligent Scanner: The ibml FUSiON, the Most Comprehensive Intelligent Information Capture Solution
Imaging Business Machines, LLC (ibml), the leading global provider of intelligent information capture solutions, unveiled its next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. The new ibml FUSiON™ Series ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence at blazing fast throughput speeds up to 730 A4 pages per minute and 938 checks per minute.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Imaging Business Machines, LLC (ibml), the leading global provider of intelligent information capture solutions, unveiled its next generation of ultra-high-volume scanners. The new ibml FUSiON™ Series ignites the fusion of disparate capture processes into one streamlined solution, using in-line intelligence at blazing fast throughput speeds up to 730 A4 pages per minute and 938 checks per minute. As the world’s fastest, intelligent, scalable document capture platform, ibml FUSiON accelerates customers’ mission-critical applications by extracting information from documents to digital processes, thus enabling digital transformation.
In a survey by the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), 62 percent of organizations said they, “are committed to digital transformation.” Paper documents remain a large source of business input for organizations. Ever-increasing data volumes demand exponentially faster processing and ways to eliminate tedious and unnecessary pre-scan and post-scan labor, which eats 76 percent of total capture costs and drains operational efficiency1. ibml’s FUSiON brings previously uncontrolled information under control.
“For nearly three decades, the world’s largest organizations in the most data-rich environments such as banking, government and BPOs have trusted ibml to overcome their core information management challenges,” said ibml President and CEO Martin Birch. “Using industry-leading intelligence and accelerated speeds, we extract actionable data, capture insights and expedite critical decision-making for our customers located in over 48 countries. With the ibml FUSiON, shifting to one infrastructure for all capture needs allows organizations to radically reduce real estate, labor and maintenance costs while pushing productivity forward. ibml FUSiON is poised to truly transform those industries with the most demanding document capture needs of today and tomorrow, empowering their digital transformation, while reducing costs.”
Built in the United States, the ibml FUSiON Series sets new benchmarks for high-volume intelligent capture, which include these key highlights:
- Real-time, in-line intelligence that helps understand documents, extracting data early in the process to minimize errors downstream.
- The fastest throughput in its class; ibml FUSiON is 67 percent faster than its predecessor and allows customers to do mission-critical jobs in tight timelines and handle greater volume, driving better productivity and lowering costs.
- New patent-pending ibml iQpro image processing technology optimizes image capture for better accuracy of data extraction from images.
- Feeding enhancements and wider document track minimize exceptions and maximize the variety of document sizes that can be handled.
- Patent-pending envelope detection reduces stops and increases productivity while allowing for reducing the need for separator sheets.
- Motorized output sort pockets neatly stack sorted documents, reducing post-scan costs.
- Document content-based dynamic printing creates smart audit trails for scanned documents, securing the chain of custody of documents.
- User-centric design makes it easy to use, and user-friendly error alerts quickly identify problems, minimizing fatigue and improving productivity.
- Smart industrial design maximizes system uptime with separated airflow systems that keep paper dust out of system electronics.
“ibml FUSiON was developed with our customers, based on a deep understanding of their pain points with different devices they use for high-volume document capture,” said ibml Vice President of Engineering Pete Rudak. “We then applied the right technology and innovation to solve those problems, and the result is ibml FUSiON, a comprehensive solution that combines a sleek modern design with the fastest speed, the highest image quality and the intelligence everyone expects from ibml.”
For more information, visit or call 205.439.7100. Direct media inquiries to Audrey Pannell at or 205.503.5955. Visit the media kit for photos and more:
1 The Total Cost of Scanning: A Framework for Analysis and Improvement, ECM Connection
Audrey Pannell
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ibml: Fit für Industrie 4.0: End-to-End-Automatisierung für die Erfassung der Eingangspost
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Der US-amerikanische Hersteller ibml ist für seine Scanstraßen bekannt, die in höchster Geschwindigkeit Dokumente digitalisieren. Doch das ist laut Steen Unmuth, Sales Director EMEA bei ibml ein Blick in die Vergangenheit. Die heutigen Herausforderungen der Scanner liegen vielmehr darin, Daten aus Dokumenten zu extrahieren, zu validieren und an die nachfolgenden Systeme zu übergeben. Mit dieser End-to-End-Automatisierung macht ibml seine Kunden t für Industrie 4.0.
ibml’s Cloud Capture Now GenAI-Powered for Enhanced Document Processing
Explore ibml’s Cloud Capture with generative AI and LLMs, a low-code platform accelerating document workflow automation and digital transformation with Microsoft Azure integration.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In IDM Magazine’s latest article, ibml’s Cloud Capture platform gains generative AI and large language models (LLMs), enhancing ease of setup and accuracy for document processing. The platform offers low-code integration, streamlining automation and classification for documents from varied sources, while supporting robotic process automation (RPA) and document management. Designed to accelerate digital transformation, ibml Cloud Capture allows businesses to efficiently manage and automate document workflows, including integration with Microsoft SharePoint and Azure. A free trial offers businesses a firsthand experience with ibml’s innovative cloud-native platform.
For more details, read the full article here.
ibml’s Cloud Capture Now Powered by Generative AI and LLMs for Enhanced Document Processing
Discover ibml’s Cloud Capture with generative AI and LLMs, a scalable, cloud-native platform powered by Microsoft Azure, enhancing document management with advanced automation and efficiency.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In a recent announcement featured on Yahoo Finance, ibml unveiled the latest updates to its Cloud Capture platform, now enhanced with generative AI and large language models (LLMs) to redefine intelligent document processing (IDP). This upgrade simplifies setup and improves the platform’s accuracy in automatically classifying and extracting metadata, all while reducing reliance on professional services. Powered by Microsoft Azure, ibml Cloud Capture offers a scalable, cloud-native solution that integrates workflow automation, robotic process automation (RPA), and content management in a single platform, ideal for digitizing content from sources like paper, email, and more.
With user-friendly features such as low-code or no-code integration, attended and unattended RPA, and seamless connectivity with systems like Microsoft SharePoint, ibml’s solution helps organizations automate and streamline document-heavy workflows with ease. The platform’s agility in managing diverse document processes supports companies across sectors, enabling rapid digital transformation and efficiency. To showcase the platform’s capabilities, ibml is offering a free trial, inviting businesses to explore firsthand how Cloud Capture can transform their document management.
For more details, read the full article here.
ibml’s Cloud Capture Now Powered by Generative AI for Superior Document Processing
Discover ibml’s Cloud Capture, now powered by generative AI, offering an efficient, low-code solution for intelligent document processing with enhanced automation and Microsoft Azure integration.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In a recent PR Newswire release, ibml unveiled enhancements to its Cloud Capture platform, now leveraging generative AI and large language models (LLMs) to streamline intelligent document processing. This upgrade aims to simplify setup and enhance out-of-the-box accuracy for classification and metadata extraction from diverse document sources, tackling a key industry challenge—reducing the dependency on costly, time-intensive professional services. Powered by Microsoft Azure, ibml Cloud Capture offers a scalable, cloud-native solution that integrates process automation, RPA, and document management for a comprehensive, low-code user experience.
This powerful platform enables businesses to automate document-heavy workflows with agility and precision, accommodating various content sources like paper, email, and portals. With features like attended and unattended RPA, drag-and-drop integration, and seamless compatibility with systems such as Microsoft SharePoint, ibml’s Cloud Capture supports digital transformation initiatives across sectors. To demonstrate the platform’s capabilities, ibml is offering a free trial, allowing organizations to experience its benefits firsthand in streamlining document management and improving operational efficiency.
For more details, read the full article here.
ibml’s Cloud Capture Now Powered by Generative AI for Superior Document Processing
Discover how ibml’s Cloud Capture, now powered by generative AI, is transforming document processing by streamlining data capture, classification, and extraction to drive digital transformation.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Large language models, ibml’s solution addresses common IDP challenges, streamlining the capture, classification, and extraction of data from diverse document sources. This cloud-native platform offers a robust tool for organizations aiming to automate document workflows, reducing time and manual effort. Explore how ibml is paving the way for efficient digital transformation in document management with these innovative features.
For more details, read the full article here.
ibml’s Cloud Capture Powered by Gen AI for Superior Document Processing
Explore how ibml’s Cloud Capture platform, powered by generative AI, is redefining document management with advanced data capture, classification, and extraction for efficient workflows.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In a recent article on AI-Tech Park, ibml’s Cloud Capture platform is showcased as it integrates generative AI to boost intelligent document processing. This enhancement allows for seamless data capture, classification, and extraction from multiple sources, significantly reducing setup time and manual processing needs. By combining AI with cloud-native flexibility, ibml’s solution helps organizations modernize their workflows and manage documents efficiently across platforms. Learn more about how ibml’s Cloud Capture is setting new standards in document management with innovative, user-friendly automation.
For more details, read the full article here.
Improving data accuracy
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The implications are significant. Inaccurate data is detrimental, bad data erodes operational efficiency, makes decision making less accurate, adds commercial risk, delivers a poor customer experience, and can be too expensive given GDPR rules and the associated penalties. Ashley Keil explores how system integrators can improve data accuracy as part of complex outsourcing projects in this PrintITReseller article.
Insurers Can Earn Customer Loyalty Through Better Onboarding
Learn how insurers can boost customer loyalty by improving onboarding processes, enhancing customer experiences, satisfaction, and long-term retention through streamlined and efficient practices.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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Insurers can enhance customer loyalty by improving their onboarding process. A streamlined onboarding experience, supported by digitization and automation, reduces paperwork and accelerates data processing. Personalization further helps in tailoring services to meet individual customer needs.
By focusing on these strategies, insurers can create a positive initial impression, improve customer satisfaction, and foster long-term loyalty. Efficient onboarding not only meets customer expectations but also boosts retention and revenue.
For more details, read the full article here.
New HD Document Scanner Launches
Introducing the new HD document scanner, revolutionizing document management with high-definition scanning capabilities, increased efficiency, and superior image quality for businesses.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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IBML has introduced the FUSiON HD High Volume Document Scanner, designed to meet the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) 3-star imaging quality standards. The scanner can digitize high-quality documents quickly and is ideal for organizations needing to process large volumes of paperwork efficiently.
The FUSiON HD incorporates advanced features for document separation, classification, extraction, and imprinting, ensuring maximum productivity without compromising image quality. This launch supports digital transformation efforts across various sectors, including government agencies.
For more details, read the full article here.
The power of three
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Martin Birch, ibml’s Chief Executive Officer explains why security if the “must sort” job for companies and their BPO service providers, with ibml giving security the highest possible priority when developing its capture solutions.
Transforming Data Management: How ibml is Revolutionizing Information Capture and Processing
Explore how ibml is transforming data management with cutting-edge solutions like the FUSiON HD scanner and Cloud Capture platform, empowering businesses to optimize workflows for the AI era.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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In a recent HackerNoon feature, ibml is highlighted as a leader in intelligent document processing, reshaping data management for the AI era. The article explores how ibml’s solutions, such as the high-speed FUSiON HD scanner and AI-driven Cloud Capture platform, enable businesses to efficiently digitize, categorize, and manage large volumes of information. With seamless integration options and a focus on automation, ibml empowers organizations to streamline workflows and enhance data quality. Read more to see how ibml is equipping companies for future-ready, AI-driven document management.
For more details, read the full article here.
Unisys Payment Services & Solutions to broaden secure specialist scanning services leveraging its investment in ibml
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Capitalising on its proven track record, modern IT infrastructure and expertise working in the financial services sector, Unisys announced today it is expanding into new markets such as healthcare, legal and government to offer secure and trusted scanning services for organisations seeking to realise the benefits from digital transformations.
Urban Digital Transformation: Insights for Marketers from Global Smart Cities
Discover how global smart cities like Austin and Dublin are leveraging digital transformation, blending legacy and innovation, to offer marketers valuable insights for modern branding.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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A recent MarTech article explores how cities worldwide are using digital transformation to modernize and brand themselves as innovation hubs, offering valuable insights for marketers. The piece highlights how cities like Austin and Dublin blend technology with heritage, preserving history while embracing advancements like ibml’s high-speed digitization for archiving. These efforts reveal key marketing takeaways: balancing legacy with innovation and crafting compelling narratives of transformation. Read on to discover how these urban strategies can inspire forward-thinking marketing approaches for brands in any industry.
For more details, read the full article here.
Why Digitizing Documents is Vital to Preservation
Learn why document digitization is essential for preserving company legacies and improving efficiency, with ibml’s high-speed solutions leading the way in intelligent document processing.- Display Width (Desktop View) : col-lg
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A recent Grit Daily article underscores the urgency of document digitization as businesses strive to preserve vital information and meet modern operational demands. Highlighting the shift from physical to digital formats, the article stresses that intelligent document processing (IDP) is essential—not only for organizational efficiency but also for safeguarding company legacies and historical records. Advanced solutions, like ibml’s FUSiON HD scanner, support this transition by handling high-volume digitization, offering speeds up to 730 pages per minute, which can significantly reduce time and costs.
The article also explores how AI-powered platforms like ibml’s Cloud Capture streamline the digitization process, making it accessible for organizations of all sizes. With the integration of advanced tools and generative AI, companies can now automate tasks and easily manage documents, ensuring data remains secure and accessible. As technology continues to evolve, embracing digitization allows organizations to protect their histories, increase efficiency, and position themselves for future success.
For more details, read the full article here.